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#1 Posted : 2/4/2012 11:01:26 PM
this is my first post, and i will attempt a trip report. though this'll be my first report as well so bear with me whilst I try to describe the events as concise as I can.

I've just smoked a large amount of changa. (cannot tell how the specifics as I do not own any scales) but I'm waiting for an update from a friend to give an estimate. I'll update this post later.

I've smoked dmt numerous times before and I was under the impression that I've broken through before, but I've never experienced what I experienced tonight. I can't honestly tell you if I've had a bad trip - it was beautiful, mesmerizing, but I feel like I've visited a place that I was not prepared for this time.

Ok so this has been the largest dose of changa I've smoked. I began to play some light ambient music in the background, and some visuals just to set the mood whilst I began to smoke. Half way through my joint (I did not mix it with weed) I began to get agitated by the music so turned it off. I want only silence. I could feel the dmt taking effect, the usual dream like looking through a looking glass state of being. I sat down on my bed and began to smoke. I became lost in the closed eye visuals, I lost my body. I wanted to keep hold of my body as I still had half a joint to smoke and wanted to see how far I could push my mind. Breathe, inhale, i loose my lips, my throat, my lungs. I don't know if I've held my breathe for as long as I can. I don't notice myself exhaling. I'm no longer in my body. I'm in this fractal dimension, at first I'm met with beautiful beings, aztec images, I feel peace, almost like I've reached Niravna. I open my eyes, toke one last puff before I know I'll loose all control of my body. I'm back with my eyes closed in the place, where everything exists but at the same time its nothing, a black hole. I'm in this black hole and for x amount of secs I know the secrets of the universe, the answer to every quantum physic equation. I leave my body, I see my room i'm sitting and feel like I'm not there. Then I notice the music, well the loud ringing in my ears, there's a beat to it and people are dancing. Its joyous and everything is so beautiful. I want to feel this peace forever but then I'm then pushed back, I have this sense of fear engulf me though I know I'm only tripping and try to remain relaxed, these beings, my subconscious starts showing me things. I feel this huge ache in my heart, I want to stay but I feel like I'm being pushed back. I try to push out this negative energy within my heart. All I desire is peace and understanding, but I feel like or am told that this negative energy I have in my heart is what I need to release whilst I'm in a body and that when I'm ready to no longer feel pain will be the time that I'm allowed to experience this peace forever. I begin to hear my breathing, like its not my own - I know that I'm coming back into this world and once I'm back I feel like I'm back in a dream. I feel more composed. Older. I feel like myself but I feel like I've detached my soul from my body and am now using my body as a tool.

I can no longer keep myself sat upright, so I curl my head down between my knees. The patterns are still there but I'm not of that place, I'm back in my room - where the objects feel characterized and playdough like. I'm coming out of it. I have this sense that I'm glad I'm no longer tripping as I felt scared like I wasn't going to return back to my body. but at the same time this peace I felt was so beautiful.

I feel no emotion right now, maybe a sense of awe. I'd desribe the experience as wow! As with any dmt experience. This one was no like any other, I'm reminded that as a human we can not just have happiness and that its the pain that makes us alive. I don't know what else to say.

I'm sorry I haven't been very specific with the details such as lenght of trip, amount I took. If my friend gets back to me I'll be sure to update. I have to get some more dmt now, for my next experience. I'll take a while to reflect on my thoughts, fears and wonders before I break through again.
we are the music makes,
and the dreamers of dreams
#2 Posted : 2/4/2012 11:21:54 PM
Smile enjoyed the report
If it helps put ease in your mind we are tethered to our bodies till death. This can be seen when you have an obe. Anyway peace brother
Love + light
"for as long as there is love and light; I will fight for what is right; as a warrior with all my might; I will guarantee that hope shines bright" --Prayer of the Paladin

"If you labor, you are a "laborer", If you work on a farm, you are a "farmer", If you flow, you are a "flower""--Forest Sage

Community, Love and Passion Smile
#3 Posted : 2/5/2012 3:30:49 PM

Next time extract your own and make your own changa? Phlux- has this on his signature and I think it goes nicely in here "He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny." Might be one of the negative things, who knows Very happy

By doing it yourself you will understand more on how to do it yourself and you can mark this one from your list of desired understandings Very happy

Welcome and all that jazz Smile <3
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