so im thinking of one had one of the excesivly fancy doodads it could be used to make fancy spice from the most basic spice or mesc extraction, just make some simple resin tek or something and at the point were it is spice all dissolved in liquid whatnots, you refraction window dry it and get some good xtals. now i know some folks are gonna come on this thread and say blah blah why do it that way when you can just do it chemy way, but i have a dream that one day we will be able to make pure spice without chem'ness.... anywhoo heres a write up on what a refractence window dryer is and does, tell me what you think received the trans dermal download in the apousal lounge
no disease could possibly survive in such a wiggly environment!
seriously? nobody's got a take on this? im thinking it could totaly be used in crude resin tek for cactus or something, just cold brew the cactus strain it and run the liquid through the window dryer for high quality full spectrum mescaline flakes... ive received the trans dermal download in the apousal lounge
no disease could possibly survive in such a wiggly environment!
So I'm not the smartest person. But this is basically making tea and putting it in a glass dish with heated water underneath to evap the tea faster? The Earth It spins and shakes It spits you out It knows your name
I'm a pathological liar.
Sounds like pouring some aya into shallow trays on a food dehydrator to me. On a related note, now I need to look for some shallow trays that will fit into my food dehydrator... All these posts are on behalf of Stimpy, my yellow bullhead. He is an adventurous fish, and I feel his exploits are worth much so, I occasionally forget that HE is the one who does these things. Sometimes I get caught in the moment and write of his experiences in the first person; this is a mistake, for I am an upstanding citizen who never does wrong. Stimpy is the degenerate.
well...if you follow the link there is a details write up with pictures as to exactly what a refractance window dryer is, but since you feel the need to guess at what it is without looking i shall summarize my understanding of it, it is essentially a conveyor belt with a see through belt and a mirror underneath a heat is applied to the lower chamber and refractoratorness reflects it through the window, with this your liquid is in a very thin layer constantly moving accross the drying surface the result is complete dehydration in a very fast time with very little heat, the product ends up better just from the high quality drying process it will end up as iridescent shiny flakes...extra aesthetic points plus theoreticly awsome mesc or spice from a simple process (aside from the fact that the window dryer itself is pretty expensive/complex)but thats why im questioning you folks, maybe someones clever enough to make one, or knows where to get one, or maybe they happen to know that it would or would not work well? soooo, special dehydrator for full spectrum water/alcohol based extracts? ive received the trans dermal download in the apousal lounge
no disease could possibly survive in such a wiggly environment!
Well I DID read that link and understand what it explains. But thank you for guessing that I didn't. I was simply trying to convert this technology into a form more kitchen chemist friendly, since the majority of us here at DMT-Nexus don't have extra thousands of dollars sitting around to make more aesthetically pleasing drugs. I really just see this as a big waste of time and money for such a small scale operation unless you are processing hundreds of kilos of raw materials for mass production. Which we don't do here. I don't see how the quality of mescaline would be affected from this either. Can you explain this part further? Like I said, I'm not the smartest guy in the world. The Earth It spins and shakes It spits you out It knows your name
I'm a pathological liar.
well the technology was developed for high quality food that one does not want to be decreased in quality because of the drying process like blue green algae, you are probably right about it not being economics friendly unless one was making thousands of pounds or something.(thus my inquery, something previously thought not possible could be found feasible if you come to understand the process well enough) i suppose if i were to try and make it on a minimal budget it would have to be a seasonal thing because i would make a BIG glass or clear acrylic table thing with a big mirror under it, set the whole thing out in the sun then it would either be make sides and fill it with just enough liquid to barely cover the surface, and let it dissolve then scrape and do again, it might get hotter than optimum this way (or not hot enough if you live in the pcnw!) or put a container under it with a small water pump at the upper side(the whole thing would be set at a slight angle with this design) so then you would have the same thing basically, i like the no pump idea cause i dont like the prospect of having my liquid going through extra containers and tubes and stuff to explain the difference in quality from regular drying, i would compare it to curing cannabis when done very well it makes the herb better, but when it is sloppily cured it decreases in quality dramatically,(it also looks much nicer when cured well so you could say that the aesthetics are a potential indicator or quality) if you had some regular dehydrated water extract and some RWD extract i garuntee you would prefer the RWD stuff (rwd=refractence window dried) if one had shallow trays in dehydrator it would probably be the simplest kindof close solution (ive never seen shallow trays for dehydrator?) ive received the trans dermal download in the apousal lounge
no disease could possibly survive in such a wiggly environment!
i dig this idea alot antrocles wrote:...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...
...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".
Quote: ‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell Quote: ‹xtechre› cheese is great He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.