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Device for smoking Options
#1 Posted : 1/30/2012 3:33:29 PM
Hello all nexians!
I've done my first extraction successfully and I have a test tube vacuum for smoking device. Can I use it?
Test tube vacuum
#2 Posted : 1/30/2012 3:49:04 PM
Welcome to Nexus

Just make your self the machine , you can find it here . Its very easy to make and very effective.If you can get copper mesh use that one instead of metal one. Start with low doses.

If you have some saving buy GVG

I forgot to say - I would not use that device you asking about. With that you will burn the spice instead of vaporising it.
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.


We are all living in our own feces.
#3 Posted : 1/30/2012 6:38:14 PM
Thank you for quick reply.
I will make "the machine" to see how it works.
Best wishes!
#4 Posted : 1/30/2012 6:42:37 PM
For smoking, you can grab a class pipe your typical crackhead would use, wherever you could acquire it. This will protect the dmt from the direct flame. you heat it, it liquifies and turns into smoke, fair warning the smoke is VERY harsh, but you get used to it.
#5 Posted : 1/30/2012 7:04:44 PM
MickeyKomtra wrote:
For smoking, you can grab a class pipe your typical crackhead would use, wherever you could acquire it. This will protect the dmt from the direct flame. you heat it, it liquifies and turns into smoke, fair warning the smoke is VERY harsh, but you get used to it.

I personally wouldn't recommend using this type of pipe for spice. I mean, its effective at vaporizing the spice but it can be dangerous as it gets EXTREMELY hot and probably wouldn't feel too good if you drop it on yourself because your blasting off into the cosmos. But if you do use this method, ROTATE the pipe as you heat it, and dont use a bic lighter!

Im pretty sure you can find them at headshops under the name of a 'glass oil burner' or something along the lines of that.
#6 Posted : 1/30/2012 7:09:14 PM
hey skoom, didnt think about that possibility,....curious, why the spinning, and why not the bic...kinda new to smoking Pleased
Hiyo Quicksilver
#7 Posted : 1/30/2012 7:14:59 PM
Hotrailing is great too! Twisted Evil
#8 Posted : 1/30/2012 8:36:55 PM
I just don't get it, considering all the trouble and potential risk one has to go through to extract the spice, is it such a big deal to get a proper smoking device for it? I mean $65 for a Glass Bat VG or $99 for the GVG. is hardly an unobtainable goal by most standards.Or might there be an age related issue going on here? (ie. as in too young to be using the services of this site) The preferences argument is so weak, as these devices ( with the possible exception of "the machine"Pleased simply don't deliver performance like the VG-GVG. DMT freebase isn't crack or meth. Using a crack bulb for dmt is like playing golf with a baseball bat.
#9 Posted : 1/30/2012 9:50:20 PM
arcanum wrote:
I just don't get it, considering all the trouble and potential risk one has to go through to extract the spice, is it such a big deal to get a proper smoking device for it? I mean $65 for a Glass Bat VG or $99 for the GVG. is hardly an unobtainable goal by most standards.Or might there be an age related issue going on here? (ie. as in too young to be using the services of this site) The preferences argument is so weak, as these devices ( with the possible exception of "the machine"Pleased simply don't deliver performance like the VG-GVG. DMT freebase isn't crack or meth. Using a crack bulb for dmt is like playing golf with a baseball bat.

just calm down man, for some people it is big deal to have that money that's why there is the machine that has been tested by many members here including my self and the machine does work and work very well. It is not a GVG but it will do the job till one can save some money for a better tool. the most important is to have clean spice without any residue.

people come here for help not to be told off. the guy did not say his under 18 did he ? If everyone who does not have funds for GVG right now should be under 18, then lots of the members accounts here would have to be suspended Smile

We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.


We are all living in our own feces.
#10 Posted : 1/31/2012 12:04:24 AM
smokerx wrote:
arcanum wrote:
I just don't get it, considering all the trouble and potential risk one has to go through to extract the spice, is it such a big deal to get a proper smoking device for it? I mean $65 for a Glass Bat VG or $99 for the GVG. is hardly an unobtainable goal by most standards.Or might there be an age related issue going on here? (ie. as in too young to be using the services of this site) The preferences argument is so weak, as these devices ( with the possible exception of "the machine"Pleased simply don't deliver performance like the VG-GVG. DMT freebase isn't crack or meth. Using a crack bulb for dmt is like playing golf with a baseball bat.

just calm down man, for some people it is big deal to have that money that's why there is the machine that has been tested by many members here including my self and the machine does work and work very well. It is not a GVG but it will do the job till one can save some money for a better tool. the most important is to have clean spice without any residue.

people come here for help not to be told off. the guy did not say his under 18 did he ? If everyone who does not have funds for GVG right now should be under 18, then lots of the members accounts here would have to be suspended Smile

You are making an assumption that I'm not calm, incorrect! I'm very calm, just puzzled. My gripe is with the clearly ineficient crack pipe, vapour bulb methods. Also you have failed to even read my post correctly, where I clearly state " with the possible exception of the machine" . Not telling anyone off ( but if that's the way you perceive it, then be my guest)

Bulb and crack pipes are rubbish, younger or unemployed cash strapped afficianados of dmt, could well do themselves a favour by foregoing a video game or a couple of nights out to
purchase ( or make, "the machine"Pleased a device that does justice to the product.Cool
#11 Posted : 2/8/2012 12:47:46 PM
This could be used for basification Granular Drain Opener, SWIM couldn't find MSDS for that.
#12 Posted : 2/8/2012 1:23:46 PM
I'll agree that smoking dmt out of a crack pipe/bulb/test tube is a very inefficient method, But hitting golf balls with a baseball bat is sooo much fun hahaha they go so far!
#13 Posted : 2/8/2012 1:31:12 PM

You are making an assumption that I'm not calm, incorrect! I'm very calm, just puzzled. My gripe is with the clearly ineficient crack pipe, vapour bulb methods. Also you have failed to even read my post correctly, where I clearly state " with the possible exception of the machine" . Not telling anyone off ( but if that's the way you perceive it, then be my guest)

Bulb and crack pipes are rubbish, younger or unemployed cash strapped afficianados of dmt, could well do themselves a favour by foregoing a video game or a couple of nights out to
purchase ( or make, "the machine"Pleased a device that does justice to the product.Cool

i summed up the expenses for the whole dmt thing,turns out to be around 250 euros...currently i dont have enough money for a gvg,you seem to forget that not everyone here lives in nl and sweden and some people here have 400-500 euros monthly payments.so yes a gvg is a huge expense
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#14 Posted : 2/8/2012 3:38:43 PM
My vapor genie cost me less than my monthly cable/Internet bill...It's not a glass vapor genie I got the original wood one,and i'd laugh if somebody tried to tell me it doesn't work as good as a gvg.

I just don't see how somebody can justify spending the money on supplies and take the time to perform an extraction,and then just to try to find the cheapest/easiest way to smoke it instead of just investing in a proper pipe/device.

I know for a fact that I use Wayy less spice now that I use a vapor genie...1 hit break throughs on about 35-40mg
When I was using less efficient methods of smoking (burning it with weed or using lightbulb) i needed much much more to get anywhere near the same experience.

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