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When Lucid Dreaming Works.. Options
#1 Posted : 2/2/2012 11:14:12 PM
I've been working towards lucid dreaming for quite some time now, and I had finally gotten a hold of myself in hyperspace long enough to be aware I was dreaming, but not shocked enough at my awareness to wake up..

..So I gues my question is, what do you all like to do when you lucid dream? Work on real-world issues, have fun, use it an an escapism? What's your technique?
Living beside the mystery.
Welcoming committeeSenior Member
#2 Posted : 2/2/2012 11:42:09 PM
I am achieving lucid dreaming frequently these days. I have zero control in there. It's just that I know it's a dream and I am fully conscious, so I do things like tell the characters that I'm dreaming and they are all characters in my dream. They usually act as if that is interesting, but basically proceed with what they were doing.

Overall, personally, I am not finding lucid dreamspace to be conducive to insight or growth or working on my stuff. Nor, to be honest, am I finding it all that "fun" or pleasurable. I'm a freaky, bizarre person and it's pretty dark and freaky in my head. This is just me. Perhaps your lucid dreamspaces will be well-lit and completely controllable.

I don't know much about it or about specific techniques. Though, I have adopted one that I find to be very very useful personally. It was kind of shown in the movie, "Inception." It's the "reality check." As I understand it, the technique involves habitually checking something that is very "real" fairly regularly in all mental states.

I'm not sure what others use but I use text/the written word. Every once in awhile, I'll decide (even if it feels silly) to do a "reality check," so I look at a line of text, then I close my eyes and turn my head and wait a few seconds, then look at it again. If it is precisely the same, I am in consensual reality.

Now that I've developed the habit, when I am in dreamspace every once in awhile (either randomly or because something very very odd is happening) I'll do this check. In dreamspace my second check of the text line is always nuts. Typically it never even looks like text any more, is a different color, etc. That's when the lucidity "light" goes on over my head.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#3 Posted : 2/3/2012 12:25:48 AM
Yeah the reality checks can help. The most important thing i think though is getting into the habit of recording your dreams, and building the bridge, so to speak

I need to tinker around more...but i think i can reliably enter a lucid dream at least 50% of the time so far (although usually an extremely trippy one where its like the world and my brain have both taken tooo much aya) by this routine:

1-70mg of melatonin (optional but it helps)..followed by 50-180mg of harmalas down the guzzer..yoga in the dark with incense, followed by meditation and slowwwww breathing...add 432hz binaural beats into the mix whenever with quality headphones (i need to download more frequencies and try them)..after a bit, i go lay down if i'm not already. Then it soon comes if i'm relaxed enough to fall asleep.

During all this i don't often focus on lucid dreaming, but the more i think about it the more likely it seem to be that i'll have one. Make sure the room is as dark as you can get it during all this. Its much different from the normal harmala trance because i'm fully asleep when this happens and it can last for a very long time

EDIT: wow, dopey me forgot the most important part! lol -

In the dream i'll hear the music that i'm listening to.. only it will sort of just pervade the whole place i'm in.. and whenever that happens i immediately realize i'm dreaming. A lot of the time i'll even have the same headphones on in the dream, same music i'm really listening to, only when i take the headphones off i can still hear the music pervading everything, and thats the cue

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Electric Kool-Aid
#4 Posted : 2/3/2012 2:04:23 AM
Sadly I can't remember my dreams... I have not remembered my dream since I was a kid. If I wake up and then take a nap for 30mins to 2 hours, then dreams will get triggered, but they are like small things like me at a store feeling the fur on some ladies jacket and then I will wake up. But not a full dream. I guess that dreaming in mico dream land. I also get flashes when napping for 5 mins. Like a flash of talking wih someone.

Anyway. I had an idea many years ago about being a creator of inventions, as I am coming up with ideas all the time 50 or more inventions written. I had a thought about creating an invention in dreamland and seeing if it can be done. I could have access to all materials that I can't afford. Then see if it works and bring the idea back.
So I figured I can't dream but can invent a dream machine that will wake me up in deep REM. It is a pair of goggles that has a sensor that detects your eyes moving in deep REM and triggers flashing LED lights. This in turn wakes you up, but only a bit awake so you are lucid dreaming. You can now control your dreams. I made the prototype many years ago but could not stop my eyes from moving while I was tiring to get to sleep. So I archived them since that time until now. Little did I know that I needed a time delay of 30 minutes. So I have yet to add that timer.

Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#5 Posted : 2/3/2012 2:26:14 AM
Dreams are a realm of consciousness i have been attempting to explore a lot lately. I always get in and out of my motivation to move further down the dream path, But lately i have started my dream journal and have been updating it daily. I have already noticed the increase in vividness and length of dreams,as well as ability to recall them.

That being said, when i realize I am dreaming the first thing I do is fly. Not sure why, but it is extremely awesome and I would definitely recommend it. The best lucid dream I have had so far was one that was incredibly vivid, like 100% lifelike detail, in my hometown, just flying around, watching all the things that people liked to do there.

Dreams are incredible, and there is just so much potential in thee exploration of the dreamspace. I still have a lot of work to do though!
Shamasi Wiz
#6 Posted : 2/3/2012 3:07:33 AM
zoopzop wrote:
when i realize I am dreaming the first thing I do is fly. Not sure why, but it is extremely awesome and I would definitely recommend it.

Same here. I'd say about ninety percent of the time I start flying as soon as I become lucid. It's just so fun that it's almost always the first thing I do. Flying is super sweet, and I honestly believe my flying dreams are training ground and one day I'll figure out how to really fly in the real world(crazy, I know, but there's no harm in dreamingPleased). That being said, the most amazing lucid dreams have come when I manage to remain calm and grounded(literally) once I realize I'm dreaming. Then I just pick something to focus on. Usually it's something in my environment, like a tree or a wall, but sometimes I focus on my hands. Then I basically just pour positive energy/intentions into whatever it may be, and it usually gets really intense really fast. The tree will start to glow with energy, taking on more and more dimensions of being. It's like I'm dragging colors, sounds, thoughts, and feelings from higher dimensions into this tree, or just discovering the fact that they were already there, until the tree becomes something almost godlike in its awesomeness that makes me happier than ever to witness. I think that's the best I've come up with.

My method is simply using reality checks like everybody else. For mine I grab my left index finger and pull on it(I've heard that you can stretch it indefinitely in your dreams), then look around and ask myself if I'm dreaming. When I do it frequently enough throughout the day, then I'll almost always find myself doing the same thing in my dreams, and that's what "wakes me up".
"I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it."
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#7 Posted : 2/3/2012 3:42:12 AM
Electric Kool-Aid wrote:
Sadly I can't remember my dreams... I have not remembered my dream since I was a kid. If I wake up and then take a nap for 30mins to 2 hours, then dreams will get triggered, but they are like small things like me at a store feeling the fur on some ladies jacket and then I will wake up. But not a full dream. I guess that dreaming in mico dream land. I also get flashes when napping for 5 mins. Like a flash of talking wih someone.

Anyway. I had an idea many years ago about being a creator of inventions, as I am coming up with ideas all the time 50 or more inventions written. I had a thought about creating an invention in dreamland and seeing if it can be done. I could have access to all materials that I can't afford. Then see if it works and bring the idea back.
So I figured I can't dream but can invent a dream machine that will wake me up in deep REM. It is a pair of goggles that has a sensor that detects your eyes moving in deep REM and triggers flashing LED lights. This in turn wakes you up, but only a bit awake so you are lucid dreaming. You can now control your dreams. I made the prototype many years ago but could not stop my eyes from moving while I was tiring to get to sleep. So I archived them since that time until now. Little did I know that I needed a time delay of 30 minutes. So I have yet to add that timer.

this device already exists my friend Very happy

from what i remember its called the dreamlight, although that was a while ago. It basically detects when your in REM by monitering eye movement. Then starts flashing lights into your eyes which you have to train yourself to see in the dream as a sign that your dreaming

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Electric Kool-Aid
#8 Posted : 2/3/2012 5:48:28 AM
universecannon wrote:
Electric Kool-Aid wrote:
Sadly I can't remember my dreams... I have not remembered my dream since I was a kid. If I wake up and then take a nap for 30mins to 2 hours, then dreams will get triggered, but they are like small things like me at a store feeling the fur on some ladies jacket and then I will wake up. But not a full dream. I guess that dreaming in mico dream land. I also get flashes when napping for 5 mins. Like a flash of talking wih someone.

Anyway. I had an idea many years ago about being a creator of inventions, as I am coming up with ideas all the time 50 or more inventions written. I had a thought about creating an invention in dreamland and seeing if it can be done. I could have access to all materials that I can't afford. Then see if it works and bring the idea back.
So I figured I can't dream but can invent a dream machine that will wake me up in deep REM. It is a pair of goggles that has a sensor that detects your eyes moving in deep REM and triggers flashing LED lights. This in turn wakes you up, but only a bit awake so you are lucid dreaming. You can now control your dreams. I made the prototype many years ago but could not stop my eyes from moving while I was tiring to get to sleep. So I archived them since that time until now. Little did I know that I needed a time delay of 30 minutes. So I have yet to add that timer.

this device already exists my friend Very happy

from what i remember its called the dreamlight, although that was a while ago. It basically detects when your in REM by monitering eye movement. Then starts flashing lights into your eyes which you have to train yourself to see in the dream as a sign that your dreaming

That is true. However, my version was made from an invention show I saw about 25 years go. They mentioned a dream machine that would wake you up with flashing lights controlled by sensors. I thought to myself.... "if your eyes are moving in deep rem, then a motion detector is needed" we use motion detectors on the sides of buildings to control lights. so I took apart one and hooked up less with a flashing circuit. Bingo! mounted it in ski goggles. but the problem was it would detect any movement even if you looked left or right when trying to go to sleep. I was stupped and put it away in archives. then I saw a thing on YouTube about 2 years ago on lucid dreaming and it reminded me of my project. so I looked up dream machine and it came up with products like you mentioned and had a 30 minute timer. oh man! that's what was missing!! I thought..
so I did not invent it, it was merely an invention made in the past but was never told how it was made. then for the fun and curiosity of wanting to enter in to dream lucid dream land, I fabricated it from my understanding of how this could be constructed.
I think they are pretty cheap now. $60 or so
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Lost travellier
#9 Posted : 2/3/2012 6:31:20 AM
universecannon wrote: ..."I need to tinker around more...but i think i can reliably enter a lucid dream at least 50% of the time so far (although usually an extremely trippy one where its like the world and my brain have both taken tooo much aya) by this routine:

1-70mg of melatonin (optional but it helps)..followed by 50-180mg of harmalas down the guzzer..yoga in the dark with incense, followed by meditation and slowwwww breathing...add 432hz binaural beats into the mix whenever with quality headphones (i need to download more frequencies and try them)..after a bit, i go lay down if i'm not already. Then it soon comes if i'm relaxed enough to fall asleep"...

-Yes, I have noticed that harmalas in the same amount noticeably influence upon quality of the dreams. And though they not "overpunch" control day consciousness for vision, but during nighttime their action takes the top. This very interesting territory for study. If approaches time and I shall is limited in presence Spice, that I shall continue the experiments with harmalas only. The defect harmalas on my glance in this variant of the use is a difficulty to fall asleep in current 1-3 hours after taking. (The sickness without taking DMT for me quite imperceptible).
Hyperspace Fool
#10 Posted : 2/3/2012 2:33:11 PM
Flying is a perennial favorite with most, and I definitely love me some flying...

But some more useful skills to acquire in LD are:

Teleportation (both within a dreamworld and to other ones)
Telekinesis (can train your intention to be razor sharp)
Manifestation (of objects, people, events etc.)

Try this next time you find yourself lucid dreaming:

Look for a portal shape. A doorframe, two trees standing close together, a large mirror... anything (even a section of a wall) will do. Touch the edge of the frame with one hand and intend that it will take you to see a dream master/healer/insert your favorite guru or hero here. Will that it is so. Walk through the frame and you should instantly be transported to a location where you can interact with the person in question. When you get good you won't need a portal, but can simply blink your eyes or snap your fingers.

For those who don't find any ability to work on themselves or achieve growth with LDing... if finding and communicating with a Buddha or other ascended dream master doesn't do it for you, you may not be helpable. (Usually because you don't really want to grow or change or your ego is so strong that you need to tenderize it for a while before going for the gold.)

All the best & happy dreaming.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#11 Posted : 2/3/2012 5:05:38 PM
Pandora wrote:
I am achieving lucid dreaming frequently these days. I have zero control in there. It's just that I know it's a dream and I am fully conscious, so I do things like tell the characters that I'm dreaming and they are all characters in my dream. They usually act as if that is interesting, but basically proceed with what they were doing.

Overall, personally, I am not finding lucid dreamspace to be conducive to insight or growth or working on my stuff. Nor, to be honest, am I finding it all that "fun" or pleasurable. I'm a freaky, bizarre person and it's pretty dark and freaky in my head. This is just me. Perhaps your lucid dreamspaces will be well-lit and completely controllable.

There is a really good book I read about using lucid dreaming to go deeper into yourself or work on a variety of issues called Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self by Robert Waggoner. If you dont feel like youre getting much out of your lucid dreams, maybe check it out. He discusses a variety of experiments and things to do while lucid that can take you deeeper than just the standard fun/fantasy things. One thing discussed at large in the book, that you have commented on, and I have noticed in my lucid dreams as well, is that most dream characters dont like to be told they are a dream character. They will usually ignore you, or in some cases even get mad, and tell you that you are a dream character in their dream. He suggests not mentioning the fact that you are in a dream, and instead asking them what they are doing/who they are/what they represent. Anyways, its a good book and I would recommend it to anyone looking for new ideas on ways to get more out of your lucid dreams.

As to the topic, as another poster said, I kind of go through periods where I am serious about lucid dreaming and having them frequently then will start slacking on my daytime "reality checks" and will stop having lucid dreams. I am trying to get back to having them more frequently, and have started keeping a dream journal to help. When I first start having them I like to do the fun stuff, like flying, walking through walls ect, because it helps to develop stability of focus in the dreams. Then I like to try and go deeper doing things like meditating in the dream and asking the dream itself to show me things.
#12 Posted : 2/3/2012 6:57:02 PM
Seen this thread here today and wanted to post about a semi-lucid experience I had last night.

I was having a difficult time falling asleep, but when I finally did I was in a kitchen which I had never seen before yet somehow looked familiar. I didn't have a body that I could recognize, but I was fully aware I was dreaming or having some sort of out-of-body episode. Anyways in this kitchen scene there was this black kid, roughly 5-6 years old, getting scolded by his parents. I could tell through some dream sense what the boy was feeling, that he didn't know what voices to trust. I was distinctly aware, for whatever reason, that the boy was about to assume a false persona to please his parents so what I think I was witnessing was an example of how the ego can form.

Shockingly and without any willing for myself to do this, I communicated to this boy (in that familiar hyperspace mind-to-mind way) 'Don't listen to the voices trying to tell you who you are... I know who you are.' The boy looked away from his parents and right at me and let out this huge grin, like the kind you'd expect to see from a little kid so full of innocence and wonder. And in that moment, and immense amount of bliss was felt between my dream self and this boy, as if he was my own son or somehow my own self in another life. This bliss built and built between us until it was so overwhelming I woke up in my bed feeling like I had slept an entire night, but only 30 minutes had passed!

I thought this was a very cool experience. I rarely remember my dreams (too big of a cannabis fan), but this one is still extremely vivid after thinking about it all day.
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
#13 Posted : 2/3/2012 6:58:40 PM
I find lucid dreaming pretty damn easy. If I want to do it at night I can start preparing at some point during the day. I look at my hand and ask myself if I'm dreaming. I notice that I have 5 fingers and my ring is in the right place, therefore I am not dreaming. I do this as often as possible throughout the day and eventually I'll be doing it by habit. When I do this whilst dreaming I'll have dozens of fingers and no ring and therefore instantly become lucid. Works every time!

Flying is the first thing I tend to do also, it's amazing! I also tend to start punching people. Nothing violent in it, I just know these people aren't real so it's kinda like slapstick comedy. Pretty good fun! If I want to change my environment I'll just close my eyes and imagine a wonderful place. A jungle or Egyptian landscape perhaps. Upon eye openage, low and behold there it is, a whole new playscape! All sorts of adventures can be had every night Smile
Hyperspace Fool
#14 Posted : 2/5/2012 8:51:36 AM
@ Tek

Very trippy episode. Interesting in many ways.

I assume from your post that you have no actual knowledge of the parents or the child in question? They are not people you know in your waking life?

"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
Electric Kool-Aid
#15 Posted : 2/5/2012 9:27:59 AM
I remeber when I was a kid and dreaming. I had this dream that I could float. I just remember this hill I could run down and then fly / float. If I breathed in, then I would go higher and so on, until I was way too high over the trees and then get scared so I would breath out a bit to come down.
Another floating dream was that I was in my room and sleeping, I started to float up and up in my room until I would tab the ceiling with my back and I was looking down. I would be stuck on the ceiling like a baloon. Then I would reach out my arm and ask for help to come down.

Edit. How do you Lucid dream? How do you prepair yourself? Meditation? Thinking about something you want to dream about? Do you have to be exosted and over tired to lucid dream? I am interested!
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#16 Posted : 2/5/2012 3:07:05 PM
Rasper1. it's funny that you mentioned punching people. I'm not a violent person but one time to become lucid, rather than looking at my hands and asking if i was dreaming I thought to myself, "if i punch this guy and he doesn't do anything then I am definitely dreaming." Sure enough, I punched him right in the face and he just kind of bounced right back and kept walking.
#17 Posted : 2/5/2012 7:33:13 PM
I personally believe that it lucid dreaming is all about your concept of dreams. for some it may be the exploration on their mind (saw that in earlier post) for others it may be the universe speaking to them in abstract ways (I happen to be one of those people). However, you look at it one thing must remain constant. There is no sure fire way to do lucid dreaming. Seeing as we are all a metaphorical snowflake (no two snowflakes are the same, i hope you get the idea), what might work for some might not work for others. If i were you i would perhaps research it and try to perhaps find your own method of trying to lucid dream.

I lucid dream now and then but what i do more then often is astral projection. They say it is the same as lucid dreaming but i clearly and utterly beg to differ. Lucid dreaming is when you are in control of the entire realm (seeing as in my eyes lucid dreams are completely in your subconscious realm of existence) and you are basically the god of the realm. Astral projection is for most who believe in it, the state of mind and consciousness that one can achieve to go to the astral plane.

I have done both numerous times and each time i learn something knew or become intrigued by something i see and when i awaken back into this realm i look into things that i saw or thought. This has given me a clear insight into my own existence and i am rather glad that i am able to do this.
Hyperspace Fool
#18 Posted : 2/6/2012 12:06:58 AM
Electric Kool-Aid wrote:
I remeber when I was a kid and dreaming. I had this dream that I could float. I just remember this hill I could run down and then fly / float. If I breathed in, then I would go higher and so on, until I was way too high over the trees and then get scared so I would breath out a bit to come down.
Another floating dream was that I was in my room and sleeping, I started to float up and up in my room until I would tab the ceiling with my back and I was looking down. I would be stuck on the ceiling like a baloon. Then I would reach out my arm and ask for help to come down.

Edit. How do you Lucid dream? How do you prepair yourself? Meditation? Thinking about something you want to dream about? Do you have to be exosted and over tired to lucid dream? I am interested!

You can start by reading this book from the Nexus library: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...f%20Lucid%20Dreaming.pdf Then simply google the term and many weeks worth of reading will come up. There are some very good videos you should check out on YouTube (search Lucidology 101).

Good luck.

"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
Electric Kool-Aid
#19 Posted : 2/6/2012 10:09:57 AM
@ hyperspace fool - thanks eh! I will look into it further! Happy dreaming!
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
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