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Pack your bags for hyperspace Options
Electric Kool-Aid
#1 Posted : 1/22/2012 10:58:36 PM
I just thought about something. The samans of Tibet dress up. I was wondering if you dress up and have things around you, can you bring them with you in to hyperspace? This would be great. Has anyone tried it? I know my first time on spice trip I will dress up in some funky outfit!
Better yet, bring something back! *<:-)

Please let me know if this is something of interest.
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Senior Member
#2 Posted : 1/22/2012 11:01:12 PM

Up to a certain point, your surroundings as well as recent sub conscious material plays a key role in the experience.
At higher doses it usually tends to go way beyond this, but when you return, you have the hyperspatial version of yourself and your surroundings for a while.
LSDMT is great for this. You must experiment with dosages and surroundings to find what you like best. It gets absolutely unreal..
Moderator | Skills: Mostly harmless
#3 Posted : 1/22/2012 11:10:14 PM
Terence Mckenna wrote:
...and what they were doing was they were making objects come into existence by singing them into existence. Objects which looked like Fabergé eggs from Mars morphing themselves with Mandaean alphabetical structures. They looked like the concrescence of linguistic intentionality put through a kind of hyper-dimensional transform into three-dimensional space. And these little machines offered themselves to me. And I realized when I looked at them that if I could bring just one of these little trinkets back, nothing would ever be quite the same again.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
Electric Kool-Aid
#4 Posted : 1/23/2012 2:38:38 AM
Thanks guys for your reply.

So you can bring things with you then in to hyperspace in a way. Cool! You can bring back memories and visual effcects short term.

Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Senior Member
#5 Posted : 1/23/2012 3:34:18 AM
Don't make decisions until you experience it for yourself. It's quite a bit more complex than you can imagine.
Electric Kool-Aid
#6 Posted : 1/23/2012 5:08:58 AM
True. I will give it a light try first few times upping the dose periodically. I have never gone deep in to shrooms or acid. Well, not more than a few hits at a time. (had a freak out trip on acid my last time, of which I will post the story at a later time)
The spice sounds like a killer ride! dramatically bazaar with extravagant complexity in detail and drama, excitement while utterly distorted reality.

Am I ready? I could never be more ready! The only thing I am worried about, I mean the ONLY thing is making noises like shouting / screaming. Then wake out of the trip and there is my wife opening up the door worried about me. This will be a secret to anyone only myself and you nexusians...
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#7 Posted : 1/23/2012 8:10:00 AM
Screaming is unlikely and the only times I hear about that happening is when people take way too much like a first-timer on 120mg vaporized...
#8 Posted : 1/23/2012 9:45:20 AM
Electric Kool-Aid wrote:
Then wake out of the trip and there is my wife opening up the door worried about me. This will be a secret to anyone only myself and you nexusians...

If i couldnt tell my wife what i was doing i would be very concerned that i was not doing the correct thing.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#9 Posted : 1/23/2012 1:18:28 PM
As house said, up to a certain point, DMT will (or can) play off of your surroundings. It's exceptionally good at playing with light after-images, but especially once it starts getting more eidetic at the higher levels, you don't see this come into play so much. You also can bring things from hyperspace back into your room. Particularly following strong experiences, when I open my eyes after things have slowed down, zoomed in, the "plot" with a sense of "forward-action" has diminished and the CEVs begin to decay, when I open my eyes, multidimensional magnetic holograms of all colors begin to emerge from the walls or ceiling (depending on which I'm focusing on) that I've found to be completely interactable. I can hold them in my hands; they feel very physical and have "magnetic" forces of attraction and repulsion to my own body (though I've found white light holograms to be magnetically neutral). Sometimes there's a heat content, and sometimes no.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
gory dkalz
#10 Posted : 1/23/2012 1:58:47 PM
I can't really tell you what to do with your life, but you should really considering discussing your DMT use with your wife. Explain to her that this isn't just some street drug used to get high, but something much more. It will probably help your trips because of the peace of mind knowing she knows and accepts it. I've read too many reports about people (mostly kids) that have a breakthrough and freak out because they start thinking "what if he/she/they find me like this" and have overwhelming guilty feelings.

Then again you may be fine. Like I said, just a suggestion. I personally can't smoke spice without my wife being close to me. She is like my guardian angel. I get panicy and scared if she isn't around when I trip. And she doesn't do any kind of drugs. She just accepts me.
The Earth
It spins and shakes
It spits you out
It knows your name

I'm a pathological liar.
#11 Posted : 1/23/2012 3:24:59 PM
LSDMT is great for this. You must experiment with dosages and surroundings to find what you like best. It gets absolutely unreal.

how do you do it? when in the lsd trip? how much lsd? how much dmt? vaporized? of course i would search my own dosages but i am interested in other experiences.
how do you focus on the objects? number 5 needs input :-)

Avatar: 1877 pierre auguste renoir
model: jeanne samary
gimped by Combin
#12 Posted : 1/23/2012 3:51:47 PM
LSD- loads
DMT- loads



smashed reality

Twisted Evil

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

Electric Kool-Aid
#13 Posted : 1/24/2012 9:04:47 AM
@dtrypt. Ah... well I don't think high doses are in store for me right away, as I don't have a sitter, so baby steps.
If I don't have a .001 scale or even a digital scale for that matter. How can I eyeball it? someone mentioned a match head size somewhere. Or is this type of measuring just stupid and I
could F-up ?

@global. oh man that sounds amazing! actual objects brought back and feel physical with magnetic attraction! wow. of course it fades after you come down, but what a TRIP!

@3rdI. life is complicated some times. Things take time. Its hard to talk to a non drug user about drugs being right. she just doesn't see it being right. that's why 15 min high is great!

@glory dkalz. You are right. But my wife wouldn't understand. She has seen me breakdown on acid... story later someday.. I am turning 41 next month and will just do my thing and see how it goes. If I can come up with a way after the spice exp. then that's cool, maybe it will show me the way. Smile

Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#14 Posted : 1/24/2012 5:02:52 PM
It will probably depend on the experience, but i had one where all the boxes in the room turned into christmas presents
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