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Q to experienced dmt psychonauts (after glow) Options
#1 Posted : 1/25/2012 12:03:58 AM
I hear alot about this after glow effect from dmt. From my past expereince with mxe, i too experienced an after glow that lasted for many days.

So my question is, do you expereince an afterglow effect from dmt,if so then how would you describe the after glow? how long does it last for you?

#2 Posted : 1/25/2012 12:34:41 AM
i get a really beautiful afterglow after smoking dmt. especially after a really emotional breakthrough. generally i feel great all the time after my dmt experiences simply because they have shown me beauty that needn't be in front of me all the time to remember. it has given me a feeling of direct connection to the cosmos, which is timeless and will never be broken. thankyou dmt, and thank you changaaaa

i also read somewhere that dmt increases the level of serotonin in your body? can anybody confirm this? it would make sense to me
#3 Posted : 1/25/2012 12:45:45 AM
Ecstatic euphoria and a genuine joy to exist.
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#4 Posted : 1/25/2012 1:35:32 AM
DMT heightens your "spirits" vibration, therefore transforming you into a more positive energy, keeping your energy high, is up to you.
I think the most important thing to do to sustain this afterglow, is to become aware of whats actually happening to your body when smoking DMT, DMT is a great catalyst to teach you about your senses and energy.
#5 Posted : 1/25/2012 9:41:54 AM
toppy wrote:
DMT heightens your "spirits" vibration, therefore transforming you into a more positive energy, keeping your energy high, is up to you.
I think the most important thing to do to sustain this afterglow, is to become aware of whats actually happening to your body when smoking DMT, DMT is a great catalyst to teach you about your senses and energy.

Do you think that these vibrations, once they have begun, are able to sustain themselves independantly or do you think a continued use of the spirit molecule/Aya is required to keep the vibrations going?

I find that each time i have a break from DMT the upper hand in the battle between my thoughts changes. I begin to think things like "dont be stupid its all just drugs, your crazy to think otherwise" or "Theres no chance its real in any way, your being silly".

However if i partake in the spice every couple of weeks or so then the prevailing thoughts are "there is something going on here that you dont understand" or "your not crazy, it seems pretty obvious that you are missing something, now try to work out what is it"

I think that the mind set which is achieved through frequent use (1/2 journeys per month for me currently) is very strange, i find it makes quite a big difference to my attitude toward the world and myself. Its strange as it doesnt feel like it has any bad connotations, i dont feel "affected", i just feel like a better person.

Its seems like with continued use of these substances it becomes less of an after glow and more an influence which allows real changes for the better to be made.

I told a non journeying friend of mine about this and they seemed to think i was crazy to think that a "drug" altered state of being was wrong, even if it changed someone for the better. They said that drugs can never be good for you, they are just the play things of hedonists and nothing more. Clearly i think he was incorrect.


it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

Moderator | Skills: Harm reduction, Analytical thinking
#6 Posted : 1/25/2012 10:10:20 AM
toppy wrote:
DMT heightens your "spirits" vibration, therefore transforming you into a more positive energy, keeping your energy high, is up to you.

this is conjecture IMO; spirits, vibrations etc. are nice images to use but I would be careful in stating their existence and dmt's effects on them as facts.

3rdI wrote:
Do you think that these vibrations, once they have begun, are able to sustain themselves independantly or do you think a continued use of the spirit molecule/Aya is required to keep the vibrations going?

I find that each time i have a break from DMT the upper hand in the battle between my thoughts changes. I begin to think things like "dont be stupid its all just drugs, your crazy to think otherwise" or "Theres no chance its real in any way, your being silly".

However if i partake in the spice every couple of weeks or so then the prevailing thoughts are "there is something going on here that you dont understand" or "your not crazy, it seems pretty obvious that you are missing something, now try to work out what is it"

I think that the mind set which is achieved through frequent use (1/2 journeys per month for me currently) is very strange, i find it makes quite a big difference to my attitude toward the world and myself. Its strange as it doesnt feel like it has any bad connotations, i dont feel "affected", i just feel like a better person.

Its seems like with continued use of these substances it becomes less of an after glow and more an influence which allows real changes for the better to be made.

I told a non journeying friend of mine about this and they seemed to think i was crazy to think that a "drug" altered state of being was wrong, even if it changed someone for the better. They said that drugs can never be good for you, they are just the play things of hedonists and nothing more. Clearly i think he was incorrect.

I think there is a definite difference to using psychedelics regularly or sporadically. Both forms of use have their ups and downs, have their applications and dangers. The problem you describe in your head telling you "it's just drugs" is something pretty normal I would say, since we are more or less conditioned by society to think that way and it's only natural that occasionally our mind latches on to this kind of way of thinking.

Sure I think psychedelics can facilitate changes for the better. Sometimes it's like a chain reaction that only needs that first impulse, and sometimes it helps to give yourself a regular push in the right direction. Generally I think however that aya or dmt or any psychedelic is never NEEDED for this kind of thing. They might be the best tool to achieve what they achieve but I don't think they are the only tools for it. That is if you are using them as tools.

Now for the afterglow - feelings of general euphoria and gratefulness to be alive. Joy in embracing what is, greater openness, feeling of connectedness. For me it can last for a day, but I have had it last for months as well (though this was from mushrooms).
toppy is right about one thing - keeping "your energy" high is up to you.
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction
Lost travellier
#7 Posted : 1/25/2012 10:25:09 AM
bricklaya wrote: "i get a really beautiful afterglow after smoking dmt. especially after a really emotional breakthrough. generally i feel great all the time after my dmt experiences simply because they have shown me beauty that needn't be in front of me all the time to remember. it has given me a feeling of direct connection to the cosmos, which is timeless and will never be broken. thankyou dmt, and thank you changaaaa". -I am 1000% agree with him! But i think that cause of this beautiful effects in one more source: According to with description of K.Kastaneda's, when we stop make "usual world", we get many free energy of our perception immediately. Free energy bring pleasure for body and mind. I thus say, because i feel this effect with any way of "NOT to DO something" for me (not only Spice or drugs). This tie with K.Kastaneda's theory look very obviously for me....
Lost travellier
#8 Posted : 1/25/2012 10:47:53 AM

Enoon wrote: toppy wrote:
...DMT heightens your "spirits" vibration, therefore transforming you into a more positive energy, keeping your energy high, is up to you.

this is conjecture IMO; spirits, vibrations etc. are nice images to use but I would be careful in stating their existence and dmt's effects on them as facts.

3rdI wrote:
Do you think that these vibrations, once they have begun, are able to sustain themselves independantly or do you think a continued use of the spirit molecule/Aya is required to keep the vibrations going?

I find that each time i have a break from DMT the upper hand in the battle between my thoughts changes. I begin to think things like "dont be stupid its all just drugs, your crazy to think otherwise" or "Theres no chance its real in any way, your being silly".

However if i partake in the spice every couple of weeks or so then the prevailing thoughts are "there is something going on here that you dont understand" or "your not crazy, it seems pretty obvious that you are missing something, now try to work out what is it"

I think that the mind set which is achieved through frequent use (1/2 journeys per month for me currently) is very strange, i find it makes quite a big difference to my attitude toward the world and myself. Its strange as it doesnt feel like it has any bad connotations, i dont feel "affected", i just feel like a better person.

Its seems like with continued use of these substances it becomes less of an after glow and more an influence which allows real changes for the better to be made.

I told a non journeying friend of mine about this and they seemed to think i was crazy to think that a "drug" altered state of being was wrong, even if it changed someone for the better. They said that drugs can never be good for you, they are just the play things of hedonists and nothing more. Clearly i think he was incorrect.

I think there is a definite difference to using psychedelics regularly or sporadically. Both forms of use have their ups and downs, have their applications and dangers. The problem you describe in your head telling you "it's just drugs" is something pretty normal I would say, since we are more or less conditioned by society to think that way and it's only natural that occasionally our mind latches on to this kind of way of thinking.

Sure I think psychedelics can facilitate changes for the better. Sometimes it's like a chain reaction that only needs that first impulse, and sometimes it helps to give yourself a regular push in the right direction. Generally I think however that aya or dmt or any psychedelic is never NEEDED for this kind of thing. They might be the best tool to achieve what they achieve but I don't think they are the only tools for it. That is if you are using them as tools.

Now for the afterglow - feelings of general euphoria and gratefulness to be alive. Joy in embracing what is, greater openness, feeling of connectedness. For me it can last for a day, but I have had it last for months as well (though this was from mushrooms).
toppy is right about one thing - keeping "your energy" high is up to you...

-I am join up to Enoon wrote (i can't say better in English, sorry...). Yes, Spice bring us the Chance. We must live at this world, but we have a choice - live with open eyes or no.

Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#9 Posted : 1/25/2012 2:37:02 PM
Terrence_Mechanic wrote:
I hear alot about this after glow effect from dmt. From my past expereince with mxe, i too experienced an after glow that lasted for many days.

So my question is, do you expereince an afterglow effect from dmt,if so then how would you describe the after glow? how long does it last for you?

I sort of break down the afterglow into 2 stages: psychedelic and non-psychedelic. Generally after smoking DMT, there is a few minute peak/plateau period which is the main part of the experience. This is the part of the experience where there may be a story and a "plot" with a sense of "forward-progress". Once the DMT starts losing steam, the sense of a forward moving story diminishes and the visuals begin to decay. You probably won't get any further from here.

This is where I mark the first part of the afterglow (the psychedelic part). At this point if I open my eyes, matter is flowing, colorful energy is accumulating to create multidimensional holograms, and this phase can tend to be quite euphoric (even if you just had a ride to hell and back). In terms of the full spectrum of the DMT experience, this phase tends to be of a somewhat lower level, but it can easily rival peak LSD and psilocybin experiences. Most other people would probably define this part of the afterglow as "full-out tripping balls" (their words, not mine Wink ). This seems to last anywhere from 2 minutes to half an hour, largely depending on the magnitude of the peak experience.

The second part of the afterglow - the non-psychedelic part - may include some gentle euphoria. Perhaps just a nice lift in mood, or pressure. Additionally there may be some light residual visual distortions or patterning, with an emphasis on "light". This can last for a longer time, though it's really hard to start making estimates.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#10 Posted : 1/26/2012 7:05:42 PM
^^ Global couldn't have Said it better...

I too get an amazing afterglow every time I use spice, I would compare the open eye visuals to a massive dose of LSD, it's truly breathtaking and almost as exciting to me as the trip through hyperspace. (but not quite)

#11 Posted : 1/27/2012 9:03:04 AM
bricklaya wrote:
i get a really beautiful afterglow after smoking dmt. especially after a really emotional breakthrough. generally i feel great all the time after my dmt experiences simply because they have shown me beauty that needn't be in front of me all the time to remember. it has given me a feeling of direct connection to the cosmos, which is timeless and will never be broken. thankyou dmt, and thank you changaaaa

i also read somewhere that dmt increases the level of serotonin in your body? can anybody confirm this? it would make sense to me

Yes, DMT is an agonist of serotonin. But so is sunlight....
#12 Posted : 1/27/2012 5:13:15 PM
I would say that the extended afterglow from vaporized DMT does not last as long as the afterglow from MXE. Several hours at most. With oral DMT, especially in the higher dose ranges for the harmalas, the afterglow can last for a week or two.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#13 Posted : 1/27/2012 5:53:48 PM
The afterglow duration is dependent on the person really.

I've been in and out of an 'afterglow' that started about a month ago.

Experiences involving aya definitely aid to that after-glow i think. Your feel physically and mentally cleansed from the inside out.

And Enoon, i wouldnt say terms like vibration and spirit are conjecture at all. Of course they can be used out of context but so can anything. The sense of 'other(s)' seems pretty unquestionable anymore.

But back on topic, like people have already said, it's all about maintaining the after-glow and planting seeds of progression in this state to keep your perception at a heightened and lucid level and while continuing to go about your day to day lives with the same level of mind-full'ness you experienced during blast-off /blast-in. The real 'trip' never ends it just takes different forms. Incorporate findings here, apply them to there. Incorporate findings there, apply them to here Very happy

Senior Member
#14 Posted : 1/27/2012 6:08:42 PM
Yea DMT gives a nice afterglow, especially if you smoke it on LSD. You get to come back and really take a look around at the way hyperspace affects everything around you.

Ayahuasca with chaliponga gives me the longest DMT after glow lasting for days up to a week after ingestion. Just lovely.

The longest afterglow I've gotten from a substance physiologically, however, is Iboga. Although, every day I get DMT flashbacks and those generally put creepy smiles on my face.
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