The other DMT orgasm thread is closed I think so I started this one... This happened in my first ever trip with spice , I was in my room and everything looked normal when suddenly 3 creatures appeared , a silver one , which was half morphed with my wardrobe (it was a male) and then two golden ones that where fully formed standing before me (they were female), they radiated a golden light that created the most pleasurable experience I have ever had , it was a very strong orgasm that lasted about 5 minutes straight, they were robotic in appearance and very smiley and happy , I then closed my eyes and put my arms out in a euphoric state , I then felt the creatures hold my hands which increased the pleasure , There hands were in my hands and I could feel them as real as holding any object , when I opened my eyes some time later they were gone , (Im male by the way , I didnt jizz , it was all spiritual , ) .im very thankful for that experience
also another note , I was browsing trip reports months after I had this trip and found a 100% identical report of a man who experienced the exact same thing , his vocabulary was better than mine and he managed to describe my trip better than I could , I will try and find the report now ....meanwhile , has anybody ever had orgasmic experiences?
I think he means, beings as in entities and then gasm as in orgasm. so like an being-orgasm = beingasm or entity-orgasm = entitigasm I could be wrong though! Sounds like a cool experience. I thought about this happening too. But I have never broke though. Maybe tonight! If I can find the time. I am loving the light dose right now though, the instant acid type open eye trip on spice. Really dreamy and cool.. Very nice lead to start. Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
I had an intensely pleasurable mingling with the Godhead which was beautiful and quite profound. You can read about it right here  aaron12321 wrote:(I didnt jizz , it was all spiritual , ) This made me  and Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
I thought beingasm was when you orgasm throughout your whole being. I've had a a good few experiences with entity's are doing something to me and it feels like I am ejaculating continuously throughout my whole being, or i explode like ejaculating but its my whole being is shattered and i have no body, maybe two types of beingasm? Lol ive had some right mind-blowing sexual experiences with Dmt, my ex gf used to get a little jealous, seriously! Used to say well I can't help being this sexy now can I?
At home with the ladies you can have a "toe curler" but only alone with spice have I ever had a being curler. And it was goooooood. INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year