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A discussion on Death Options
#1 Posted : 1/17/2012 11:22:46 PM
Hello, fellow explorers. Let's talk about Death. On an individual level, what do each and every one of you expect to happen when you finally leave your container? What do You feel when you reflect on Your mortality? Sadness? Joy? Anxiety? Let's hear it!
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

#2 Posted : 1/18/2012 12:22:59 AM
Overwhelming gratefulness for being alive at the moment, posed in anticipation for the (final) launch that is dying.
Honestly, I don't want to know what happens, why ruin the surprise?
Moderator | Skills: Oil painting, Acrylic painting, Digital and multimedia art, Trip integration
#3 Posted : 1/18/2012 2:27:12 AM
Imagine you're watching a really amazing movie. So amazing and immersive, in fact, that you completely forget yourself; you forget you're in the living room watching, and are instead totally transported and spend the whole two hours simply enjoying the film, no other thoughts in your head. Finally the movie ends, titles roll, you find yourself sitting on the couch. Oh yeah, me. That's right. ...wow, what an amazing film! So you reflect on the movie, maybe learn from it, then get back to your regular life.

...it may be something like that. Except your "regular life" might be a lot more multidimensional than the one in the movie.
#4 Posted : 1/18/2012 3:41:03 AM
Id like to believe that once our energy or spirit or souls are disconnected from our physical vessel bodies upon death, we will end up from where we came and be shown things and have questions answered that are the "mysteries of life" here on earth. That at that time, all the trivial bullshit we experience daily here, will in fact finally be trivial. That is until we are reincarnated again Pleased

This is just my fantasy.. after all, none of us really know... actually, pretty similar feel/idea to what guyo just said..
All posts by great_blue are fictitious in nature and for entertainment purposes only. In no way does the author condone or support illegal activity in any way shape or form, anytime or anywhere. If it's illegal, don't do it!
#5 Posted : 1/18/2012 10:38:05 AM
i think death (and the various stages between) will be as rewarding as life.

I've had a fair few past life regressions,either through dreams, or under the influences, so i'm a firm 'believer' in reincarnation. I believe that our higher self, generally chooses where to reincarnate based on a higher 'ordering' we're slowly starting to become aware of. Im not so sure if the choice is conscious or not,at least not from egoic consciousness, rather just the result of accumulated 'data' collected from the most recent life. I usually avoid using words like Karma, as it's too much of a widely misconceived thing.

Cause and effect is maybe a bit more neutral.

Combined with a few half-successes with astral projection, i do feel there will be definitely be some sort of an energy transmutation at the moments of death.

I resonated well with the idea that 'Death is an adviser' in the Carlos Castaneda /Don Juan stories. I think similar themes appear in Toltec teachings and wisdom too.

But above all, i think death is one of the last remaining mysteries of life, and i'm fine with that.there are probably countless other aspects of death we might not be able to conceive of, or adequately reference when 'alive'.

#6 Posted : 1/18/2012 11:11:38 AM
I believe that when your brain dies, your "self" dies too. Your memories and knowledge, personality and identity ends right there. The particle and energy matrix dissolves back into the universe to be recycled as whatever, be it alive or dead.

Being dead is the exact same state as before you were born... nothing.

I have no fear of the state of death - it's the process of dying that bothers me as it can be horrific. Think slowly burning to death, drowning or metastatic cancer...

Even though I've had amazing spiritual experiences on entheogens, I have yet to find any evidence of my "spirit" being a unique and individual entity.

Consciousness seems to be one singular energy that runs through all that is and being alive just means tapping into that energy for however long the body/brain machine stays alive.

Spice entities seem to be more of a reflection of my own collective unconscious than anything else...

Maybe I should smoalk moar? Wink
#7 Posted : 1/18/2012 11:40:31 AM
dtrypt wrote:
Spice entities seem to be more of a reflection of my own collective unconscious than anything else...

Maybe I should smoalk moar? Wink

Yup Razz

I've only smoked extracted dmt a few times, and the main time i managed to get my technique right and got a big enough hit, i think i bought back an entity with me. As in, this thing would visit me weeks after i first encountered it while SOBER . When smoked it, was a grid-mesh like entity that entered me and i could physically feel it's static resonance in my mouth...When sober and laying in bed at night up to maybe 2 months later it was a more formless swoosh of purple that would move around in strange ways.not every night though.

Thought i was going crazy for a while, eventually had to open up a dialogue with it and 'exorcise' my room. I still cant tell if it was benevolent or malicious , or feeding on some sort of energy but it's gone now. The night i politely told it to leave, a moth flew in my room which rarely happens. For the superstitious folk, moths can be an Omen of a deceased visitor.

i guess the point im getting at, is that i wouldn't assume they are all just a reflection of your unconscious/subconscious. i think Aya based experiences demonstrate this quite well...the distinction from visions projected from the mind and independent things/spirits happening outside of it seems a bit more recognizable.

Truth is stranger than fiction and the same thing will apply to death. which is pretty funky when viewed from a detached perspective.
Walter D. Roy
#8 Posted : 1/18/2012 11:30:10 PM
Honestly I almost feel like laughing when I think of death. It seems like when I die I might have a glimpse at the truth. Something I wish I could achieve as a human with all my heart. But being human I doubt I ever will. Death seems to put everything to shame, why work when you will die? Why do anything? Well you still do it. Is that not somewhat funny? Of course I'm scared of it. Isn't that natural? But yet again I'm going to welcome it with open arms. And what happens after? I care not. It is impossible for man to ever understand the true nature of the afterlife. I do believe in reincarnation though, as a human.
The Unknown = A Place to Learn
Moderator | Skills: Oil painting, Acrylic painting, Digital and multimedia art, Trip integration
#9 Posted : 1/19/2012 1:30:57 AM
Despite the inevitability of death and the sum total of all our life's works amounting to virtually nothing in the long run, we continue to strive and achieve and love and binge and create... Because we don't live in the long run, we live in the moment. The immediate felt experience is of priceless value, and with the right frame of mind we can somewhat customize the bandwidth of experience available to us. I think that worrying about the pointlessness of it all in the context of the story of the universe... Is a ticket to unhappiness- a ringside seat at the abyss.
#10 Posted : 1/19/2012 5:28:35 AM
I expect my energy to dissipate into the universe. It may remain "conscious" in some form but so far I see no reason to assume that that is the case.
Shamasi Wiz
#11 Posted : 1/19/2012 7:32:00 AM
Dying? I don't plan on doing anything of the sort.Smile
"I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it."
#12 Posted : 1/19/2012 8:10:13 AM
Expect to happen? Well, I sure am not expecting anything. I've learned from personal experience that expectations lead to disappointment in the long run. However, one can speak about understanding himself. If there should be one purpose as a human, I'd say this is it.

I have come to terms with death, even though it used to scare the living crap out of me. I would be a liar to say that I'm not still a little bit anxious about it, but who isn't?! But as I learned about the social conditioning and understood how I got to form all those "opinions", I now see death as some sort of graduation, if you like. Just as you graduate high school. You move on to the next level. Now, doing that without a body seems just natural to me, because this is how the universe I have observed works. I've accepted that.

Just as a tree lives 5, 100 or 300 years and then dies, so does the human body (observe any life form and you'll see this is how it is). But the tree will not die, in the sense that we perceive death. The physical form may disappear, yes, but the matter which is was once formed of will become food for the rest of the forest, and so will give birth to new plants. This is to say that the tree survives through everything that was once living in it, or fed off it. This is similar to our concept of history, if you like. We do the same with humans when they die: we keep a record of their acts, so that the person will "eternally survive". But you see, you don't have to bother to keep track of it in history, life IS recorded history all along.

I don't really understand what you mean by "karma is just a widely misconceived thing", but then you go on saying that "cause and effect sounds better to me". It's rather an observation; it isn't relative to what you like to believe. Karma IS the law of cause and effect. How is this misconceived? For example, buying implies selling. In the same manner, falling implies climbing, and just as well you can't have poverty without wealth or sadness without happiness. In the same manner, you can't have life without death. Reincarnation becomes possible when you view things this way. But just like in life, you can't have action without reaction. That is to say, we will have to assume responsibility for everything we do, be it in this life or another. It'd be just ignorant to think that death just "washes every sin away". This seems to be a [limited] way of life for many of today's society members, and it's clearly not working for anyone.
The truth...lies within.
#13 Posted : 1/19/2012 10:22:52 PM
I Agree with a lot of what you have to say. But karma has never misconceived me, it really depends how you want to look at it, you can call it cause and effect, or even the power of nature, but karma can be seen both as good karma and bad karma.

My believes of death are either between returning to the stars, or reincarnating back into earth, For some significant reason, whether it be that your spirit didn't full fill what it needed, or maybe your spirit is a traveler and a hero, leaving this plain into the unknown, with no fear whatsoever, with nothing to do but come back into this plain, and fight for whatever it may be, the justice for mankind, peace, oneness etc. I am sure that some here have read or know about Buddhism and the different Buddha deities, their long and many reincarnated lives, and their long told tails of hero's that fought for the equal ism of humans, and did whatever to stand out.

"You may encounter many defeats but it's not defeat. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter defeats, so we can know who the hell we are, what can be overcome, what makes us stumble & fall and somehow miraculously rise & go on." Maya Angelou
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
#14 Posted : 1/19/2012 11:56:47 PM
I believe we are living are life in preperation of death... Of course we are heere to have a damn good time and venture but this is only the shallow end of the pool, we got the whole ocean man
*Look for a while at the China Cat Sunflower, proud-walking jingle in the midnight sun, Copper-dome bodhi drip a silver kimono like a crazy-quilt star gown, through a dream night wind*
#15 Posted : 1/20/2012 5:44:20 AM
Ever entertain the possibility that you may already be dead?
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

Shamasi Wiz
#16 Posted : 1/20/2012 7:16:24 AM
tobecomeone00 wrote:
Ever entertain the possibility that you may already be dead?

Schrödinger would probably say you're both alive and dead until we observe you.
"I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it."
#17 Posted : 1/20/2012 9:55:55 AM
tobecomeone00 wrote:
Ever entertain the possibility that you may already be dead?

Oh yeah, totally. Another popular one is that I may be asleep or that I'm a simple projection of my real self, which exists outside time/space as we interpret it.
The truth...lies within.
#18 Posted : 1/20/2012 12:22:10 PM
It's easier to imagine what will happen after 1000 years to this planet than what will happen to me after I die.
#19 Posted : 1/22/2012 6:11:10 AM
Hmmmmm.....if we've never died before, how could we be so sure it exists? I mean, death you witness around you could just be holographic representations of transformation...True death could be a horribly distorted ideal, masked by the throes of orgiastic religious beliefs...To throw my opinion in, I believe every single moment is a mini-individual apocalypse, where old thoughts and energies are constantly broken down and re-built, creating a never-ending cycle of birth, life, death and re-birth all within one second. And then comes the next second. lol
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

Desire Meaningful Truth
#20 Posted : 1/22/2012 6:27:23 AM
That sounds more like food.
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