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caapi&cannabis...extremely powerfull. Options
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#1 Posted : 2/9/2012 10:03:10 PM
Two nights ago, i had an EXREMELY powerfull psychedelic experience. It must have been either some freaky incident, or the substances i took have an extremely synergising effect that i hadn´t anticipated.

I had taken a caapi-only brew that was made out of 50 grams of caapi-vine. I wasn´t planning to have an extreme experience at all and as i expected i had some moderate effects. 50 grams of caapi normally gives me a feeling simmilar to what meditation does to me, or listening to binaural beats, maybe a little more pronounced, but not very spectacular on it´s own.

After a few hours, the effects subsided and i decided to take a walk.

After a while, i found that i had a joint (marihuana and tobaco) and a lighter in one of my pockets, that i had almost forgotten about, since i recently decided to smoke less of the stuff to prevent it from becoming a habit.

I was walking through the woods, and though it was very cold outside, i decided to smoke it right away. I hadn´t smoked for more than a week anyway, so i was of the opinion that a few tokes only while walking was permitted.

So that´s what i did.

Initially the effects where just what you´d expect from a few tokes. But then it happened....i suddenly found myself totally overwhelmed by the power of it´s effects. I was not experiencing the effects of cannabis, but i was having a full and total ayahuasca experience...and i mean, a caapi & DMT brew with that. I was having very bright, colourfull and vivid DMT visuals and all of the other effects.

But there was something else as well: i had a feeling of total dissociation, close to what NO2 can do, or DXM. I just vanished. It was as if i had no body anymore, as if i was totally disconnected from reality. I could feel that i was still walking through the woods, but in some very freaky way, i was totally disconnected from it...it wasn´t real. I became aware of the fact that i had just died and that i was having a near-death-experience..i was 'walking home', towards my final destination. I knew that i had left my real body behind and that all of this was just a manifestation of something in between heaven and earth.
I felt so sorry for all my family and friends. They would find out days later, after my dead body was found in the woods and they would be so shocked to hear the news. I felt that i hadn´t told them enough how much i loved them, that i hadn´t given them enough time and apreciation.

When i was home again, i layed down on my bed, still totally overwhelmed. It took more than 3 hours before i finally started to land, and when i fell asleep i was still tripping.

I never knew that the combination of cannabis, tobacco and caapi would be THIS powerfull. It was even more powerfull than an average ayahuasca brew with, say, 50 grams of chacruna, and especially the dissociative effects where way beyond normal.

The next day, i felt a bit drained, but very glad to be alive.

Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#2 Posted : 2/10/2012 12:34:26 AM
sounds about right Very happy

the caapi (or rue) / marijuana combination is something i work with pretty often and its very profound when your tolerance is lowered to the herb like that. its more like a new thing in itself though for me, and not so much like a mimosa/caapi brew. But there is definite similarities..I haven't added tobacco yet. I can see that pushing it quite a bit further

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#3 Posted : 2/10/2012 1:17:35 AM
This is really interesting. I had no idea. I'm getting ready for a brew myself this coming week, and I smoke tobacco daily. Do you think there could be an interaction between the Caapi brew or a Mimosa/Caapi brew and cigarettes?

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Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#4 Posted : 2/10/2012 1:29:46 AM
Cigarettes isn't what you want to mix with it..Cigs are not tobacco. They are 4,000 sketchy chemicals + tobacco

Get some mapacho Very happy

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#5 Posted : 2/10/2012 2:07:15 AM
I smoke additive free cigs, American Spirit. I know some Mapacho would be ideal. Do you think they or mapacho would intensify the experience?

Travel like a king
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Conquering the stumbling blocks come easier
When the conqueror is in tune with the infinite
Every ending is a new beginning
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Change your mind, and you change your relation to time
Free your mind and the rest will follow
Senior Member
#6 Posted : 2/10/2012 9:32:16 PM
universecannon wrote:
sounds about right Very happy

the caapi (or rue) / marijuana combination is something i work with pretty often and its very profound when your tolerance is lowered to the herb like that. its more like a new thing in itself though for me, and not so much like a mimosa/caapi brew. But there is definite similarities..I haven't added tobacco yet. I can see that pushing it quite a bit further

So this is normal? Wow, i didn´t know that.
To me this was at least as powerfull as ayahuasca with a DMT plant-admixture...maybe even more powerfull considering the dissociative effects.

If cannabis/harmala is always like that, then i would have to say that not only is it a completely novel sort of experience, TOTALLY unlike what cannabis is normally like, but also that in combination with harmala´s, cannabis is a superiour psychedelic substance, on par with DMT, shrooms and mescaline!!!
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#7 Posted : 2/10/2012 11:09:45 PM
For me is was dissociative enough so that I was removed from my daily linear timeline and time found myself basically stuck in various "frames" of time from previous moments trying to catch up with the frames directly in front of me maybe 10-20 seconds into the future..that was the worst one I had and it was after drinking 80g of caapi and smoking 1 big hit. I usually only smoke 1 or 2 little hits and hold it only for like 3 seconds becasue I have no tolerance at all to cannabis..but I forgot that and held this one hit in and it was too much, uncomfortable and unpleasant. I did not enjoy the expereince however it was interestin.

Same thing happened to me once when I ate torch on the beach, and then some old lady with cancer smoked her medical pot with me and a friend..and I had not smoked for 6 weeks..I started to time travel only this time I was far more spread out I guess you could say throughout the timeline, and was experiencing past and future versions of me speaking to me..it was as if there was a delay or echo effect added to the timestream so that each timeframe from the past would overlap and blend with the frame of the true present, which would then have me experiencing my present reality bleeding over into the future..it was a very disorienting and schizophrenic thing to experience at the time and I ended up wandering around the city in that state for a few hours in the cold without a jacket or any food or water and I am sure more than 1 person wondered what hospital I had escaped from.

At least when it happened again with the caapi I was able to remain calm knowing that it went alot deeper with the mescaline and cannabis mix and I still came down.

Now I always wait until I have come down for a few hours if I am going to smoke at all after ayahuasca and then I only take 1 very small hit and dont hold it. I rarely smoke anyway.

When I smoked cannabis all day long for years this never happened.

It can be very salvia like in how time frames seem to stack and blend in that way.

Also, cannabis on its own if I smoke enough will do the same time travel thing to me.

I never found it to be on par with harmalas+DMT though. I did not get as much insight from it as I do a regualr brew..other than insight into the nature of the timestream I guess.
Long live the unwoke.
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#8 Posted : 2/11/2012 1:41:04 AM
jamie wrote:

It can be very salvia like in how time frames seem to stack and blend in that way.

Also, cannabis on its own if I smoke enough will do the same time travel thing to me.

I never found it to be on par with harmalas+DMT though. I did not get as much insight from it as I do a regular brew..other than insight into the nature of the timestream I guess.

Yea i used to have that stacking frames thing with marijuana when i would smoke ridiculous amounts, usually with a lower tolerance. It happened the first time i got really stoned when i was just going into high school and i had complete ego death and it was like waking up into an alien universe that i knew was 'my life' but i was seeing it from a totally different perspective. the dreams that night was just like being stuck in hyperspace for an eternity. It changed everything and to this day i've had few experiences shatter my universe like that on such a fundamental level as that

Lately i actually get a lot of insight with marijuana and ayahuasca or pharma, even smoking it after a changa session is just amazing for some reason now.

but with aya/pharma i usually smoke it once the nausea hits or if i get in a rut, and it brings me to such a beautiful mind state. The thing that blows my mind-and its the same after changa to- is that when this happens i have zero paranoia and am more open to the cannabis high than ever, whereas if i just smoke pot by itself i tend to have at least a bit of anxiety creep in at some point most times. It seriously helps with mental ruts and nausea though for me and thats usually when i smoke it, turn on some nice music, and everything does a 180

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#9 Posted : 2/11/2012 4:47:20 AM
There is a reason tobacco is often used with Caapi in the amazon.

I believe that the tobacco may have played a major role in the experience.

It affects glutamate like N20 and DXM do.

Try the same thing without the cannabis.
Senior Member
#10 Posted : 2/11/2012 1:37:13 PM
jamie wrote:
For me is was dissociative enough so that I was removed from my daily linear timeline and time found myself basically stuck in various "frames" of time from previous moments trying to catch up with the frames directly in front of me maybe 10-20 seconds into the future.

it was as if there was a delay or echo effect added to the timestream

It can be very salvia like in how time frames seem to stack and blend in that way.

Also, cannabis on its own if I smoke enough will do the same time travel thing to me.

For me, there was something odd going on with time as well. Indeed some sort of delay or echo-effect.

I even think that the reason why cannabis has a psychedelic dimension, is because it slows down, or distorts the passage of time, so you experience everything in a more intensified way. A high dose of cannabis, normally gives me a stroboscopic sort of timeflow already.

Nicotine may indeed have played a role as well. Now i definately want to try cannabis/tobaco with a caapi&DMT brew someday.
Hiyo Quicksilver
#11 Posted : 2/11/2012 7:25:54 PM
polytrip wrote:
Nicotine may indeed have played a role as well. Now i definately want to try cannabis/tobaco with a caapi&DMT brew someday.

I like to put a good dose of hash oil in my aya brew while it's still nice and warm, and then smoke mapacho and changa/freebase. I usually don't take DMT orally with this combo because the combination of the cannabis and ayahuasca (especially with good tobacco) is so strong and dreamily psychedelic that a couple bowls of jungle changa over a few hours is absolutely as good... not to mention more comfortable. I really like chacruna with this combo though, with a good cup of coffee. Twisted Evil
Senior Member | Skills: Relationship & emotional support/counselling
#12 Posted : 2/11/2012 7:28:53 PM
Harmalas are precipitating... I smoke spliffs of mapacho, hasheesh and drum tobacco very frequently, and am now taking piracetam, time to experiment..
i have found even just hasheesh and tobacco to be fairly psychedelic all on their own, even with daily smoking, when you bring yourself to awareness with good posture and deep breaths.
They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
#13 Posted : 2/11/2012 8:10:58 PM
Caapi extract taken sublingually really makes pot feel very powerful... I mean even more powerful than usually. I am not a pot smoker in general but I have tried the combo a couple times.
#14 Posted : 2/15/2012 10:50:24 AM
I figured it would bring out those effects cannabis has on time. Otherwise I'd have tried a big dose of caapi with it by now. But I don't like those feelings and think it may give me too much anxiety. lol
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#15 Posted : 2/15/2012 9:32:24 PM
Nice report Polytrip.
To any of you who has experienced the weed/caapi combo, I have a few questions before I potentially throw myself into another 4 hour ego bashing from pot.
First off, is the experience like smoking/eating a bunch of weed? Or is there a different feel to it?
I'm not much a fan of overdosing on weed, I'm sure a lot of us have been there...
I would very much like to experience this combo otherwise.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
Senior Member
#16 Posted : 2/15/2012 10:05:01 PM
archaic_architect wrote:
Nice report Polytrip.
To any of you who has experienced the weed/caapi combo, I have a few questions before I potentially throw myself into another 4 hour ego bashing from pot.
First off, is the experience like smoking/eating a bunch of weed? Or is there a different feel to it?
I'm not much a fan of overdosing on weed, I'm sure a lot of us have been there...
I would very much like to experience this combo otherwise.

To me, this was a totally new thing, not even close to what it normally feels like. Very psychedelic, but also very weird and alien.
#17 Posted : 2/16/2012 12:33:42 AM
I attempted the harmala+weed combo a couple weeks ago, but I was not able to quite make it there.

I was wanting to go pretty deep, so I ground up 5g of rue and capped them. I had taken 4 and 4.5 grams of Rue without to much of a problem, so I figure it was just be a LITTLE deeper with 5.

As it turns out, 5g is the tipping point for me. I could barely walk, purged twice, and was completely immersed in psychedelia. I was able to get a hit of two of cannabis in right as I was coming up, so maybe that is what threw it overboard?

A little sad that I wasnt able to smoke during the bulk of the experience. Sad
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Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#18 Posted : 2/16/2012 1:03:15 AM
If you are prone to cannabis paranoia I would NOT reccomend this combinaton. For me it did not diminish the paranoia from cannabis at all..so if you are worried about that and it is something you really dislike, either skip this combo altogether or dose it such that you just get a very tiny bit of cannabis so you can judge it or dose the 2 at different times but close enough so that the after effects of one overlap into the other.

Cannabis paranoia is fraken horrible.
Long live the unwoke.
#19 Posted : 2/16/2012 1:33:12 AM
Yes, it can be. I'm very sensitive to what is considered good cannabis by todays standards. I may try this combo with a lot of caapi and a small bit of cannabis. I've never thought of cannabis as feeling "alien" like other compounds. Interesting..
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[url=https://kambo.me/smf/index.php?topic=395.0]Tobacco Disinformation

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#20 Posted : 2/17/2012 10:27:43 PM
I am very sensitive to caapi altogether amd DMT. But smoking 3-4 dried caapi leaf cigarettes before, during, middle and end of oral experiences or changa experiences I found adds just a tidbit of potentiation that is although very noticeable and an excellent boost imho.

Even just smoking afew caapi joints during the day is an excellent and very noticeable enhancer on smell,color,sound and the overall enhancement of your wellbeing. <3
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