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The Enemy Expatriation Act Options
Senior Member | Skills: Prototype and Design Engineer amongst other things, Craftsman
#1 Posted : 1/17/2012 5:14:19 PM
Born in the USA doesn't matter anymore if the politicians have anything to say about it. They will excommunicate and deport your ass none the less. DHS has classified protesting as 'low level terrorism'. See the trend? They are working on getting rid of those who will not follow blindly.


Just wondering where they ship these people off to. If it's europe considering the state of the US I would ex communicate myself at this point.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#2 Posted : 1/17/2012 5:20:25 PM
FEMA camps?
#3 Posted : 1/17/2012 5:25:55 PM
FEMA camps is a conspiracy theory that has been debunked. One example . Lets keep CTs out of the forum please Smile

Nonetheless, indeed absurd bill they are proposing, Vovin! I also wonder what exactly they would do with the people who lose the citizenship!
#4 Posted : 1/17/2012 5:30:28 PM
My bad, I didn't start the thread. I haven't read enough I guess.
The Traveler
Administrator | Skills: DMT, LSD, Programming
#5 Posted : 1/17/2012 5:33:50 PM
endlessness wrote:
Nonetheless, indeed absurd bill they are proposing, Vovin! I also wonder what exactly they would do with the people who lose the citizenship!

I guess they loose the right to vote and maybe get left out of some beneficiary programs. They will probably not send them to the north pole or dump them into the ocean I guess.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Senior Member | Skills: Prototype and Design Engineer amongst other things, Craftsman
#6 Posted : 1/17/2012 5:46:00 PM
Screwed up as it sounds if the American population does not rise up and take their country back I really wanna know what country they send you to because I will be happy to fill out the forms and expatriate myself. Imma looking for a good Canadian woman ATM so I can get me some of that sweet Canadian citizenship. My America seems to be dying. I still have plenty of fight in me left but if we do loose this war America will be a dangerous place to be for people like me.

My guess is France as they have been well known to take in people like this, Never understood why Americans hate the french they're rude but so are new yorkers it's called culture and Americans would be speaking with a British accent if it were not for France. How easily we forget old friends sometimes.

Near election when the TEA party and OWS unite and I feel despite their differences they will. They will take serious drastic measures to keep the country from tearing itself apart. Those with some education will probably not have a hard time finding a new home, especially medical, scientists and engineers who are needed the world around.

If you looks at the patterns in the last 8 months it is blatantly apparent to me at least that they are in full preparations for civil unrest on a scale that would start this country's second civil war and possibly cause several states to succeed from the union. They have tried to cut off our communications via SOPA/PIPA and the news media is obviously under corporate control ( thing there's enough proof of that to not be a conspiracy). They trained 20,000 troops to fight civil unrest. First tie in history full time military will be put inside the US borders which is constitutionally illegal. Not that that has ever mattered.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#7 Posted : 1/22/2012 12:16:55 PM
vovin wrote:
Screwed up as it sounds if the American population does not rise up and take their country back I really wanna know what country they send you to because I will be happy to fill out the forms and expatriate myself. Imma looking for a good Canadian woman ATM so I can get me some of that sweet Canadian citizenship. My America seems to be dying. I still have plenty of fight in me left but if we do loose this war America will be a dangerous place to be for people like me.

After visiting Canada last year I can assure you there is no escape there...it's as if Canada and the US (and perhaps the EU) are one gigantic contiguous military-industrial police state. All the same, certain policies pertaining to matters such as immigration are different in Canada. Both the US and Canada are countries made of immigrants/invaders, but I met a lot more Eastern Europeans/Indians/Frenchies/Ruskies up there than I usually come across in the States, which in the areas I frequent is mostly English or Irish settled (with some African descendants mixed in). That's just one example of the differences I did find; on the whole it seemed like crossing the border into Canada was entering a country with the same breed of government. Check out footage of the G20 crackdown in Toronto (though you'd have to be seriously lacking in street-smarts to aggressively protest at a place like that, without expecting to get arrested and beat up...).
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#8 Posted : 1/22/2012 3:52:39 PM
I think I've given up trying to escape america.

You know the metaphor of the frog in boiling water? It's already at a rolling boil--the time to escape was years ago.

I could still drop everything and be outie. Costa Rica, Peru, some place niice. Canada is a bitch to get into, even with a canadian g/f, it's a bitch to immigrate legally. Sneaking across the border is another matter, but one that holds no appeal for me.

I have a lot of projects going on in my life right now, stuff that I'd have to drop were I to become a refugee. Stuff that's going much better for me now than ever before, exciting stuff. I would just hate to run, to feel like I am acting on fear and loose all the good stuff that I have going because of it--and all just to run, where? If America gets THAT bad, then what happens to the rest of the world?

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

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