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Mystery of the orange spice... Options
#1 Posted : 1/31/2012 6:29:35 AM
Hey there guys, hows it all going? So i wasn't sure where else to post this and as im still a newbie i have few options, but here goes.

So i was after a bit of advice, from the ever-knowlegdable crowd here at the Nexus, on a recent extraction that SWIM completed. This is SWIM's first, and would like to say it went great. The tek that was used was pretty much the same as Noman's, except less naphtha was used (approx 50-60ml per pull) and there was no ammonia wash. Now, where SWIM is living there is no access to things like VM&P naphtha, so lighter fluid was used. It was hard finding a definitive answer on which brand was best, so a little side by side test of Ronsonol and Zippo was done. An evap test was done on both solvents and both evapped cleanly.

SWIM's findings were as follows. The naphtha was preheated slightly in a hot water bath. For the first two pulls Ronsonol was used. Freeze precipitation was used and both pulls yielded well, not sure on a certain amount but it was a decent pile of fluffy white crystals, hardly even a speck of yellow. Secondly, Zippo brand was used in the same manner as the previous pulls, although it may have been left in the "soup" for longer. The pull was left in the freezer to precip for approx the same amount of time as before. This time, when removed from the freezer, it was easy to see that the crystals had not formed on the glass and were instead floating around. The solvent was filtered out through a coffee filter, which left behind a sort-of orange mush. This "mush" was spread out a bit and left to dry in front of fan. When dry it was definitely crystals, but orange? Just to check the little test, SWIM did yet another pull but again with Ronsonol, which was left in the "soup" for even longer than the Zippo pull. Once again it was freeze precip'd and what do ya know? Near perfectly white and fluffy crystals that were stuck to the jar.

Now, while this doesn't pose too much of an issue, im just interested to know what people think causes the DMT to turn orange like this. Should it be re-crystalised? Should it just be used as is? I've read somewhere that it may be "jungle" spice as well as NN-DMT. Could it be possible that this particular batch of Zippo fluid contained something like Xylene as well as Naphtha and just pulled some extra goodies? Im sure i remember reading an MSDS for something like Zippo and it contained a small amount of Xylene. Anyway im just going on and on now but im interested in hearing peoples opinions. I would also like to recommend Ronsonol to people using this sort of tek as it worked very well for SWIM, and i heard the spice was nice and spicy indeedLaughing .


“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.”
– Terence McKenna
#2 Posted : 1/31/2012 10:57:58 AM
To be honest (hope I don't get crucified), the orange spice will work just as well as anything. It's just trace amounts of plant tannins and oils. You can always re-x if you so choose.

#3 Posted : 1/31/2012 11:14:41 AM
I hadnt specifically mentioned orange but this is very relevant:

#4 Posted : 1/31/2012 11:24:05 AM

Could it be possible that this particular batch of Zippo fluid contained something like Xylene as well as Naphtha and just pulled some extra goodies?

yes, zippo fuel according to MSDS contains mainly toluol, and small fractions of cyclohexane compounds ! So, IMO, it definitely has the affinity to pull extra stuff besides dmt. In any case, zippo is not very clean solvent. I have seen inconsistencies in different batches over the time. If no other solvent can be found, its best only to freeze precip the spice and clean it a bit afterwards ( when zippo fuel is used ).

#5 Posted : 2/1/2012 3:18:13 AM
I'm guessing that the last extraction pulled more "goodies" out of the plant material.
Some have said that there is really no difference between regular spice and "jungle" spice, and that a blind test would show no difference, that the difference in experience is only subjective and suggestive.
I have no scientific reasoning to support my experience, but I SWEAR that the yellow jungle spice has an immense quality of its own and that the high is much more intense and vivid visually. I think I've done enough extractions with both naptha and xylene and enough field testing to firm up my correlation, but the spice experience cannot be measured with a scale, so your mileage may vary!


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
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