I know DMT is definately not for everyone. And I guess I'm just curious to others points of views on why most people won't use it, or do it once or twice then stop? I honestly can't even say why I like it soo much aside from me using it as a self help tool. I've had good and bad experiences with spice. Mostly good. Does it just take a special breed to recieve knowledge and satisfaction from it? I personally would never turn someone on to it. Just educate them on the subject and let them make a choice. I have an overactive imagination, and am certifiably insane. So anything I post is purely fictional.
Why is this question so important to you? There are many reasons why someone would not want to continue smoalking DMT or even consider smoalking it. And that is perfectly fine, because liek you said, DMT takes a special breed of people. The people that like DMT so much are usually the psychonauts that like to explore the dark passages of their own mind. It doesn't matter for what reason one decides not to do it, we should respect that and just be ok with it. It's not something that we should force upon others in what way or another. To me, if a person who smoked before decides it's no longer his/her thing, I will ask once why and immediately tell them that I shall not try to sway them. Acceptance is key. The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel.
I think it's mostly just the intensity of the ride- there's another recent topic, "Pre-flight jitters", that gets into this a bit.
I've tripped hundreds of times, maybe two dozen times on spice. It's kind of like being at the very top of a really intense roller coaster, about to take that plunge- you've really gotta be in the mood. Especially after you've had a couple rough ones, it can take a lot of intestinal fortitude to willingly go back.
Alternatively, I'm sure some users simply feel that they got what they needed from it. Get the message, hang up the phone.
It blows you to pieces and then re-assembles you. Sometimes rather brutally. For some this is the appeal, for others this is a terrifying prospect. I can see why people wouldn't want to touch the stuff, but personally that is the turn on. There are always two sides to the coin. Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
not everyone is ready for that kind of information elusive illusion
Not everyone wants to jump out of planes, off tall buildings or cliffs. Most people would rather relax at home in front of the TV or if they fancy a bit of excitement go into town for a few drinks at the pub. Different people, different things, especially when it comes to experiences of the extreme variety.
Most people are already having a hard time dealing with everyday life, the thought of rocking the boat even more turns them off. Many will be intrigued by a good description of a trip, but will not commit themselves to it if it came to the crunch.I think young weed users would be the easiest to convince,( the most difficult would be career and family dedicated adults).imo.
It's funny, back when I was a mid-twenties weed smoking artist dude I didn't think twice about trying new psychedelics, my life was really well suited for it. Now, as a mid-forties family/career guy, I get much stronger jitters. But I still occasionally go, a few times a year. More frequent users probably have a much easier time. But, as stated above: intense.
A goodly dose gives the convincing feeling that the soul has completely separated from the body. Combine this with a powerful/crushing body load that includes a racing heartbeat, noticeable rise in blood pressure and an ultra sense of super intense energy and vibration all around and sometimes folks tend to panic. Also, many times DMT is a huge mirror, especially on the comeup and/or on a sub-breakthrough dose. Facing ones' deepest fears, guilts, concerns, etc. is difficult work. Not everyone wants to do it. "But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2Hyperspace LOVES YOU
arcanum wrote:Most people are already having a hard time dealing with everyday life, the thought of rocking the boat even more turns them off. . Dmt made everydaylife a little easier to deal with for me being as I'm not as concernerned with Earthly things anymore. But I do see the point, (all your points). That was kinda a dumb question I should've thought about a little more b4 I posted. LOL I have an overactive imagination, and am certifiably insane. So anything I post is purely fictional.
friend- "im really interested in this DMT stuff, the fractals sound good, whats it all about mate?? Me- "oh mate, its the most increadible thing ive ever done, i died, then i lost my ego, i had no idea of who i was or what i was or where i was and all the time some all powerfull being was demanding that i except the truth of the reality he was showing me, then i got smashed through an endlessly uncontrolably intense barrage of places and sounds, the craziest sound ive ever heard was the carrier wave, it felt like it was penetrating my very soul and destroying me with its unbearable intensity. when i came back i was completely smashed apart and it made me reevaluate everything i thought i knew about existence, its changed me forever. friend- oh, ok, i thought it was just colours and stuff, hmmmmm, you fancy the pub? INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year
Fantastic; that sums it up perfectly
I don´t think DMT turns thát many people off. DMT is labeled 'drug' and thus by many people, associated with substances like cocaine or heroin.
I think that most people who´ll ever experiment with hallucinogens however, will rather be turned-on.
3rd eye hit it right on the head, good post! And like I said, I did'nt think that one through before posting, but it sure made for an interesting thread. I have an overactive imagination, and am certifiably insane. So anything I post is purely fictional.
deeplake wrote:arcanum wrote:Most people are already having a hard time dealing with everyday life, the thought of rocking the boat even more turns them off. Dmt made everydaylife a little easier to deal with for me being as I'm not as concernerned with Earthly things anymore. But I do see the point, (all your points). That was kinda a dumb question I should've thought about a little more b4 I posted. LOL I think we’re all different, it certainly has opened doors to other places for me (what they are or where they come from I don’t know though), but my normal life is still a huge issue. I do, however, like spice’s ability to smash reality apart and make me rebuild or reassess after. Life and consensus reality is still there after it all though.
polytrip wrote:I don´t think DMT turns thát many people off. DMT is labeled 'drug' and thus by many people, associated with substances like cocaine or heroin.
I think that most people who´ll ever experiment with hallucinogens however, will rather be turned-on. Exactly, the layman would place DMT into the same category as all the other well-known drugs. With some people who know the different classes of drugs, nonsense will still, astoundingly, be spouted. Once, I heard an individual going about how DMT is a naturally occurring chemical in the body, is responsible for the occurrence of dreams, and is still harmful because "all drugs are ultimately harmful." As long as all of the myths and misinformation/disinformation persist, and the stigma of the psychedelic counterculture is flaunted in the media, the masses will be turned off to not only DMT, but psychedelics in general. "'Most men will not swιm before they are able to.' Is not that witty? Naturally, they won't swιm! They are born for the solid earth, not for the water. And naturally they won't think. They are made for life, not for thought. Yes, and he who thinks, what's more, he who makes thought his business, he may go far in it, but he has bartered the solid earth for the water all the same, and one day he will drown."
— Hermann Hesse
Well, basically DMT is the truth. And few people are prepared to face the facts that 90% of their modern day lifestyle is basically a worthless crock of poo, and that they have wasted a lifetime fretting about useless media hype, when they should have instead been developing their beautiful spiritual natures. "Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
Probably from the overwhelming intensity of the trip, and aaalllll the things you see... I dont think some people can handle, or really enjoy an experience like that. Different people; different interests and such
Terence Mckenna said in one of his seminars. "There are the people who are constantly trying to remove boundaries in their lives, and there are those who are constantly trying to maintain boundaries. If you are one who is trying to maintain them, then these substances are not for you" (or something of that sort)
People fearful of change tend to naturally avoid psychedelics, especially if they have had a previous experience with them. If you are maintaining boundaries, than you are resisting any form of change. People who are open to change, and see good in change, could just as easily see the benefit from something that has the potential for creating change within themselves.
So ultimately I'd say 'fear of change' is why most people are resistant or turned off to DMT. Their lives are "fine" the way they are.