Repost from Dennis Mckenna's Facebook: Dennis Mckenna wrote:MIke Maki is a close friend, a completely ethical, kind, and decent person who has helped many people. I have known him for over twenty years, and in that time I can sincerely say that I have come to know a man whose character is impeccable. Now he has run into some trouble; he was recently arrested for growing and distributing psilocybin mushrooms in his home state of Washington. Rather than 'cave' and rat on his associates, as would be the usual pattern in Federal cases of this sort, Mike has chosen to fight back. He is using the power of the Internet to question the wisdom of Schedule 1 status for psilocybin and related sacred medicines. Many of these substances were dumped into Schedule 1 in the late 60's in a fit of legislative hysteria, without any evidence that they were actually dangerous or lacked medical applications. Enough research has accumulated since to indicate that these substances, far from being without therapeutic value, in fact have the potential to help many people afflicted with the sickness of the soul that is so prevalent in our society. It's time to re-examine the entire issue of the schedule 1 status of sacred medicines, and Mike is using his misfortune to put the issue on the table for broader discussion and hopefully for reconsideration. Here is a link to his blog: needs our help now. If you believe in this cause, please support him with a modest donation through Paypal. If you are unable to support him with a donation, please help by spreading the word to others of like mind. We may actually have the chance to change the tone of the conversation about sacred medicines such as psilocybin mushrooms and their proper role in our society. Dennis Mckenna wrote:Following up my previous post, I'm pasting in a personal letter from Mike Maki that will give more details on the situation and that appeals for your help. Some may ask, 'Why am I doing this?' Aren't you risking your reputation? To the latter I'm inclined to say, 'what reputation?' More to the point, it's simple: Friends should stand up for friends. Mike is the best friend a man could have, and I am doing what I can to help him in his hour of need. He would do no less for me, or any one of us. Dennis Hello- I write this to you following a set of most unfortunate circumstances that happened to me recently. On October 20 I was arrested by the DEA for cultivation and distribution of magic mushrooms, Psilocybe cubensis. This came apparently at the end of a considerable investigation. Four others were also arrested, including my son Peter. This will come to some of you as brand new news, and to some of you as not-so-news. I don't advertise my interest in mushroom cultivation or their intelligent and therapeutic use, but neither do I try to lie about my interests. As I consider you all my friends, I assume that you in turn can appreciate the enthusiasm, honesty and honor with which I approach all of my many and varied interests and activities. I have proceeded these years on a need-to-know basis, since the current illegal status of these medicinal plants, etc. makes it appropriate to keep a more or less low profile. Now the mushrooms are out of the bag, so to speak, and I am going to speak out from my experience and conviction (pun intended!). My new blog, will be the location of this discussion, and I encourage you to check it out, it will have much of general interest and I think you'll enjoy following my story. Part of what the Feds will be trying to do is seize my property and all assets. This will be a lengthy and expensive legal struggle to hang on to my home and property. I am now reaching out to you, my friends, for your support and assistance. While I can't offer you a tax deduction, what I can offer and promise is that I will " Pay it forward" to help make my efforts to protect civil liberties serve the greater good. In short, I need your help right now to help with the legal costs that are coming my way and to my codefendants. Money orders or checks made out to Mike Maki will be greatly appreciated and well used. As you must know, I'm not used to asking for assistance and am usually on the other side of the equation, helping out in what ways I can to make our lives and planet better. Now it's my time to ask for your generous assistance. In my new blog, I will relate the story as it unfolds, give you my background story, analyze the situation from my own as well as other perspectives. I think you'll enjoy learning from my experiences. You will also note an advertisement for my own production of holiday garlands. A link is provided below. Feel free to share this with like-minded folks, and encourage them to contribute. Let's build a network of light and mutual support. For the benefit of all concerned, Mike Maki PO Box 126 Hoquiam, WA 98550 360-987-2332 Skype: makimichael
Damn, this is heavy stuff. Thanks for the post. ¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º¨
Thanks for posting this. I hope this will make a difference, legally speaking. It'll definitely help in raising awareness. The guy promotes an attitude that is counter-intuitive to what most people believe these so called drugs do, so at least some of them will start questioning what they know. The truth...lies within.
rjb wrote:Thanks for posting this. I hope this will make a difference, legally speaking. It'll definitely help in raising awareness. The guy promotes an attitude that is counter-intuitive to what most people believe these so called drugs do, so at least some of them will start questioning what they know.
Id love to help the guy but I am sure these bastards are watching everything so I think they will also see who is supporting him and this way we may get a police to focus on us as well. What do you think guys is it not a risk to send money to him through paypal ? I would rather send him money in envelope without them being able to notice me? Maybe I am being paranoid We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
We are all living in our own feces.
I doubt anything would come of sending him a paypal donation, Probably no worries. but he said he also exepts money orders, and thats one way to help him and have no traceable electronic or paper trail You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever
Wish he can make a difference... The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
This stuff enrages me. How can we proclaim ourselves to be an enlightened society.. argh, the ignorance. The ignorance about being ignorant. I'll do what I can to spread the word. This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
The way the law sees it: Growing , drying and distributing a class 1 drug psilocybin, is an offence. Can't read any simpler than that can it. It isn't rocket science. The nice man broke the law and will be dealt with accordingly i guess. >>Whilst i think Mushroomman is a nice person with good intentions for humanity, he must have known what he was up against for growing and drying all those shroomies. Surely he must have known he was gonna get done sooner than later. Perhaps he should have conducted his operation in a safer country. We all know just how backwards governments are, and their law means it's the law, and not to be broken, etc. -He must have been capable of earning very good sums of money doing what he did, and why couldn't he sell stuff like caapi instead, etc, legal entheogens, least not soo many, oo, i'd better shut up, cos whilst i like this guy, i can't help but think "GREEDY". -Honestly i wish this man well, and hope he gets out of this . But, I can't help but think he's been asking for problems if you take on what i already stated. "Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
christian wrote:
and why couldn't he sell stuff like caapi instead
Because he is the Mushroom man, and not the caapi man. "They must find it difficult, those that take authority as truth, instead of truth as the authority"legality is of course what got him here, but legality doesnt equate to whats really right or wrong--it relates to what a 'consensus' tells us is 'wrong.' if you have a look, on his site, you can read the full story about the informant, why he did it etc You can see he wasnt being greedy. He was being set up. It was near enough entrapment. Read his site and you can get a pretty clear image of his character and you can see in an attempt to help himself, he's trying to help others as well.
Yes i know he's the Mushroomman as called by the prisoners. I did read all his site, thanks. yes he tries to help people. But what he did was against the law. -Good luck to him trying to change the law! >>he was set up, but knew he was taking a big risk.The exact same risk a marijuanna dealer would be taking if his cultivation was illegal in his state, and both are medicinal...I would say he was nice, but foolish, and now he's up against the heavy handed arm of the law. --What he should have done if he was gonna do this work, was petition for their legality and get them legal , BEFORE he started distributing them. It's not gonna look good him trying to do that now that he's been done, is it??/ in fact this is exactly what any "criminal" does when caught, plead their innocence and try to "wriggle out of it". "Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
christian wrote:Yes i know he's the Mushroomman as called by the prisoners. I did read all his site, thanks. yes he tries to help people. But what he did was against the law. -Good luck to him trying to change the law! >>he was set up, but knew he was taking a big risk. I would say he was nice, but foolish, and now he's up against the heavy handed arm of the law. ? do you think the law has never changed before?
christian wrote:What he should have done if he was gonna do this work, was petition for their legality and get them legal , BEFORE he started distributing them. It's not gonna look good him trying to do that now that he's been done, is it??/ in fact this is exactly what any "criminal" does when caught, plead their innocence and try to "wriggle out of it". -DTR, As nice a man he is, he knew he was breaking the law, but carried on regardless growing massive amounts of shrooms. Whilst i'm all for this mans good intentions, i'm not for his ignorance in the way he dealt with the law. AND THIS IS EXACTLY THE WAY THE LAW WILL SEE THIS. iF IT ISN'T ABOUT THE SHROOMS, IT'S ABOUT SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT FOLLOW THE LAW. tHEY WILL THEN ASK WHAT OTHER LENGTHS WILL SUCH A MAN GO TO. tHIS IS HOW THERY LOOK AT SUCH MATTERS. tHEY DON'T CARE ABOUT NICE, AND HELPING, THEY ONLY THINK " CLASS 1 DRUG GROWING, TRAFFIKKING, DISTRIBUTION" -Good luck to the man, he needs it. "Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
I think if you guys are fighting,you should be fighting for MUSHROOMMAN, rather than against yourselves.. -wHAT WE NEED is some humour on this thread. Maybe some artist out there can devise a "MUSHROOMMAN" CARTOON LIKE FIGURE.Maybe America needs an all new action hero: Is it a bird, is it a plane, NO, it's The masked mushroomman!! "Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
CLEAN AGAIN! Now lets keep this thread ontopic shall we?  King regards, The Traveler
America the beautiful. Yes. Send him well concealed cash or an anonymous money order. Prudence, feels advisable to me in this instance. Christian, no way am I supporting an unjust law. AFAIK, In america, if any jury disagrees with a law, finds a law unjust, they can go ahead and declare an accused person not guity, regardless of being caught red-handed. If I'm on a jury my stance is clear: drug charge=not guilty. I still need to read more before committing any money, but at this point, my donating seems likely. "Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein
I appreciate your perspective.
Don't take the following comments to mean that I support the war on drugs in any way... but I just read through Mushroomman's blog, and he was arrested for repeatedly SELLING dried mushrooms to a government informant in 20 lb installments - 200 lbs in total.
I wholeheartedly believe that the government has no right to dictate what people put into their bodies or how they explore their own minds. I believe as well in the healing potential of entheogens in general, and that these medicines (when used responsibly) have much to teach and offer. BUT... What is our number one rule around here? DON'T SELL DRUGS. JUST DON'T.
If you seek financial gain through the selling of illegal drugs, you knowingly risk imprisonment. If it's a mission of spreading the word of enlightenment that motivates your actions, by all means do so, but do it for free and not in a reckless fashion. It's still illegal and you still are at risk, but possibly less so, I imagine. Selling drugs in large amounts tends to attract the attention of law enforcement.
With all due respect...
Edit: I just read through a great deal of his blog. The whole thing is very sad. He seems like a very thoughtful guy and I can't imagine how awful it must be to be going through his situation. Still, he made choices with complete knowledge of their possible ramifications. His current situation is a result of those choices. I wish him the best but won't be contributing to his legal defense fund.