Hello fellow Nexians, I seek your advice yet again because it always helps me a lot and there's a lot of experienced people here  Anyways, I will be attending a famous three day music festival in Miami this coming March and I am kind of at a loss for what order I should take my doses. Friday is 4pm-12pm and Saturday and Sunday are 12am-12pm. (I don't think any of this is off topic to discuss in open discussion but if I am wrong, mods please let me know and I will edit) Things I am planning on (possibly) consuming: LSD-25, Mushrooms, MDMA and will most likely indulge in some alcohol. I also would like to know peoples experience between the cross tolerance between LSD and mushrooms. Safe travels~
my experience is that lsd will build alot more tolerance for mushrooms than vice versa.
So eat the mushrooms first night maybe with some mdma after the peak, then the second day you could do the mdma if you didnt touch it the first night...
then the last night yóu could do a big dose of acid, tolerance should not be to bad esp if you start with 2-3hits.
personally i usually always drop acid few hours before dark, mdma as laste as possible since the bad comedown and short duration.
feel free to kombine huge amounts of cannabis and maybe try some special k during the comedowns, it´s a great drug for finishing of parties.
hope this was helpful.
Talk about bringing drugs to a specific event seems like a bad idea. feel free to ask this question on a different forum such as BL or D-F. have a great time the festival  The more you try to know, the more mysterious life gets..
SHroomtroll wrote:my experience is that lsd will build alot more tolerance for mushrooms than vice versa.
So eat the mushrooms first night maybe with some mdma after the peak, then the second day you could do the mdma if you didnt touch it the first night...
then the last night yóu could do a big dose of acid, tolerance should not be to bad esp if you start with 2-3hits.
personally i usually always drop acid few hours before dark, mdma as laste as possible since the bad comedown and short duration.
feel free to kombine huge amounts of cannabis and maybe try some special k during the comedowns, it´s a great drug for finishing of parties.
hope this was helpful. Thanks SHroomtroll  good to hear about the less cross tolerance from mushrooms to LSD in your experience, will definitely take that into account. Quote:Talk about bringing drugs to a specific event seems like a bad idea. feel free to ask this question on a different forum such as BL or D-F. have a great time the festival Smile Doesn't seem like a bad idea to me, and I'm not a fan of those forums.
Sky Motion wrote: Doesn't seem like a bad idea to me, and I'm not a fan of those forums.
Talking about it doesn't seem like a bad idea - as if security is going to be tighter because someone mentioned this on a forum - but I'd encourage the Original Poster to be cautious and go light, since you're apparently going to continue through with this plan. Sometimes I find the best "drug" at a big event like this is to simply breathe and enjoy the electromagnetic buzz generated by all the people present. If the OP feels the need to enhance this, many people have noted that cross-tolerance between the aforementioned chemicals tends to lead to a waste of materials. SWIM has previously found it satisfying to take a very healthy dose of acid at the beginning of a show, a large enough dose to have one "freaking out/in" for a healthy minute, and then enjoying the aftereffects (the peak tends to happen within a few hours, and from after 5-6 hours the aftereffect is there for a few days, given fasting). A substantial dose can be frightening and perhaps not recommended in a setting such as where you're going, but it can tend to be very satisfying in the sense that you won't want to "re-up" the next day (we got this idea from Terence McKenna), and it really does conserve on materials. However, unless you're familiar with the materials you've mentioned, the "substantial dose at the beginning" idea is not recommended. Set (intention) +setting + dosage. Hope you'll be smart and be careful if you carry out this plan, and remember that oxygen (breathe in --------------breathe out) and simply enjoying where you're at - the music and the beautiful people - is sometimes the best "drug", and won't get you thrown in a cage... "...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Personally I find that mushrooms lend themselves much better to a solitary experience or one with a few close friends, preferably in a quiet natural environment. I always approach a mushroom trip with spiritual reverence. Festivals can be a little chaotic for mushrooms in my opinion. However, for me personally, it really doesn't get better than LSD + MDMA at a festival (and loads of cannabis...kinda goes without saying). Such an incredible synergy. Whatever you do, be sure to take lysergify's advice. Festivals are a great time for unity and community; drugs are certainly not required to achieve a heightened sense of consciousness and spiritual experience. I hope you have a great time! "Becoming a person of the plants is not a learning process, it is a remembering process. Somewhere in our ancestral line, there was someone that lived deeply connected to the Earth, the Elements, the Sun, Moon and Stars. That ancestor lives inside our DNA, dormant, unexpressed, waiting to be remembered and brought back to life to show us the true nature of our indigenous soul" - Sajah Popham.
Thanks guys I appreciate the words of concern and guidance. I am in agreement that mushrooms can be a real spiritual experience, and can be overwhelming at a festival if the dose is sufficient. I am pretty experienced with them and know my dosage and how it will effect me. The amount of mushrooms consumed would only be enough for a decent amount of enhancement and not a full blown trip. (~1-1.5 grams) Unfortunately, I do not and will not smoke cannabis And yeah, I've been thinking a lot about the natural high I will be getting. I will probably save MDMA for the last day as a going out shabang, no need to have a bad comedown into one of the other days because I wanted to do it multiple days. So as of now my plan is: Friday- Consume 1.4 grams mushrooms as I am walking to the gates of the festival (no need to sneak it in), and be good from 4-9/10. Then just enjoy the rest of the couple hours. Saturday- Take it easy and maybe only consume a little bit of alcohol. No other drugs. Sunday- Start with 1/3 hit acid (I've been known to have overwhelming trips on small amounts) and consume the rest by ear and gauging the intensity as I go. Then around the nighttime when my favorite acts are playing, 120mg MDMA followed by another 100 right when I feel peak starting to lower in intensity, to bring me back up.
 setting up camp on mushrooms sounds like it would be... interesting
Sky Motion wrote:
So as of now my plan is:
Friday- Consume 1.4 grams mushrooms as I am walking to the gates of the festival (no need to sneak it in), and be good from 4-9/10. Then just enjoy the rest of the couple hours.
Saturday- Take it easy and maybe only consume a little bit of alcohol. No other drugs.
Sunday- Start with 1/3 hit acid (I've been known to have overwhelming trips on small amounts) and consume the rest by ear and gauging the intensity as I go. Then around the nighttime when my favorite acts are playing, 120mg MDMA followed by another 100 right when I feel peak starting to lower in intensity, to bring me back up.
That's how I would have done it (except for copious amounts of weed in between in my case)
If at all possible throw a 2C or two in there. They're an experience and have a huge body load that makes moving (exploring or dancing) wonderful. Yeah mushies the first night and lsd the second works well. Personally I'd combine the mdma with the end of an acid trip. But the main course of action to take at a festival is to just do what feels right when it feels right. You'll know the time and places once you arrive. “Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that construct the molecules, are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of high mass stars that exploded their chemically rich guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life. So that we are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the rest of the universe atomically. That’s kinda cool! That makes me smile and I actually feel quite large at the end of that. It’s not that we are better than the universe, we are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
May I remind you people that this forum is based on something called "RESPONSIBLE USE" and I'm not sure if advice for getting high all time during a festival fits into this mindset. This thread pretty much reads as "I want to get fucked up the whole time during this festival", do you really want the DMT-Nexus to be about that? Kind regards, The Traveler
I'm with The Traveler here. The DMT-Nexus is about entheogen use such as DMT, LSD in a way to EXPLORE ourselves. Not to get fucked over a three day course as much as possible. Taking mushrooms at a festival isn't a way of self exploration anymore, it's a way of just getting high to get high. I'm well aware that other substances are used for recreational purposes, but can we please keep that away from the Nexus? I came here for spiritual and psychological exploration. If I want to see people attempting to get high as possible and keep that rolling as long as possible, I'll leave the Nexus and go to various other drugs forums on the interwebz. The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel.
VoidTraveler wrote:Taking mushrooms at a festival isn't a way of self exploration anymore, it's a way of just getting high to get high. While I personally wouldn't take mushrooms at a festival, and perhaps you might not either, I don't agree with your sweeping statement. Festivals can create an incredible atmosphere of sharing, safety, and creativity, an atmosphere which could certainly foster a deep, meaningful, and responsible self-exploration through the consumption of mushrooms. It all depends on the individual and how they choose to use their surroundings and mind state. Just as much careful exploration can occur at a festival as in a more solitary setting. "Becoming a person of the plants is not a learning process, it is a remembering process. Somewhere in our ancestral line, there was someone that lived deeply connected to the Earth, the Elements, the Sun, Moon and Stars. That ancestor lives inside our DNA, dormant, unexpressed, waiting to be remembered and brought back to life to show us the true nature of our indigenous soul" - Sajah Popham.
Yerba wrote: setting up camp on mushrooms sounds like it would be... interesting It sounds overwhelming and somewhat nauseating! Get everything done sober - then enjoy your hard work! I've learned psychs give you more if you give them more. "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
The Traveler wrote:May I remind you people that this forum is based on something called "RESPONSIBLE USE" and I'm not sure if advice for getting high all time during a festival fits into this mindset. This thread pretty much reads as "I want to get fucked up the whole time during this festival", do you really want the DMT-Nexus to be about that? Kind regards, The Traveler If you feel this thread is out of line, feel free to lock it trav. I am looking for advice about drug interactions and how they will effect me over a three day span. Saturday I will consume pretty much nothing, so I'm not sure how that fits into "getting high all the time" I have always used entheogens responsibly and have heard many accounts of LSD being taken at psytrance and other festivals. Why is this any different?
Sky Motion wrote:I have always used entheogens responsibly and have heard many accounts of LSD being taken at psytrance and other festivals.
Why is this any different? You should think that the difference between using acid at a festival and asking for advice for many days of substance use is pretty clear. Already in your first post you talk about indulging on alcohol and thereby setting your intent. Kind regards, The Traveler
The Traveler wrote:May I remind you people that this forum is based on something called "RESPONSIBLE USE" and I'm not sure if advice for getting high all time during a festival fits into this mindset. This thread pretty much reads as "I want to get fucked up the whole time during this festival", do you really want the DMT-Nexus to be about that? Kind regards, The Traveler I agree with you completely about responsibility... which, in my opinion, you can be at festivals. I mean these psychoactives are used to explore your mind and the universe, but in my opinion the setting of being outdoors, camping, and great music is a wonderful way to achieve this state of mind. “Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that construct the molecules, are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of high mass stars that exploded their chemically rich guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life. So that we are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the rest of the universe atomically. That’s kinda cool! That makes me smile and I actually feel quite large at the end of that. It’s not that we are better than the universe, we are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson
i'd prolly go the mushrooms first, then the lucy, then the md. and maybe at the end if dregged out, wash my mind out with a little bit o' spice
The Traveler wrote:Sky Motion wrote:I have always used entheogens responsibly and have heard many accounts of LSD being taken at psytrance and other festivals.
Why is this any different? You should think that the difference between using acid at a festival and asking for advice for many days of substance use is pretty clear. Already in your first post you talk about indulging on alcohol and thereby setting your intent. Kind regards, The Traveler I know what you're saying trav, It just hurts my feelings when people think I'm one of those people that trip to "get fucked up" I honestly wouldn't be a part of the nexus if this was the case, so sorry for making myself seem irresponsible.
The Traveler wrote:May I remind you people that this forum is based on something called "RESPONSIBLE USE" and I'm not sure if advice for getting high all time during a festival fits into this mindset. This thread pretty much reads as "I want to get fucked up the whole time during this festival", do you really want the DMT-Nexus to be about that? This goes back a couple of months, but I figured that what the OP posted about is about to happen. Hope I didn't give undo advice to the OP. I figured if it he was planning so far in advance, and posting on here about it, he must have at least a smidgeon of forethought, so I figured it might be better for him to just be satisfied. So OP if you're still planning on doing something like this, hopefully you'll be safe. There are also some smaller more family-friendly festivals down in Florida; a lot of people find the smaller ones more group-minded and less commercial. "...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland