It seems most of this forum is either atheist, agnostic, or buddhist. Personally I would consider myself closest to buddhist, ( before experimenting with psychedelics I was atheist) What are your beliefs?
Currently I am fanatical about Buddhism.
Went from cult member growing up > atheist > agnostic > now.
I think there is a decent probability that "god" isn't a separate entity but is the sum of all the matter and energy in the universe. That shouldn't be a revolutionary idea on this forum, though. But if that isn't the case I don't think there is a god.
I just want to hum with existence for eternity.
Atheist here 
i thought i was atheist when i was younger just because i didn't believe in Christianity, untill i learnt what agnostic is, now im very interested in Buddhism but still very unsure i'm a compulsive liar, dont take anything i say seriously, its all make believe.
IMHO, belief transcends religion. You're asking about religion. If that's the case, I'm neither. I made up my own religion, and chose to believe in that, since everybody wouldn't stop chattering about "believe this, believe that". I showed'em The truth...lies within.
I identified beliefs as DNA- and/or culture-engraved patterns in my brain which direct how I react to external stimuli. I also seem to have a capacity to observe how said patterns direct my life process - for instance in meditation -, which I find quite intriguing. Loss of balance in this inquisitive stillness brings a loss of the objectivity and a re-identification with the patterns, the perceived "I".
(this probably counts as Buddhism)
I am whole life searched for the answer to question "who I" and I have found Kastaneda's books. His description of the world has transformed the meaningless nightmare in clear way and I went onward. Drugs have only confirmed my choice. So I consider his as my spiritual father. But herewith any description (the determination) - only temporary part of Truth. Well about this remember. As sting that some religions try to persist turn back ...
first off, be more specific OP. are you talking about religion, or spirituality? the two are very different. i am certainly not religious in the slightest. however i am very spiritual. and my spiritualism has nothing to do with any man-made religion. beliefs are dangerous things. despite my experiences that i have had, i choose to remain on the fence about such matters. the simple fact of the matter is that NOBODY KNOWS. i shall wait and see what happens i guess, but until then i shall continue to take the meanings, messages and lessons i gain from my experiences and apply them to my own subjective experience of life and reality in a way that works for me and makes sense to me. and even then, none of it has to make sense. c'est la vie... <3 Gun it to 88.....::those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak::..ॐ<3ॐ
I believe... religious people are superstitious. Used to fancy the buddhism school of thought, but now I really just don't care. I don't need nor want suggestions to a more "spiritual" path, because everyone has their own path. I create my own peace in my life, and don't need to follow any other ritual. works for me. "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah "Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
"Belief is a toxic and dangerous attitude toward reality. After all, if it's there it doesn't require your belief- and if it's not there why should you believe in it?" - Terence McKenna Rug•Wall•Ceiling•People•Fruit•Music
RebornInSmoke wrote:...first off, be more specific OP. are you talking about religion, or spirituality? the two are very different... --------------------------------------------- -Dangerously, when can appear the mess because of words or translation... 1) -When I have said "As sting that some religions try to persist turn back..." -that bore in mind that some world religions are not adjusted on direct perception of the manifestations to realities, but perceive the reality through prism dogmas, hereunder instinctively distorting it. I do not be going to to give this estimation. Simply I sad observing this way. 2) -Kastaneda through their own books gave me instrument of the perception to reality + wisdom of generations + feeling kinship. No religions I beside he does not see! Only ways of the direct perception to reality (= energy). 3) About spiritual I have not said nor word. 4) Apropos, I am run away that in dispute will be born not truth, but weariness. The Truth will be born in silence. 5) And in general - all  .
The Buddhist theme is likely to be popular with DMT users, it offers little hope to me however, even less when I hear of buddhist monks taunting and making fun of handicapped people in certain asiatic countries. Even though I discarded my previously held christianity, and found life less worrisome by doing so, I'm drawn back to it, and hopefully will oneday return there.
ha,ha, - sometimes sober voice on the part of very useful as pail of water on hot heads!
Agnostic with interest in Buddhism/Hinduism in terms of spirit and chakras.
Ever since my first cup of ayahuasca; Nihilism. Mad, bad and dangerous to know.
There's magic out there!
1989 - 2003 Born into the roman catholic religion > 2003 - 2010 Switched to atheism > 2010 - 2012 Experimented with psychedelics and now I believe in basic virtue's and use them to make me a better soul.
Beliefs and conclusions are like dead ends; stunted growth. I try not to believe anything although this isn't always applicable as I believe this bong before me is quite lovely indeed. I believe in the underlying precision embedded in the psychedelic overdrive, and seek it's gain knob twist to allow it's chain reactions to happen. I know this is the way that curls and blooms myself.
I worship the old roman and greek gods. Zeus is my favourite. He's pretty cute!
I would describe myself as a nihlilist. I change my viewpoint quite regularly but it seems to fall back to the nihilist position. I essentially have no belief and see no greater reason for existence than the random. I see no greater force governing reality, except the universe we see and (sort of) know. If anything I believe that the universe as a whole is this God thing people talk of, but I see nothing spiritual in it. I will probably have a different standpoint tomorrow.