Just something that crossed my mind.. who else plays an instrument? I've got a couple of acoustic guitars and a semi-acoustic, also a mighty ukulele; Thinking of getting a banjo next. What about you? This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
Ever played in hyperspace?  I play whatever I can get my hands on, primarily stringed instruments, percussion, and virtual. Playing on psychedelics has been some of the most joyful and meditative moments of my existence.
Guitar. I mess around with flutes and hand drums occassionally. Also a bit of chanting/throat singing. Sang during my last spice trip, just couldn't contain it--my voice is normally a raspy mess, but the spice had me sounding like an angel. I hope that happens again. "Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein
I appreciate your perspective.
i play guitar, and a bit of keyboard and i write electronic music too with lots of my own sounds  i mainly write progressive trance, and wierd progressive dub i have to say, over the past few years, music has been my saving grace http://soundcloud.com/us...086978/the-wooly-gabbothhttp://soundcloud.com/us...8/the-mechanics-groove-1anyone ever sung in hyperspace? after hearing terence talk about this i am really keen to start using my voice in the experience more. i made a shaker the other day from whittling a stick and putting a ping pong ball on the end.. hoping it will have a positive effect when using changa mainly
۩ wrote:Ever played in hyperspace?  I play whatever I can get my hands on, primarily stringed instruments, percussion, and virtual. Playing on psychedelics has been some of the most joyful and meditative moments of my existence. Not in hyperspace, but have done so on acid -- crazy shit, the string vibration manifesting as color  And the sound.. it takes you to places.. I *love* playing on MDMA, it just flows.. acid or shrooms is a feast of the senses, on M it's different. I treasure these moments, because MDMA is not something I do with any frequency (<2 times a year, mostly not even that). This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
trumpet and piano, keys , i do it full time, I'm insane. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Arthur C. Clarke http://vimeo.com/32001208
Guitar I'd say I was near proficent with the most, but I can get a near enough passable sound out of a sitar and a tabla. Then of course I just love my didjeridoo  and of course my producing of electronic stuff I need to take more seriously.
nexalizer wrote:Just something that crossed my mind.. who else plays an instrument?
I've got a couple of acoustic guitars and a semi-acoustic, also a mighty ukulele; Thinking of getting a banjo next.
What about you? Been a musician most of my life. Parents play. I'm primarily a guitar player, but I started with keyboard and drums. I currently have 2 strats. 1 I keep in open E. The other is an 84 fender elite (only made them one year). I have an ibanez scoffield semi hollow body (my primary instrument these day's) and Taylor acoustic (Love that guitar...saved a long time for it! ), and a cheap fender bass I use to lay down tracks with. Oh and an even older acoustic that just hangs on the wall now.  I've mostly been involved with improvisation bands...aka jam bands. Lately however I've been playing with more meditation/industrial/soundscapes sort of music. I'm digging it. Peace If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
I actually started playing music as a result of spice use, I was having trouble integrating and someone on here said I should take up the didgeridoo. AND I TOOK UP THE DIDGERIDOO! Now I mostly play bass, with some didj and banjolin on the side. I've always wanted a bouzouki and/or a mandocello, though! ¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º¨
I play the drums, mandolin and am currently learning to play the bass. "I was going to make a machine, but after reading here in the Nexus, everyone makes it sound like trying to smoke spice without a VG is like trying to have sex without fully formed genitals..." -- Pup Tentacle.
**Believe this guy at your own risk**
I play bass guitar and I love it. I thank the world everyday that I have been blessed to enjoy it. I played on a minor dmt trip one time and it was amazing. Mind opening to new technique and combinations. The Unknown = A Place to Learn
I took guitar classes when I was fifteen and then I stopped, I played around with vinyls and with production softwares for four years and then I gave up, and recently I bought a djembe but I never ended up using it. Im just a failed musician  It's a pity cause I really love music, but it seems that I can only be a listener... Listen to a man of experience: thou wilt learn more in the woods than in books. Trees and stones will teach thee more than thou canst acquire from the mouth of a master. St. Bernard
I began with piano at a [fairly] young age, mostly self-taught. From there, I've picked up the guitar and percussion, though I seem to have a knack for whatever I touch. Piano's my primary language, though. Besides my voice, that is. The human voice is quite the incredible instrument... near limitless, it seems. I've always been drawn to the didgeridoo and bass guitar, though. My hands are pretty small, so it's a workout for me to play the bass, but I can still manage. Someday I'll get my hands on a didgeridoo. Question for you folk: How many of you have studied music theory? Or do you just play what you feel? And, joedirt, do you have any recordings of your improvisational music? Here's the whole truth. I know it's true. Made it up myself. And I impart it to you.
Love yourself; love each other. These are the keystone rules of the Experience. After all, we are all beings of Love. To deprive ourselves of our very essence is the tragedy of humanity.
I play guitar, drums, harmonica, keyboards and sing. I also am trying the psytrance / trance/ techno creations on the computer. I am self taught. I learned some chords from a friend and then taught myself the blues (box scale) from listening to music. But have learned many more scales since the start. I play blues, reggae, punk, rock, folk and psychedelic music and trying to learn the trance thing just need to work out the computer beats thing. I also do visuals at nightclubs (animation on the walls while people trip on psy drugs). I have a 1986 Fender Strat, Epi Less Paul with mod pickups with push pull coil split, 1980s Fender Solid state combo amp, Pearl Export chrome / mirror 5pc set. I wish I played more, just lost interest because not in a band at the moment. Working 6-7 days a week. Almost not enough time for even spice! (did I say almost? Hehe) I was thinking this months ago, was that I wanted to learn the secretes of music in hyperspace. How odd you guys mentioned that you actually sing and play there. I will for sure get hooked up in hyperspace music making! Maybe jam out with some entities!  another thing is I wanted to see what instruments they play in hyperspace and bring the idea back and create one! Anyone seen what they play in hyperspace? Oh and let me not forget..THANK YOU for starting this thread!!! Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
i do mostly guitar, though been contemplating trying to lay vocals down since i got an 8-track. still haven't figured how to register my cubase software or if i have to buy a better version but i've had fun messing around with the 8-track making MIDI files anyhow. wish i didn't sell my old key-board, i think i have more natural talent with that then the guitar but it's fun just to experiment with any instruments; i really wish i could afford/maintain a drumset, but it's just not possible right now, especially with a ton of old people neighbors haha. The only hell for a warrior is peace.
The warm fuzzy side of the cold hard truth.
I DJ Drum and Bass and produce various genres of electronic music Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
guitar, djimbe, didge. It's such an awesome feeling lighting up my basement (smoke/jam room) like a jungle after coming back from hyperspace. For me that's the best time to hit a drum. Playing the didge in the centre of a mushed up drum circle has a special place in my heart as well REALITY 5.0
I started out on drum set relatively young, my parents were very supportive. Went to music school for percussion and composition, and spent most of my time writing music. I haven't played drum set in a couple of years but I'm pretty good at marimba. It's definitely the one instrument I'm meant to be playing, just falls easily into place. Lately I've been doing a lot of electronic stuff, mostly trance. http://soundcloud.com/spiral_mindedI don't do any of it live yet, they're sort of just compositions. I'm still figuring out how I'll be doing it, so I can buy the proper equipment. Also a big metal head, I'm anxious to see if there are any more on the Nexus!
I play the violin and also from time to time a little bit of piano. I also study music theory, when the opportunity presents. It's not really as hard & as technical as most people would preach, I've found, if you find the right way to look at it. @Dante: if you love music, then playing an instrument isn't an impossibility, it's only a matter of practice  I've been there myself; failure and success are the same thing, because both represent opportunities to learn. It's up to you to learn those lessons. In what ever we are pursuing, the only thing holding us back from achieving something is the actual doing of it. We had it all the time, it just didn't occur to us to actually get to it. The truth...lies within.