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Intelligence and the DMT experience Options
#1 Posted : 1/25/2012 11:26:40 AM
Hello nexians, hope you are well.

i have been pondering this all week and cant really come to a decision. This might be a bit of a ramble and might not make alot of sense, but as i cant really decide what i think about it i thought i would throw it out to the good folk on the Nexus, so here go's....

I was wondering if a persons intelligence effects there DMT experience?
(for the sake of this line of thinking i am presuming that the entire DMT experience is 100% a mental game created by the drug, [i dont believe this but for the sake of my idea i am running on this premise])

My, very wavy, line of thinking-
i am of average intelligence, lets say im a 50%'er. Now lets say that i encounter an average level of complexity within my journey's(i know, i know, average hyperspace doesnt exist but lets go with itWink ).

I thought this because i am only able to use my brain to an average level on a day to day basis, would a person of higher intelligence, lets say a 90%'er, have increased complexity in there experience as they can use there minds much more efficiently than i can?

On the other side of the coin you would have a 25%'er, would this person experience a less complex journey as they were not able to use there mind as efficienly as the 50%'er and the 90%'er.

This then led me to think about someone who is artistically intelligent, lets say a great painter like Alex Grey. Would they be able to experience the most increadible scenes because it is there skill?
would this then mean that a person who was mathamatically intelligent wouldnt have glorious surroundings, as there brain is less capable of producing beautifull artistic images, but would they then be able to experience/create a greater array of geometric shapes/landscapes as this is closer to there field of intelligence.

This then led to me think that intelligence must not be related to the experience as i have no talent as an painter/drawer/sculpter (oh, how i have tried with no results) but i have created increadible landscapes and vistas that i truely believe my mind cannot cungure. Does this mean that i can always do this but the ability of the mind to produce these things needs the switch flick that DMT provides?

So maybe the only way intelligence effects the journey is the way in which you interperate and integrate the experience afterwards. Maybe someone in the 25% club might not understand what they are shown, where as a 90% may be able to work it out or see it more easily, or maybe the 90% will over think the experience and miss the simplicity of the point that the 25% would instantly see.

My last thought is about the brain, are they all the same but wired differently? are some better than others? could they be tweaked in the future to turn a 25% into a 90%?

Sorry if that was a little directionless but thats how my thoughts are currently flowing on this matter.

so whats your thoughts???


it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

Moderator | Skills: Harm reduction, Analytical thinking
#2 Posted : 1/25/2012 12:58:14 PM
I think you have to clearly differentiate between certain abilities of your brain here before you can proceed. Intelligence, whether artistic or mathematical I think is not directly related to things such as the pattern completion your brain does when interpreting visual input. If dmt for example were to stimulate this function and thereby completed patterns that normally we didn't even perceive as patterns, then we would be creating all kinds of landscapes or patterns or whatnot without any artistic intention or any conscious intelligence behind it. The same with the acoustic hallucinations.

I'm not saying this is so, but that it's a possibility.

Also, I think you give your mind a lot less credit than is due - only because you can not create art in physical form does not mean that you are not capable of imagining incredible things.
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#3 Posted : 1/25/2012 1:43:12 PM
The mind is a complex sort of thing of wich self-reflection is one of it´s weird characteristic´s.

I think that the reflection of the levels of complexity of it´s own functioning is therefore bound by this complexity itself, wich would mean that everyone would at least have the same 'experience' of complexity: to a less intelligent mind that would only be able to generate very simple patterns, these patterns are probably as complex as more complex patterns are to a more complex mind.

After all: what is complexity? There is only one standard for complexity, wich is the perspective from wich we look at reality...wich is determined by how much complexity our own minds can handle.

Something like alcohol for instance, clearly diminishes our levels of counsciousness, but when you´re drunk you will definately not feel that you are less counscious because your ability to reflect upon your own level of counsciousness is also diminished.

I think that psychedelic´s are very interesting in this perspective: It´s definately true that psychedelic´s temporarilly decrease at least many parts of the brains functions. Things like pattern recognition, retention or reaction speed diminish noticeably during a psychedelic session...you could try playing a videogame while under the influence of psychedelic´s and you will definately see a somewhat lowered performance. But the capability of the brain to GENERATE complexity doesn´t seem to be lowered. It seems that especially this part of the mind that reflects, is being distorted, so that the ability of the mind to PERCEIVE complex patterns of it´s own making is being diminished...making you feel as if you´re drowning in complexity.
#4 Posted : 1/25/2012 1:54:46 PM

i had a fair share of trips and also had a few difficult ones

somehow a slightly off retarded but very good hearted friend of a friend wanted to smoke dmt

and when he did, he had the most amazing communication expierience right from the start

i dont think it has much to do with rational intelligence, although it can have on your personal trips.

But your yourneys depend largely on the content of your heart
blessed be all forms of intelligence
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#5 Posted : 1/25/2012 3:14:34 PM
I'm not sure if intelligence would increase complexity, but I imagine that it could play a role in decoding some of the symbolism inherent in the experience as well as allow for a more detailed and efficient integration process through more sophisticated reflection. On the other hand, people who are normally considered intelligent, may be overly analytical and reductionist which could hold them back from some of the more right-brain oriented features of the DMT experience. It's really hard to say because "intelligence" is so broadly defined, that just depending on the way you look at this word alone could come up with numerous tangential answers.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#6 Posted : 1/25/2012 3:53:03 PM
so i guess my idea of complexity is indeed subjective and a 25%er would find equal complexity in there experience as a 90%er.

and i guess the fact that i can imagine increadible things but not getting them on paper is irrelevant to my brain power, i wonder what it is that makes people draw well, i have the images in my mind, from my journeys, but my hands just wont put them down on paper Sad

bindu wrote:
somehow a slightly off retarded but very good hearted friend of a friend wanted to smoke dmt

and when he did, he had the most amazing communication expierience right from the start

I like this as it kind of says to me that its not just a drug but that something different happens to the brain, (an improvement maybe?, i can certainly write better when i have taken LSD)

Global wrote:
On the other hand, people who are normally considered intelligent, may be overly analytical and reductionist which could hold them back from some of the more right-brain oriented features of the DMT experience

Definitely agree with this

I think an interesting thing to look at would be the types of experience that people of different levels/types of "intelligence" experience, is there a similar theme to the journeys that musicians have compared to physicists.

but maybe its all just one big dose of madness that transends all things and all peopleRolling eyes .


it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

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