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Unsure if I'm ready Options
Gods Johnston
#1 Posted : 1/31/2012 12:30:44 AM
I have a couple of questions regarding DMT and the use of DMT, please help me find the answers

I don't know if I am ready to do DMT, I have only shroomed 3 times. The first time I ate roughly around ten grams, and an eighth two other times. I have had out of bodies, ( which was the most amazing experience I have ever had) but still don't know if it is such a good idea. Every review I have ever read and everyone that I know that has done has nothing but amazing things to say about it. I know I think I have a small idea of how it is but I know I'll never know until I do it. I was wondering if any of you think it would be a good safe idea for me to try it.

Another thing I want to know is how are the mental effects after a breakthrough? I know with psychedelics everyone "learns" when you trip, but I heard that DMT is overloading your brain and your thought process. One of my friends has broken through about five times now and seems like he is a little unstable now. He quit going to college, he refuses to look for a job, and he is always finding any sort of way to get messed up no matter the way, pills, k2, cough syrup, etc. I know he is like this because of the DMT, he told me so himself. But other people I know that have done it still live life how society wants them too. (not saying I agree with society) but I can't do DMT if it actually does make you think and feel that way because whether I like it or not after the trip I have to come back to reality and act as a "normal" person would in society. So any thoughts about that would be much appreciated.

Please help me by giving me your opinions and please make them as truthful as you can. I need all the help I can get
space face
#2 Posted : 1/31/2012 1:23:58 AM
hmmm. Thats extremely odd that your friend after smoking dmt became unstable. I can honestly say that dmt does the exact opposite for me. After I smoke it I feel motivated about my job and all the people I have in my life and the future. Immediatly after the trip I would say my mind is ecstatic about what just happened, but in another way its like I'm in the most meditative state I've ever been in and it just makes me feel at peace most of all. I would say that if you feel comfortable taking mushrooms and tripping in general I don't see why you wouldn't be able to smoke it. I know what you mean about seeing society completely different after taking mushrooms, that defiately happened to me when I was younger and first started taking them. IME, DMT also can have this effect but in a different way.. It's in a positive way, you will understand society better and not view it from an alien point of view after like mushrooms tend to cause. Also you don't HAVE to breakthrough your first time although I would recommend it. You can take a small hit first and get a feel for what it does. anyway good luck man!
Learn. Manifest. Integrate. Grow.
#3 Posted : 1/31/2012 2:18:55 AM
If you can happily take mushrooms without any ill effects i can't see DMT doing you any harm. A lot of people wouldn't dream of eating 10g of shrooms from what i've been reading.

I have yet to try them though, i jumped into the deep end (DMT) and and got my arse kicked (laughed about it afterwards), and was then rewarded for my persistence a few attempts later.
#4 Posted : 1/31/2012 2:39:56 AM
dont let the fear of your friend's choices be the thing holding you back.

your ready for it when you can surrender and embrace no matter what is happening; don't be afraid of losing something of yourself.

do your research and then take the bold step Very happy
#5 Posted : 1/31/2012 2:40:44 AM
ChickenTikka wrote:
If you can happily take mushrooms without any ill effects i can't see DMT doing you any harm. A lot of people wouldn't dream of eating 10g of shrooms from what i've been reading.

I have yet to try them though, i jumped into the deep end (DMT) and and got my arse kicked (laughed about it afterwards), and was then rewarded for my persistence a few attempts later.

This. If you have legitimately taken 10g of shrooms and were ok, you will be ok with dmt. (You sure it was 10g? Thats a pretty heavy dose) Just start low and work your way up.
#6 Posted : 1/31/2012 2:41:12 AM
Hey Gods I'm glad you posed this question, I'm a n00b myself but looking forward to my first experience. It's good to read the positive responses here. For the record, I LOVE shrooms. The single most profound spiritual experience I've ever had was on shrooms, and although I know DMT is more of a tear in the fabric of space and time, the DMT molecule and the psilocybin molecules are incredibly similar in structure - so I think I'm going to really like it.

Although I'm a bit nervous about it, I'm not worried about becoming unstable. You can always make choices along the way and the fact that you know that you want to be stable I believe is enough - there's probably other factors in your friends life and being stable is probably just not as important to him as it is to you.

Personally, I think there's a helluva lot more in "normal" society that makes people unstable. These entheogens are what society NEEDS, since society as a whole has become so disconnected from nature with our maddening focus on industry and rational thinking. I think we can have a balance of both.
'Tis an ill wind which blows no minds
#7 Posted : 1/31/2012 3:39:06 AM
Your friends adverse reaction is a rare case.
If you can handle 10 grams of shrooms, the deems should sit well with you.
The more you try to know, the more mysterious life gets..
#8 Posted : 1/31/2012 4:01:47 AM
If you are intelligent enough to write this thread then you will be fine with dmt imo.
#9 Posted : 1/31/2012 4:47:50 AM
Gods Johnston wrote:
I know he is like this because of the DMT, he told me so himself.

It sounds to me like he is using DMT as a convenient excuse. Many people including me have analyzed their own life and made it better using DMT as a tool for self exploration.
As others said, if you've done shrooms which last for hours, then a 10 minute journey smoking spice will be just a pleasent short experience for you. But to address any fears you may have, just take a small amount to start with and work into it!


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#10 Posted : 1/31/2012 8:01:21 AM
If you don't feel ready... don't do it. Meditate on the decision and you'll know when you're ready.

Also... I agree that it's odd that your friend has had negative after effects from dmt...
It's not that I don't trust or believe you or your friend, but it seems like there may be something more to it (environmental factors, etc etc).

Either way,
Safe travels on future adventures!
“Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that construct the molecules, are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of high mass stars that exploded their chemically rich guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life. So that we are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the rest of the universe atomically. That’s kinda cool! That makes me smile and I actually feel quite large at the end of that. It’s not that we are better than the universe, we are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson
#11 Posted : 1/31/2012 11:28:46 AM
hello Gods Johnston,

you are right to be wary of using the spice, if you werent it would be more worrying. I like to look at my preflight anxiety as an offering, the fear is present untill i blow out the first hit, the fear is then replaced by awe, amazement and gratitude.

Was your 10g of mushrooms dried or fresh? if they were dried then, in my opinion, you will have no problems with a spice journey (except the obvious reality smashing part but no one can really handle thatTwisted Evil )

Gods Johnston wrote:
One of my friends has broken through about five times now and seems like he is a little unstable now. He quit going to college, he refuses to look for a job, and he is always finding any sort of way to get messed up no matter the way, pills, k2, cough syrup, etc. I know he is like this because of the DMT, he told me so himself.

DMT didnt do this to your friend, your friend did this to himself. Its very sad when a friend gets affected in this way, it happened to a friend of mine(extasy related not DMT) so i can relate to your situation.

Have you tried to help him get back on track? maybe spend sometime with him that doesnt involve getting high but does involve some equally good activities, go walking, climbing, build something, anything, just to try to nudge him back toward his old self.

Like others have said DMT can have a profound and positive effect on your being. Since i began my interactions with Spice i have given up smoking tabacco, drinking alcohol, eating factory farmed/tortured meat, cut down my weed consumption and i am soon to start training for a new career in order to get myself out of my McJob.

All these things have needed changing for a long time but all this has happened in the 8 months since i started using DMT, i am excited to see where i will be in a years time.

DMT didnt make these changes, i did, but by crickey the spice has helped give me a shove in the right direction.

If you are still unsure but still curious then start low and see what happens.

best of luck

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

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