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A Brief Introduction Options
#1 Posted : 2/6/2012 12:56:32 PM
Greetings fellow Travelers!

SWIM is a moderately seasoned psychonaut, who through his explorations discovered, that indeed, there is much more than meets the eye to the world of psychedelics, predominately tryptamines. He is very familiar with the effects of LSD, psilocin/psilocybin, and had also dabbled in hand full of psychoactive phenethylamines including MDMA, MDA, and some RC's (including, but not limited to: [2C-*'s, DO*'s, 4-methyledrone, Methylone]**). Until, in relative terms, it was not well understood by SWIM that the effects of such substances could be used as a tool for exploring consciousness. Although he had been tangentially aware of more the sacred and medicinal uses of such medicines, he had the tendency to use the to "get fucked up" (pardon slight departure from the attitude agreement). More recently, his trips where growing darker in nature, but he still enjoyed their effects, but felt that the darkening hallucinations were a reflection of his misuse of the medicine. Upon this realization, he stepped away for a little while, to focus on other aspects of life. But he still felt the call. The universe, too, called out for him. This time SWIM had a choice. To step across the threshold into allowing their use to grant him an insight and perspective alien to day to day life. Or continue abusing these medicines. SWIM chose the former.

Through his journey's spice had presented it self in scare quantities, and the timing was never right. Regardless, he sometimes chose to indulge. None of the times from then until now has he breached. But after reaching and crossing the threshold and making the decision to ingest these compounds for reasons above and beyond self-satisfaction (which if that's your intention, leads you nowhere fast), the Spice began to reveal itself to him through AFOSWIM. While SWIM appreciated the concerns of the Nexus that users of spice likely ought go through the process to extract or synthesize it himself, such faculties are still beyond his grasp. SWIM's friend understood where he was coming from, and made an exception in allowing SWIM to obtain some of what his friend had produced. SWIM now has a smallish personal stash with which he want's to explore hyperspace, and to share with other friends of SWIM's who he feels are in the right Set and Setting to experience the Spice with him. SWIM is gifting what he, regrettably, paid for.

SWIM is slightly excited and/or anxious, feels a little bit of trepidation, and is, above all, overwhelmingly curious (just generally speaking about life as a whole, as well) about Spice, and is excited to interact with an online community of more experienced travelers so that his journeys into uncharted regions of hyperspace will be guided by the wisdom of elders, and in turn, as he gains experience, turn over that knowledge the the next generation of would be travelers.

An aside: SWIM is also interested in things beyond the use of drugs. He is developing his own spiritual life on his own terms, borrowing from what rings true, creating art, both visually, linguistically, or with audio, and thoroughly loves when the three can be blended together to create a hyper-sensory experience. As part of his spiritual awakening and transformation that is in progress, he has also decided how and in what way he wishes to direct his energies towards developing a healthier global community through, which is sustainable organic farming. While he has yet to in actuality participate in the 'field' yet (pun intended), SWIM is actively planing and researching options and opportunities, and has a committed network of friends sharing similar interests who are working towards a common goal with SWIM.

I hope that my short introduction give's the rest of the Nexus to have an idea where I am coming from.

Cheers [:

** YUCK!!!!
#2 Posted : 2/6/2012 2:25:53 PM
AMENDMENT: SWIM insufflated (an admittedly unknown quantity, if he had to guess he would say 125mg [Yes SWIM knows you should understand whatsize of a dose he is taking {SWIM also felt the call to breakthrough now, and has no regrets}]) after having an experience short of 'break through' at 60mg insufflated. First entrance to hyperspace for SWIM. At once bewildered and understanding. Thank you.
Moderator | Skills: Oil painting, Acrylic painting, Digital and multimedia art, Trip integration
#3 Posted : 2/6/2012 4:23:36 PM
It's not unusual for one to begin initial psycedelic exploration as simply a way of partying. As teens, we are often offered LSD the first time in a party environment, alongside Mad Dog 20/20 or whatever... And then some of us are fortunate enough to discover its true potential, often by accident (my initial awakening was totally unplanned and unanticipated- this was Pre-Internet, so information was all but nonexistent). Congratulations on attaining this understanding and aiming yourself in a more purposeful direction- that's a huge step.

I too am not in a position to extract my own spice- crikey, I got the mother in law living here, bless her. Instead, I was able to interface with a local community of respectful users, and share with them. There is nothing wrong with this approach, long as your intentions are in the right place.
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