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Unconditional humor Options
#1 Posted : 2/2/2012 8:29:01 PM
I like the view: There is nothing negative, only different levels of positive. Of course we need a certain level of positive for our wellbeing, just like we need a certain level of temperature. No matter what level of positive, I believe there is always unconditional humor to be found.

When things are really shit, just not my day,
I hear my inner voice go: I challenge you to find the humor in this moment.
My inner Barney- from "How I met your mother" – goes: Challenge accepted!
And it´s right there, the humor of the moment, ready to be embraced and give me relief from my misery. I don’t create it, I acknowledge it.
It can be like “finding Waldo” at times, and perhaps I don’t find Waldo on this day. That does not mean that humor is not there to be found when I´m ready to heal my past =)

Unconditional humor is a curious thing indeed…. It can be found bright white and in its entire possible color spectrum. It can also be found dark and twisted when there is need; it serves, heals and protects when we can take no more. Trampled down, unconditional humor has the power to lift us up, and once again fill our sail with a fresh wind.

/Inspired by the essence of reality.
*I used to think I was thought, I was however, not in my right mind*

*This cluster is clearly in fuzzy bubblegum*
#2 Posted : 2/2/2012 9:28:28 PM
I feel so incredibly blessed to have a sense of humor, and that it exists at all. It's such a wonderful thing because you can delve deeper and deeper into it while laughing harder the whole time. Just trying to understand WHY we laugh and WHY we find things funny has had my friends and I in hysterics more than once.

I agree with you that humor can exist in our darkest times and while it may not have you laughing out loud it can be enough to put a smile on your face... which is a great start to getting out of the darkness.

We are lucky creatures indeed, getting to laugh like we do whenever we please. It's not hard to look around and find something amusing, no matter your mindset. It's such good therapy.
Learning to know that I do not know.
#3 Posted : 2/4/2012 2:50:58 PM
I have considered that the spectrum of humor is vaster then I have realized before and is multi-dimensional in nature, acting differently on different levels of reality. Conditional humor can be light, dark or the colors and hues in-between. Unconditional humor transcends light and dark; the words clear and unattached come to mind. Perhaps it is pointing to the same aspect as unconditional happiness.

I observe that even in the most serious situation there can still be found a sense of humor in the background and sometimes it serves to bring it from the beckground in to the situation, sometimes not.

I remember during my near death experience my sense of humor was “out of this world” and I rest assured that the situations that I may find hard to find a sense of humor in while in this body, I will find humor in when it is transcended.

It helps knowing that there is nothing we will not recover from; suffering in any form is highly temporary in the big picture, of this I am sure.
*I used to think I was thought, I was however, not in my right mind*

*This cluster is clearly in fuzzy bubblegum*
Walter D. Roy
#4 Posted : 2/5/2012 4:14:20 PM
I totally agree with you on humor. Humor to me is where the extremes in my life (the animal and the man) can agree. But to me humor does not come as a spectrum, it comes in a resolve to finally except that you understand next to nothing. When confronted with something that angers me, well I always end up laughing. Consider everything that has made up this moment. So why is this moment much different? I'm not sure if I'm explaining this very well. But lets just say that it is almost a "joke" (but not in a negative sense at all) about how man finds himself so important. But when faced with himself, he is scared shitless.
The Unknown = A Place to Learn
Lost travellier
#5 Posted : 2/5/2012 5:34:58 PM
That you may say about this, guys: - several times in recent years in the dreams I suddenly felt the fit of the irrepressible laughter and began to roar with laughter so that then and there awoke. I tried to analyse this event, but came every time to such conclusion: or I faced in the dreams with some imperceptible energy (I consider - useful, positive) and under its influence approached this my cosmic horselaugh, or in plot my in the dreams turned out to be "certain alien", which I take as the usual person, but which indeed him was not. And here is when my "energy body" his presence beside even so found (but I itself this did not understand), that and approached the blast of this horselaugh. One can say - in real life on such horselaugh beside I simply came short power! That you think?
#6 Posted : 2/5/2012 6:31:26 PM
Can not remember who is was but I have some sense it may have been some discordianist that said something like: All the problems of the world will be solved the day everyone stops taking themselves so goddamn seriously.

"so i just decided to put the next episode on about time travel, once on however, i either passed out or something and dont remember the rest of the show. When i awoke it felt as if i had some sort of breakthrough i kept telling myself "it all just makes so much sense" and "no fucking way"source" That no fucking way kind of feeling with burst of crazy laughter "XD" Very happy Feels so reassuring <3

Without humor we would be long gone. Hard to respond to any of your posts with any other way but this :'D That Humor & Fun subforum in Culture had some pretty kickass stuff in it XD lolled hard yesterday hahaha. Seems to be that the harder you laugh the more absurd it gets until it becomes somekind of loop and then it is like doing crunches to workout the abs while laughing <3 Smile Tears flying preferrably
Lost travellier
#7 Posted : 2/6/2012 7:07:18 AM
Sometimes before I reach the sense said, as before dead ass on the other hand yard. Crying or very sad This because of difficulties of my translation. Shocked But seems that your dream - just that about than I spoke. Surprised
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