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scaring people on dmt Options
#1 Posted : 2/6/2012 12:15:09 AM
the other day i was at the rainbow serpent festival, and i ran into a bloke i know who until recently used spice quite a lot with his friends. what was horrifying to me was his stories about how him and his mates have used the spice in the past. I actually met this fellow at an outdoor festival when him and his group of mates came bursting into our camp and started pulling cones of changa and acting like real dickheads so i kinda knew that these dudes didn't use spice respectfully. firstly he is very quick to admit that he doesn't use spice for any spiritual reasons whatsoever, and just loves to get fucked up with mates and go into 'supermario visuals' (his own words) mode.... mainly at doofs (the name we have hear for outdoor trance parties). these guys are all pretty rough edged. they've lived in the city their whole life and party hard. anyways, this guy was telling me about how him and his mates muck around when using changa and try to scare each other as much as possible. he said they'd always had good fun doing it and it was kept pretty lighthearted, but that last time his mates went a step further with him when he had a large dose and put him through absolute misery. he laid in his tent in tears screaming while his so called 'mates' did their best to scare the life out of him.. and it sounds like they did...for the rest of the night he remained in the tent in tears needing to be with his girlfriend, pondering the experience... he decided he would not touch changa again. he has however come to realise just how important it is to use changa with a spiritual attitude which i am glad about.

any of you psychonauts know of people doing this? i was horrified when i found out fully how they were using it... shame too cos that changa had a beautiful spirit to it... what a waste and disrespect more than anything
#2 Posted : 2/6/2012 12:35:43 AM
When I was much younger and acid at the time was a national sport it was quite common for people to play mind games with each other, but we were 14 when we first explored so I guess it was just a fact of the situation that we were stupid little kids sometimes.

With regards to the whole spiritual thing (maybe I am focusing on semantics a bit too much), I don’t think there is any need to bring that into it. Some people feel it, others don’t (me for instance). What is important is that spice is insanely powerful and should be treated with the respect you would afford any powerful and potentially dangerous tool.
D × V × F > R
#3 Posted : 2/6/2012 3:53:36 AM
These people sound like ignorant buffoons to put it lightly. Why would you try to ruin such a potentially beautiful experience?! Yet another reason to fly solo...
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#4 Posted : 2/6/2012 4:14:29 AM
It would be the last time I associated with somebody if they intentionally tried to scare me while tripping. Forgive my language but that is the biggest asshole move somebody can do to somebody while tripping. Just disgraceful to be honest.
"I was going to make a machine, but after reading here in the Nexus, everyone makes it sound like trying to smoke spice without a VG is like trying to have sex without fully formed genitals..." -- Pup Tentacle.

**Believe this guy at your own risk**
#5 Posted : 2/6/2012 6:23:30 AM
yep its stooping pretty low. pretteeehh pretteehh prettty low.
#6 Posted : 2/6/2012 6:30:04 AM
and such blasphomy with the particular changa they were doing it with too. i had the pleasure of taking some home and when i smoked it i had the single deepest breakthrough i have ever gone through on changa. really jungle-like vibes too.... very earthbound. saw an entity that was wearing very ancient amazonian type garments with a headrest and he was blowing smoke at me and ducking into the patterns and emerging at different points in them. at the time it felt like this entity was the spirit of a living human who was travelling hyperspace at the same time as myself... but who knows, that was just my gut feeling

its strange that this stuff ended up in the hands of people like that
#7 Posted : 2/6/2012 1:19:17 PM
d*l*b wrote:
When I was much younger and acid at the time was a national sport

I lol'd Very happy
This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
#8 Posted : 2/6/2012 11:09:19 PM
Sometimes my friends and I will play very lighthearted, little mind games, but only on lower doses of psilocybes or acid. One of the funny ones was convincing our friend that he had not actually drank his water, but instead had simply absorbed it with his mind! Laughing Also one time, while under the influence of solely cannabis, me and another friend convince a third friend that we were speaking in alien language, when we were in fact just speaking gibberish.

I would never, ever, EVER play anything serious on anyone while tripping though. That is just so wrong, and there is a very clear line between little jokes that everyone enjoys and cruel tricks.
Parshvik Chintan
#9 Posted : 2/6/2012 11:56:56 PM
bricklaya wrote:
yep its stooping pretty low. pretteeehh pretteehh prettty low.

larry david, is that you?
My wind instrument is the bong
#10 Posted : 2/7/2012 12:49:32 AM
zoopzop wrote:
Sometimes my friends and I will play very lighthearted, little mind games, but only on lower doses of psilocybes or acid. One of the funny ones was convincing our friend that he had not actually drank his water, but instead had simply absorbed it with his mind! Laughing Also one time, while under the influence of solely cannabis, me and another friend convince a third friend that we were speaking in alien language, when we were in fact just speaking gibberish.

I would never, ever, EVER play anything serious on anyone while tripping though. That is just so wrong, and there is a very clear line between little jokes that everyone enjoys and cruel tricks.

My friends and I would do the same, in fact its fun to play around with the nuances of confusion when under light doses. Someone I know smoked Salvia and his buddy said stuff like "I'm satan, you're in hell", totally scared the crap out of him. Can't even imagine that.
#11 Posted : 2/7/2012 1:04:11 AM
bricklaya wrote:
they've lived in the city their whole life and party hard. anyways, this guy was telling me about how him and his mates muck around when using changa and try to scare each other as much as possible. he said they'd always had good fun doing it and it was kept pretty lighthearted, but that last time his mates went a step further with him when he had a large dose and put him through absolute misery. he laid in his tent in tears screaming while his so called 'mates' did their best to scare the life out of him.. and it sounds like they did...for the rest of the night he remained in the tent in tears needing to be with his girlfriend, pondering the experience... he decided he would not touch changa again. he has however come to realise just how important it is to use changa with a spiritual attitude which i am glad about.

I hope he also learned to stop associating with people of that kind. The people you surround yourself with create your reality. But I suppose here at the Nexus I'm preaching to the choir. Pleased
#12 Posted : 2/7/2012 1:09:08 AM

wonder if larry has found the spice.. or whether the spice has/will find larry

would be interesting for his comedy
#13 Posted : 2/7/2012 3:43:45 AM
Purges wrote:
These people sound like ignorant buffoons to put it lightly. Why would you try to ruin such a potentially beautiful experience?! Yet another reason to fly solo...

I've got to agree. Someone did that to me we'd probably be fighting soon as I came to. Well I'd want to but then I'd be putting myself on their level.
I have an overactive imagination, and am certifiably insane. So anything I post is purely fictional.
Senior Member
#14 Posted : 2/7/2012 4:30:35 AM
ok ok ok, I'll admit it.... I used to have a cassette tape that I left on the dashboard of my car by accident.
It got kinda melted a little bit. I think it was "Primus -Pork Soda" a fine album.
Anyway it would randomly slow down and get all funky and then resume normal speed due to the tape being badly damaged.

I used to play it at my house when we were all tripping and pretend there was nothing wrong with it.
"We're selling more than a cracker here," Krijak said. "We're selling the salty, unctuous illusion of happiness."
The Traveler
Administrator | Skills: DMT, LSD, Programming
#15 Posted : 2/7/2012 11:27:53 AM
Ringworm wrote:
ok ok ok, I'll admit it.... I used to have a cassette tape that I left on the dashboard of my car by accident.
It got kinda melted a little bit. I think it was "Primus -Pork Soda" a fine album.
Anyway it would randomly slow down and get all funky and then resume normal speed due to the tape being badly damaged.

I used to play it at my house when we were all tripping and pretend there was nothing wrong with it.


Then again, it sounds like all involved agreed to this Primus tape and as such each had their saying in it.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#16 Posted : 2/7/2012 12:54:23 PM
Ringworm wrote:
ok ok ok, I'll admit it.... I used to have a cassette tape that I left on the dashboard of my car by accident.
It got kinda melted a little bit. I think it was "Primus -Pork Soda" a fine album.
Anyway it would randomly slow down and get all funky and then resume normal speed due to the tape being badly damaged.

I used to play it at my house when we were all tripping and pretend there was nothing wrong with it.

I would never scare trippers, but the closest I came to something like the above was when me and my friends were in the woods on some acid. All'improvviso we began to act out the rise and fall of a mock society living in the woods. It was pretty light-hearted and funny. I took my phone and started playing Tommy Emmanuel's "Initiation" from his live Center Stage album, but kept my phone in my sweatshirt pocket out of sight. It starts with low windy, woody scraping sounds from the heavy delays of the acoustic. We were walking along, and mild confusion began setting in as they had a bit of difficulty locating where the subtle sounds were coming from, but they figured it out rather quickly, and everyone found it to be in good fun. For those of you who haven't heard the song, I highly recommend you looking into it. I imagine it would make a great spice song actually.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
Moderator | Skills: Oil painting, Acrylic painting, Digital and multimedia art, Trip integration
#17 Posted : 2/7/2012 4:51:53 PM
Scaring a tripping person is an act of psychological violence. You can actually do permanent damage to someone's sense of securiy or self-esteem. It's also an egotistical power trip, the opposite of what I believe is the correct intention when sharing the transcendental experience with others.

It's far more enjoyable to bring in great psychedelic art or music to share during a trip- if you just have to mess with someone's mind, mess with it in a good way!
Senior Member
#18 Posted : 2/7/2012 7:49:36 PM
The Traveler wrote:

Then again, it sounds like all involved agreed to this Primus tape and as such each had their saying in it.
Kind regards,
The Traveler

If I remember, I payed for it that one night..... Karma is a bitch.

I had a pipe for smoking "tobacco" Mind ya I was already 4papers to the wind... Anyhow, after smoking said pipe, I stuck it in the pocket of my awesome brown cords. Well I guess the wind picked up a bit and I saw this awesome red glow from my thigh.
Of course I thought this was insanely groovy and I was totally getting into the flaming rocks and sparks falling out of my leg.

me- "Wow this is the coolest thing, I'm a supernova!"
BK- "dude your fucking pants are on fire"

Anyway, I was pretty well unharmed with the exception of the loss of leg hair and walked around for the next 5 hours with a 6inch burn hole where my pocket used to have been.
"We're selling more than a cracker here," Krijak said. "We're selling the salty, unctuous illusion of happiness."
#19 Posted : 2/7/2012 7:57:32 PM
Unintentionally scaring someone is totally different...looking back when first introduced I went to my weed dealers house when his friend was just coming back from his first journey and my presence alone scared him. Talk about wrong timing as he was asking me abunch of questions of who I was and what I did very paranoid like...me never have done dmt then, I was second thinking it and when I did decide to indulge I made sure to fly solo. That was my weed dealers bad as he should've made it a point not to have someone walk in during that time.
#20 Posted : 2/7/2012 9:40:42 PM
I will actually admit that ive done some stupid things to some of my hardcore party i do psychedelics only for the fun of it, and the higher dosage the cooler i am kinda - Persons.

I told them, Hey i got this new thing, Its called dmt. they never heard about it, and after some time, they wanted to try. Pretty high on everything else also.
So i loaded up 80-90mg with dmt, and watched the show.

I tell you, after they came back to reality, They have never done any other substance then dmt, and their now doing it not that often either, i guess the dmt told them something Pleased
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