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I realize I'm probably the last person in the world... Options
#1 Posted : 1/31/2012 7:30:28 AM
...to discover Shpongle, but holy crap, are they fantastic.

You ever find yourself wishing there was a certain kind of music in the world, then discovering there is? Yeah, it's like that. I journeyed to 'Ineffable Mysteries from Shpongleland' the other night: Fantastic! It seems so clearly to be meant to synergize with the psychedelic experience. Simon Posford and Raja Ram have really got something here.

Can anyone recommend any other music, either by Posford or otherwise, that hits a similar vein? I've been a fan of Goa/Psytrance for some time, but there's an element in Shpongle which seems to differ from the likes of, say, Infected Mushroom or 1200 Mics. I'd like to find more music with that kind of feel.

Ceci n'est pas Thesmorphia.

"Never make assumptions! That innocent rectangle could be two triangles having sex!"
#2 Posted : 1/31/2012 8:32:25 AM
Hey there,
I traveled on the same ticket myself recently - and I completely agree with you. Absolutely wonderful music.
I would recommend these albums: they are different in sound but similar in their brilliance.

Albums by the Infinity Project:
1. The Mystery of the Yeti - Part I (with Posford, Raja Ram, Graham Wood, Total Eclipse, Doof)
2. The Mystery of the Yeti - Part II
3. Eclipse - A Journey of Permanence & Impermanence
4. Graham Wood - Noises from the Darkness

Albums by Twisted Artists:

1. Blumenkraft
2. Skylon
3. Mir

Younger Brother:
1. A Flock of Bleeps
2. The last days of Gravity

You should visit the Twisted Records website for more artists and compilations.

Additionally, I found these two albums (released by Geomagnetic Records: http://www.geomagnetic.tv/) to be really fantastic.
1. Children of the Blue Ray - Vol. 1 - 13 Moons
2. Children of the Blue Ray - Vol. 2 - Awaken 2013

Thanks to your post I got a hold of their website and am now transfixed by the amount of music I still have to hear.
#3 Posted : 1/31/2012 10:49:50 AM
Thesmorphia wrote:
...but there's an element in Shpongle which seems to differ from the likes of, say, Infected Mushroom...

the Shpongle guys have obiviously done a bit of DMT... Wink

#4 Posted : 1/31/2012 1:23:05 PM
I never knew about shpongle, thank you for sharing this. Who knows if I would've ever found it. Now I have something to listen to in my session today.
#5 Posted : 1/31/2012 7:06:32 PM
Lol, I just discovered them last week. The 1st tune I listened to was Divine Moments of Truth, with headphones on. Blew my mind. I was a huge Yes fan back in the day and these guys remind me of them only on DMT. Shpongle's done an amazing job of trying to put ineffable psychedelic audio into physical form, much like Alex Grey does for visual.

'Tis an ill wind which blows no minds
#6 Posted : 1/31/2012 9:15:21 PM
Shpongle is fantastic! My favorite song is probably Star Shpongled Banner, for some reason it justs connects with me on a really deep level.

and DogMaTea thats the first time ive seen Alex Grey, and i just looked through everything on his website haha thank you
#7 Posted : 1/31/2012 10:17:01 PM
You're welcome Very happy Yeah Grey works hard at getting his visions onto canvas.

Check this out:

'Tis an ill wind which blows no minds
#8 Posted : 2/1/2012 12:36:18 AM
I envy your position Thesmorphia!

I wish I still had the option to go through all of Shpongle's albums and listen to them the first time. Enjoy this blessed period of your earthly existence.

Peace and Happy Journeys Smile
All posts are completely fictional and for educational purposes only
#9 Posted : 2/1/2012 8:06:43 AM
Thanks for the suggestions, Serpient. I've been doing some digging, and found quite a lot of stuff to enjoy. The 'Mystery of the Yeti' albums are great, and I'm enjoying a couple of compilations called 'The Unusual Suspects'.

In particular, I get a huge kick out of a collab by Hallucinogen and Tristan called 'Stretch Tastic': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9gLXY2pVlM

Very much up the Shpongle alley.

Ah, trance music. Will you ever cease to amaze me?
Ceci n'est pas Thesmorphia.

"Never make assumptions! That innocent rectangle could be two triangles having sex!"
Senior Member
#10 Posted : 2/1/2012 8:28:06 AM
Try Shulman (In Search of a Meaningful Moment for instance)
#11 Posted : 2/1/2012 3:39:45 PM
+1 for Shulman's "In Search of a Meaningful Moment"
#12 Posted : 2/2/2012 2:29:42 AM
DogMaTea wrote:

Totally digging this one. I'm not on anything and my pineal gland is vibrating nicely. Big thumbs up!!
Everything I say or do is imaginary just like me.
#13 Posted : 2/2/2012 4:36:45 PM
Yeah, I love Shpongle! I was lucky enough to see their 20th Anniversary set in Ozora last year and I was blown away Shocked

Do you know Vibrasphere? It's not eclectic as Shpongle, but it's worth a try.
Listen to a man of experience: thou wilt learn more in the woods than in books. Trees and stones will teach thee more than thou canst acquire from the mouth of a master. St. Bernard
#14 Posted : 2/2/2012 4:56:43 PM
Entheogenic is also similar.
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