I have some '10x syrian rue extract' that I would like to use but I am unsure how to figure dosage. The capsules I have are different weights, ranging from 500mg to 650mg. Now, judging from my calculations, 500mg of 10x extract is equal to 5g seed weight. Is this how it works? I would hate to make a gross miscalculation. Apply layers to reality, things only you can see. Add a beat to normality, to tap the core of insanity. Satisfaction is the death of desire.
Yea, I have 6g 10x Caapi extract and had the same question... This, what I'm experiencing now, is a whole new level of my being.
That is the issue with buying these extracts instead of doing them yourself... Its impossible to really know the exact dosage.
Usually when a seller says 10x (or similar), it means that from, say, 1g of the original plant material, it now weighs 100mg. But, first of all, this doesn't mean that it was a very effective method (so maybe while its 10x less weight, maybe its only 5x in terms of alkaloid because they just soaked the material once in a not-so-good solvent instead of properly extracting, or whatever other possibility), and the other thing is of course we hope they used good chemicals or a clean process to make it but we can't really know, so there's also your health at risk.
I dont think in general they will be toxic because the suppliers dont want dead costumers, but still, often they will say "not for human consumption" and its impossible to know how careful they actually are in the process... I dont want to do some scaremongering, I know a lot of people use these extracts, and im sure most times its fine, but im just giving you the reason why I think you should extract these alkaloids yourself.
I know some people dont have the space or money to extract DMT, also because of solvents and all, but harmalas are legal in most places except france and canada IIRC, and you can extract them using nothing but vinegar, salt and sodium bicarbonate (which you turn into carbonate in the oven or stovetop) and some coffee filters.
If you anyways are goign to consume this, just bioassay it without any dmt, first of all in micro dose to see if there's anything weird, then in a normal dosage (yeah, 10x less than the normal product, so for rue, if normal is 3.5, then 350mg of extract maybe, or 4g for the caapi one maybe). Do it without dmt first, see if you get distinct (but not overwhelming) harmala effects, like some light headedness, some sensitivity to light. If so, then thats the right dosage to take with DMT
endlessness wrote:That is the issue with buying these extracts instead of doing them yourself... Its impossible to really know the exact dosage. Yup, if a vendor's product is basically made by extracting rue seeds with IPA or acetone, thn evaporating it on rye seeds, that ain't gonna be a true 10X. It all depends on how the stuff was made...which is frustrating because accurate dosage calculation is impossible. The best way is to ask the vendors how exactly the 10x extract was made, then try to guesstimate a dosage. Vendors should be able to tell. Need to calculate between salts and freebases? Click here! Need to calculate freebase or salt percentage at a given pH? Click here!