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#1 Posted : 2/7/2012 1:57:50 PM
I was given , some months ago about 1/2 g of spice. I had a few really good trips on it nothing too heavy (15-20mgs) Unfortunately i have a rather bad opiate addiction that is normally under controll with a methadone script but when i have cash I go out and binge on heron. The day I started the last binge my head just wouldnt let me use any more DMT - it didnt seem 'right'. I am coming to th end of the latest one and my thoughts are already turning towards loading up the pipe.
My question, such as it is, is does anyone else find that while partaking in other drugs it doesnt feel comfortable thinking about or doing any DMT.
#2 Posted : 2/7/2012 4:35:04 PM
For the most part, DMT actually encourages me to be healthy and stay active. It used to not while I was binging on it (a general reaction at the beginning of the relationship for a lot of people I think Pleased), but now that I limit it to once or twice a week and keep myself busy at school, with life, and friends, I see so much more benefit. I never got involved with opiates so I'm not sure about how thinking about it under their influence would affect me, but I wouldn't say that DMT has the power to make you feel bad.

Personifying DMT into "God" and then letting that "God" guilt you is completely against what I believe the psychedelic experience is about. It is about coming to acceptance of who you are, and progressing from there. I would say it would be to get comfortable with yourself, but being comfortable breeds contentment and halts progression. But... what's funny is that progression breeds contentment in the fact that you are progressing. haha.

I know that last paragraph is kind of a reach of where you are going. It's just one of those things I like to remind myself of as I am overly critical of myself and have to remember to just let go. No need in making myself feel bad...
We are...
We are like that sentence.
We are not finished.
Moderator | Skills: Oil painting, Acrylic painting, Digital and multimedia art, Trip integration
#3 Posted : 2/7/2012 4:38:09 PM
DMT, and psychedelics in general, can be truth drugs in the true sense- all the truths of your life are laid bare. Opiates are at the far other end of the spectrum- a place to retreat when you want to hide from yourself. So no, they are not compatible. Maintaining addictive behavior involves bulshitting yourself daily, living the big lie- a very uncomfortable place to be while under psychedelic self-scrutiny.

On the other hand, if you are ready to take that big step and leave the self-destructive behavior behind you, a couple spice ceremonies where you are focused on your new path- that could be a powerful and positive affirmation.

Wait until you really mean it!
#4 Posted : 2/7/2012 4:48:47 PM
Indeed that sounds like quite a habit, shooting up Heroin on top of a methadone script. Imo., I think DMT is better for those who are not substance dependant, I've taken Herion before, I certainly wouldn't have felt like taking DMT with it. Also God help anyone doing DMT in a full blown withdrawal from either Heroin or Methadone or other synthetic opioids, I doubt it would make for a pleasant experience. ( though it might show you things that you may need to see) Street Herion is nasty stuff, Can't you stick with the Methadone and occasional DMT?

Good luck anyway.

#5 Posted : 2/7/2012 5:01:31 PM
I know I'll get frowned upon for admitting this but I've smoked dmt on heroin. I definately did'nt get anything out of it and actually nodded out during the trip. I used to be a really bad H addict for 14 plus years, but functional (always worked and never let it completely take over my life). Now I'm not physically addicted, but the mental part never goes away, and I relapse occasionally. IMO I don't believe spice will cure an addiction. For me it keeps me in the right frame of mind to deal with it and take things day by day. Everyones got demons. Opiates are mine. I don't get down on myself for doing what I do. Even the 'spice Gods' have told me it's OK if you screw up nobodys perfect, you're doing good... It's hard to explain. Now if I went and did meth or coke that would be an unjustifiable screwup IMO and I'd be in for a good reaming next time I entered hyperspace.

Anyway, I don't know if you've ever been clean off opiates, but I can definately tell you STOP! You'll feel soo much betterVery happy But you know that already and I'm not here to preach...
I have an overactive imagination, and am certifiably insane. So anything I post is purely fictional.
#6 Posted : 2/8/2012 3:23:11 AM
get ahold of some iboga root or ibogaine it stopped addiction in its traccks. and also I'vE read that salvia is also good for that.

gOod luck my friend.
Moderator | Skills: Oil painting, Acrylic painting, Digital and multimedia art, Trip integration
#7 Posted : 2/8/2012 4:17:44 AM
Ibogaine is absolutely worth doing some research on- its special superpower is dealing with addictions. Supposedly it allows the user to sort of re-live the pivotal moments in their lives that brought them to their present situation, then sort of re-wire from there. Not sure if it's worth trying on your own- a threshold experience is looong (24 hours...?) and has a high toxicity. I believe there are clinics in South America, maybe Holland, where you can use it under supervision.

...but of course you know it's really all up to you. And I'm sure you are aware there's really no true cure for addiction, only effective management techniques. The good news is that opiate recovery is not incompatible with responsible psychedelic use.
#8 Posted : 2/8/2012 9:03:48 AM
Unfortunately I have been using heroin on and off - mainly on - for 30 years or so , I doubt I will ever stop completely. I know all about Ibogaine and have a friend who tried it in fact more than once and it isn't the 'cure all' its made up to be- though undoubtedly very strong medicine and would ,I think , be effective on one who has not used as long as me.
The problem if it is a problem (i function well ,have a job and family)is I have no desire to stop as I love the drug to much.
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