Something tells me that our planetary crisis is, schedueled, supposed to happen, so to speak. That things are moving towards exactly what they are supposed to. I feel that it's all supposed to take place the way it is, because it's scripted, so to speak. I just think that real caring and affection is what the planet needs right now, not nessecarily that we can turn it around on a dime, I don't think we'll ever better the planet, but I think that we can ease the pain and suffering by spreading love. Living beside the mystery.
rings true, in my point of view. Thanks for sharing =) *I used to think I was thought, I was however, not in my right mind*
*This cluster is clearly in fuzzy bubblegum*
I got to disagree. Nothing is scripted we simply take life in the direction we want. If the universal consciousness or a group consciousness or an individual consiousness believes bad things will happen then they are going to move in that direction in order to resonate at what ever frequencey they believe. Through resonance it becomes a self fulfillig profecy. I do believe though that love is such a natural and symmetrical frequency that everyone craves it deep down and wants to resonate that frequencey. It's unfortunate though that some people don't know how to resonate love. Maybe if they felt those vibrations from both parents as a child? Anyway yes love is key but I don't think anything in the world is scripted. The randomness of it is what makes it so beautifull. "for as long as there is love and light; I will fight for what is right; as a warrior with all my might; I will guarantee that hope shines bright" --Prayer of the Paladin "If you labor, you are a "laborer", If you work on a farm, you are a "farmer", If you flow, you are a "flower""--Forest Sage Community, Love and Passion 
It may well be that the earth has more control over us than vice-versa
Birth has always seemed like the perfect metaphor to me
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
I see no reason to believe it has a "destiny".... It also depends on what you mean by destiny. If by destiny you mean a concrete future, then yes I do believe that (swallowed by sun, etc etc, death, etc etc). But ultimately... it is up to us to decide the future of us and our planet (while it still is our planet)... but in the end its ultimate fate will most likely be burnt to a crisp, sit for a while, then freeze to absolute zero (unless the universe collapses before then). Either way it's an interesting question you raise. Thanks “Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that construct the molecules, are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of high mass stars that exploded their chemically rich guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life. So that we are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the rest of the universe atomically. That’s kinda cool! That makes me smile and I actually feel quite large at the end of that. It’s not that we are better than the universe, we are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
The Universe is a dream... I feel that we are one entity, who fell asleep, we dreamed we were separate. We dream of all our self in all of these fragments we try to label. The script is as you said, the point is to realize our self and wake up. That is destiny. Toadfreak!
Travel like a king Listen to the inner voice A higher wisdom is at work for you Conquering the stumbling blocks come easier When the conqueror is in tune with the infinite Every ending is a new beginning Life is an endless unfoldment Change your mind, and you change your relation to time Free your mind and the rest will follow
What if....... Everything our species is doing to this planet is actually supposed to happen the way it's happening. Im talking evolution of technology and the destruction of the earth is what we are here for. Don't get me wrong as I am a 'save the earth' kinda guy but maybe we are actually headed in the right direction by mining the earth for everything it has. To be able to 'create' and that we will eventually create or evolve into something beyond what we can imagine (well maybe not for spice users lol) before the earth spirals into the sun or worse. A few hundred years of polution evolution and war is minor compared to something catastropic (say a commet landing) were to happen right now and destroyed the earth. Maybe that's our purpose. Afterall if we really do have a purpose here don't you think that we are fulfilling it, wheather we are aware of it or not? REALITY 5.0
In my opinion, we belong to the earth, not the other way around, and to me it seems like humans are in their "rebellious teenager" phase, metaphorically blowing cigarette smoke in their mother's face and sh*tting in the house. I would guess that it's only a matter of time before mother Gaia shakes us up a bit, perhaps in the form of a major environmental/atmospheric change. Because really, we can't go on like this forever.
Owls, give me the heebie geebies... ,___, [O.o] /)__) -"--"- Toadfreak!
Travel like a king Listen to the inner voice A higher wisdom is at work for you Conquering the stumbling blocks come easier When the conqueror is in tune with the infinite Every ending is a new beginning Life is an endless unfoldment Change your mind, and you change your relation to time Free your mind and the rest will follow
,___, [O.o] /)__) -"--"- ,___, [O.o] /)__) -"--"- ,___, [O.o] /)__) -"--"-
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,___, [O.o] /)__) -"--"-who
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
All this talk of, do we belong to the Earth, or vise-versa, neglects the one big lesson every cybernaut should know: there is no actual boundary between the two. We are of the Earth, the Earth is of us... Therefore, the Earth, via humanity, is apparently working on a big project: one that happens to involve some war and pollution.
I have two theories about our situation- complementary, not competing theories:
1) Evolution doesn't happen in a vacuum- look at sharks, unchanged for eons. Crises drive evolution, and we appear to be engineering the ultimate make-or-break crisis. We are arriving here very likely as a simple inevitability of our competitive, violent nature coupled with our uncanny ability to survive, adapt, spread.
2) We love to communicate- it's one of our primary pastimes. Look at social networking, the success and availability of cell phones- dirt farmers in African hinterlands have smartphones- and look at how fast this stuff is developing, the accelerating rate. I believe that our ultimate goal is to be able to think messages to each other in realtime, using all the options and augmentations you can imagine. I won't even begin to try to outline the implications of this.
And I don't believe this is our destiny, in the preordained sense... But it is an inevitable consequence of our nature, which is an outgrowth of the natural laws of the universe. Which I guess could still be considered some kind of destiny.
I believe you are very much correct, OP. I like to think of it as dominoes. Once you flick the first one and the chain reaction begins, the final result is already known. That's how I think of the Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang was the initial domino falling down. Because of the laws of physics (object in motion stays in motion, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, etc), what is meant to happen must happen in that chain of events. But then there's the whole free will argument. I've gotten over this hurdle by attributing it to parallel realities. Say, in this reality, you chose to attend college A. Well, there exists a parallel reality where you attended college B, and one where you attended college C, and one where you didn't go to college, and one where you died before you even made it to college. These all exist as the fifth dimension, where every possible possibility exists. Unlike the fourth where every point along this current timeline exists, past, present and future. And unlike the third dimension which is just the Now. But that's just my understanding of it  Take it as you will. Here's the whole truth. I know it's true. Made it up myself. And I impart it to you.
Love yourself; love each other. These are the keystone rules of the Experience. After all, we are all beings of Love. To deprive ourselves of our very essence is the tragedy of humanity.
zoopzop wrote:metaphorically blowing cigarette smoke in their mother's face and sh*tting in the house. I did have a problem with sh*tting in my house when I was a teen... :S “Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that construct the molecules, are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of high mass stars that exploded their chemically rich guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life. So that we are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the rest of the universe atomically. That’s kinda cool! That makes me smile and I actually feel quite large at the end of that. It’s not that we are better than the universe, we are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
Let's put it this way destiny exist but it's what we make it. I know that sounds paradoxical but I believe this is the relationship between destiny and free will. All of my post are fictional in nature for the purpose of self entertainment.
Shaper: I think you've pretty much got it- the universe is exploring every conceivable possibility, down to individual spin states on quarks. But we actually need 6 dimensions to express all of this.
First, we have the three we are familiar with- each 3D reality is expressed as a dimensionless point on the surface of an expanding hypersphere. The expansion, starting with the big bang- that's the fourth dimension, time. Two additional dimensions are necessary to cover the surface of the hypersphere- a fifth dimension will only describe a ring around it.
Thats enough to explore every conceivalbe possibility. Seen this way, not only is the miracle of life possible- it's inevitable.
Planet has a destiny to extinct (far away in time) as the sun will melt earth as a DMT crystal. At our mother earth and probably a long time in the past before that event, humans will have extinct without leaving almost any trace in space and time that they ever existed and had a history, a culture, a philosophy, arts etc. So what we do and what we say doesn't mean much does it? We are meant to be observers of this world as we have almost no chance at all to travel to other places far away (no chance with this kind of civilization). Within this answer I'd like to give a second answer to a previous thread about what God I believe. I don't believe in any God. I only believe in science and observation. With these two in harmony with human psychology would make earth a real paradise and maybe a chance for humanity to stretch a bit further. But there is no further if you don't solve our problems here on earth. So the eternity all religions talk about can be archived only if we pass through all religions (who actually look for saving our soul on dooms day) and try to settle things to make are own earth a paradise for all people, plants and animals and after that focus on a way to travel on this space time mess as an assignment to expand human wisdom around all nearby stars, next to our galaxy and perhaps one day in the near galaxies. Only then will be the time that a molecule, human DNA, will might have become extreme upgraded among all other molecules and prove there is some soul in matter and perhaps that's the prize that far from now in the future we might win a... soul !!!. Maybe gone too far just had some mood. Sorry for my English if not written right. It's amazing just to find out, so true and so clear that there is no good or bad, only love and fear and that is all we are messing with during our whole human history and WOW that was my first hit. A moment of freedom out of the ape's sealed skin.
Toadfreak1 wrote:The Universe is a dream... I feel that we are one entity, who fell asleep, we dreamed we were separate. We dream of all our self in all of these fragments we try to label. The script is as you said, the point is to realize our self and wake up. That is destiny. I highly agree with everything stated above. All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
Free energy for all life blessed be all forms of intelligence