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A something about Russia Options
Lost travellier
#1 Posted : 2/1/2012 9:43:03 AM
Hi all! Here quite do not speak of Russia. Yes, this closing and incomprehensible country. Even me - been born and half-life lived here unbeknownst answers to many questions... Want only to bring the reference to article in newspaper: http://www.novayagazeta.ru/inquests/50721.html // Moreover in English of the versions of this newspaper this page is absent! - So from itself add its translation from auto translator // I quite do not want the tempestuous debate to this subjects here. Simply read. But I witness, - yes, this so. The Wit not understandable, as possible so control own folk... And WHAT PALSY of the CONSCIOUSNESS beside our official... Thank you for attention. ................................... New newspaper

9373 Hemps gives work and incom

Why population to Russia leaves in prisons on narcotic article mainly


Consider necessary to support the talk, lifted by my colleague Oligoy Romanovoy, about narcotic boarding, which become for our court by deal stale. Additionally and majority specialist with her united: present antinarcotic legislation has brightly denominated repressive nature. Moreover: laws, concerning drug, are worded not to protect the society, but that all time to support the necessary level of the threat.

Several words to theories (without this not to understand).

There is several articles In Penal codes, concerning checking the turn of the narcotic facilities and psychotropic material. For possibility of the practical application these article by Government RF are approved corresponding to list whole four. In list I are most hazmats (the drugs, forbidden to turn), in list II medicinal preparations narcotic and psychotropic of the action (their turn resolved and is checked). There are else two lists material, limited to turn (the list III and IV). But beside us presently talk will go about list I, due to which we and have such stupendous amount of the criminal deals.

One of the position of the list specifies that all mixture, in composition which enters at least one material from number forbidden to turn, before law equale to most material. Thereby, given list does not limit the concrete number of the hazmats, but, on essences, comprises of itself non-dimensional, vague ensemble material, which each day us surround. To example, the heap of sand, in which has spit;spat heroin drug addict, by the law, is a narcotic facility, contain heroin, and on all amounts prohibited to turn.

Notable that nobody in professional expert community does not know the names, ranks and merits of the people, formed these list. But many people faced the absurd practice of their using.

Here is sensational example, graphically proving that it is necessary something with law to do.
In places of the deprivation of the liberty are today found groups of ten of the people, convicted on united scheme. In their own grocery shop (the tent and mini-shop) they in count;calculate;list other assortment sold the confectionery poppy. The Poppy was absolutely legal, with all certificate and, of course, answered the GUEST. And even this GUEST allows existence in confectionery poppy of the scant few of the rubbish admixtures (the debris stems and boll). Absolute, 100-percent clearing the confectionery poppy technologically impossible , speak the specialists an structure Permskogo THREAD of the agriculture.

And here is this rubbish admixture confesses drug police poppy straw. But poppy straw falls into list I and under the law is narcotic facility, forbidden to turn in Russia . Bearing in mind given circumstance, the whole (without exception) confectionery poppy on territory of our country FSKN has leveled to narcotic material. And many owners of the grocery tents country-wide in consequence of such logic have got for lattice.

Many the most skilled representatives judicial expert community faced with similar deals, emerged in court and spoke: Gentlemen to judges, yes this delirium the most full . But judicial practice on poppy many serious specialist forces to feel itself fool because of that that courts of their conclusion consider the paper with flourish.

In Public chamber passed even several round tables to this subjects I visited on one. Came the experts most miscellaneous department, referring to problem, from MVD, from Minoborony, from Minyusta, from THREAD of the agriculture.
Was present and private expert operation.

Meeting passed in half-closed mode, journalist there did not want to invite, and I quietly sat in the distance, not having at first intentions nothing divulge. But in the course of this round table professional was sound such amount terrible circumstance, in accordance with anti-narcotic by fight that I now consider necessary to acquaint broad public with them.


1) Present anti-narcotic legislation is formed (and is used) thereby that impossible to know, what amount of the potion is found in country and how much its was indeed withdrawn. Is it After all defined not amount of the narcotic active component, being kept in mixture, but the general mass mixture.
Which law equales to clean material and is chastised accordingly.
This circumstance not only enables to bloat reporting and ballyhoo about their own victory. She enables and earn on withdrawn drug.
The Passport of the drug, which defined real amount of the component in withdrawn material, in Russia nobody does not form. And even if from withdrawn kilogram of the heroin in deal as вещдока will remain whole 100 grams neither court, nor public prosecutors to hum do not become, they this simply will not notice. Since in cabinet of the coroner or operative man way ingenuous manipulate with using the glucose, flour and sahara these 100 grams newly change in kilogram. But where lost rest 900 grams, you, probably, could tell the operas a Novel Kalinin from UFSB on YUZAO Moscow. Or замначальника UFSB Moscow brigadier general Toropov, which in its report on name management has described, as in вышеозначенном branch UFSKN will sell the drugs.

2) Leave to wind the period for any material possible. I do not exaggerate: for any. The Deals were wound already and on alkali, and on acid, and are not dared on vaseline.
The Reason for checking all вышеозначенных chemicals make think FSKN so in russian criminal legislation appeared nowhere in the world not existing responsibility for turn high forces and poison material.

Besides, in our judicial and investigstion practical person has begun to appear derived narcotic facilities and psychotropic material . What is a derived , nobody hitherto has not defined, exist only certain letters of recommendation but courts and effect on this derived already with all might go. And people put not under the law, but on letter of recommendation .

3) Professional expert operation on drug from list forbidden to turn formally in Russia impossible. Practically nor in one laboratory, working with drug, no legal got witnesses (clean sample material, used in expert operation as standard). All that we use, got almost crime by way , has said on round table in Public chamber one of the expert.

The Own expert operation FSKN, which often court will show a preference, this in general tragic history. Here is candidate of the chemical sciences Dmitriy Gladyshev from the most authoritative quotient expert agency Version has told such interesting history:

On one court, where I participated as specialist, young, but already leading expert FSKN will assign question:

What method you have conducted the analysis this material?

Method to chromatography with masses-select detection, answers he.

But tell the detail, as exactly you apply this methods,, what physical and chemical processes to be the basis of applicable you method of the study.

But I put cursor on screen of the monitor, press shift to the right button of the mouse, and there darts out: Cocaine .

To word to say, FSKN on that round table has too sent their own representatives.
Two from which in general had a no relations to expert operation. Present: for the most sharp debate on serious problem of the person ten experts was going to in Public chamber with world names. And came the girls from FSKN, which I on expert operation nothing say can not .

Certainly, collected were insulted such contempt, and, certainly, were written corresponding to sharp letter in management of the service. And you think, someone have answered?

The Attitude specialist FSKN to law and their competence brightly characterizes one more history, which beside specialist presently on rumour much. The Autumn Viktor Ivanov, chapter FSKN, has done one more observable statement: about that that Narkokontroli intending restoration to grow not-narcotic of the hemp. Hemp beside us, all its sort, have undeservedly brought in blacklist . Though only from one possible get the drug, established Ivanov, having added: On estimation expert, this enormous source of the renewing the treasury, which we have lost, included plant in ban list .

When chapter main department of the country, leading fight with drug, calls to lead the observe the law people of the people under priory well this I already do not know Must in FSKN to be an experts, which have explained its chief that under chemical analysis this not-narcotic of hemp by method тонкослойной to chromatography always comes to light the presence an THC. That affords ground acknowledge the part of this plant by narcotic facility marijuana , which falls into list I. And, taking into consideration acting wording of the law, grow and conversion of such hemp felony. Be she although ten once allowed.

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