I was wondering if anybody knew if DMT could cause or worsen HPPD. After doing Psilocybin mushrooms, the most recent psychedelic/tryptamine I have taken, I have had some weird symptoms similar to those of sleep deprivation. I have had slight trailers fallowing my hand, and increased auras around lights, this doesn't really bother me, and my vision has since recovered a little, but I was just curious if tryptamines could cause HPPD, or no. A lot of people tell me HPPD is bullshit in general, and people are just paranoid about normal things that you see. And since DMT is naturally found in the body, would that make it unlikely to have any bad side- effects like this at all? Life is but a memory Happened long ago. Theatre full of sadness For a long forgotten show.
I'm thinking you may be right, but I was wondering if would be different considering DMT is found in the brain, and ultimately helps produce our dreams, also, is there anyone here that has any lingering/long term effects of DMT? Life is but a memory Happened long ago. Theatre full of sadness For a long forgotten show.
YellowBench wrote:I'm thinking you may be right, but I was wondering if would be different considering DMT is found in the brain, and ultimately helps produce our dreams, also, is there anyone here that has any lingering/long term effects of DMT? All psychedelics can trigger such problems. And DMT is not produced in the brain. Check your docs. The truth...lies within.
rjb, Yellowbench said that DMT is found in the brain, which is correct, he didn't say it was produced in the brain, read his contribution more carefully if you would please.
YellowBench wrote: I'm thinking you may be right, but I was wondering if would be different considering DMT is found in the brain, and ultimately helps produce our dreams, also, is there anyone here that has any lingering/long term effects of DMT?
I think everyone here has long term/ lingering effects of DMT, a/ an inability to stop talking about it for a start! ( hence the very raison d'ètre of the site) I suspect it has messed up my circadian rhythm a bit, at least since my last major breakthrough ( some weeks ago) I'd be carefull in making assumptions that DMT helps produce our dreams, I mean, I think that it does as well, but is there any real evidence that it does? dreams are certainly more vivid after DMT: But also with many other substances natural or synthetic. Peace
YellowBench wrote: And since DMT is naturally found in the body, would that make it unlikely to have any bad side- effects like this at all? No, the fact a certain substance is found in the body doesnt say anything about the damage or negative side effects. Its all about the natural balance in your body. Any substance in high quantity is unhealthy to the body. To feel inspired, to fathom the power, To witness the beauty, to bathe in the fountain, To swing the spiral of our divinity and still be a human.
any psychedelic substance can cause some people to develop HPPD if i remember correctly about 4% of poeple who take psychadelics THINK they have it - but upon medical investigation only like 0.5% of those people had real symptoms - so its an extremely small chance to have it and if a person did have it they usually stop taking drugs long enough for it to clear up before they start taking again "Oh Dinah. It’s just a rabbit with a waistcoat... and a watch?!"
arcanum wrote:rjb, Yellowbench said that DMT is found in the brain, which is correct, he didn't say it was produced in the brain, read his contribution more carefully if you would please. I'm sorry if I misunderstood, but the OP's posting that DMT is found in the brain and it helps produce dreams was, to me at least, suggesting DMT production in the brain. Can you point me to some resources regarding DMT being transported in the brain? This is new stuff to me. Thanks. The truth...lies within.
rjb wrote:arcanum wrote:rjb, Yellowbench said that DMT is found in the brain, which is correct, he didn't say it was produced in the brain, read his contribution more carefully if you would please. I'm sorry if I misunderstood, but the OP's posting that DMT is found in the brain and it helps produce dreams was, to me at least, suggesting DMT production in the brain. Can you point me to some resources regarding DMT being transported in the brain? This is new stuff to me. Thanks. http://www.erowid.org/ask/ask.php?ID=3146http://www.erowid.org/ch...s/dmt/dmt_article2.shtmlThere is reason to believe that DMT is in fact made in the brain, in the pineal gland, actually, people who study it are like, 50/50 about it. I would recommend watching the documentary and the book, The Spirit Molecule Some people say that DMT is created in the brain when you are a baby, they think anywhere between 1-3 months, and we just use the DMT when we are in REM sleep or near death experiences. Life is but a memory Happened long ago. Theatre full of sadness For a long forgotten show.
I have some lingering HPPD from my past use of hallucinogens, I used way too much at a very young age. With time it mostly went away but I really learned not only to live with it but to love it. Ive taken a few breaks from them at times were it was prevalent. It's more common than 4% I believe. I would imagine a lot of people not informing there doctors or whoever makes those statistics, which you know how statistics can be anyhow. I actually did tell my old psychiatrist, who wasn't even concerned by it, he said he has seen a bit of it and if it didn't bother me, no worries. Toadfreak!
Travel like a king Listen to the inner voice A higher wisdom is at work for you Conquering the stumbling blocks come easier When the conqueror is in tune with the infinite Every ending is a new beginning Life is an endless unfoldment Change your mind, and you change your relation to time Free your mind and the rest will follow
YellowBench wrote:rjb wrote:arcanum wrote:rjb, Yellowbench said that DMT is found in the brain, which is correct, he didn't say it was produced in the brain, read his contribution more carefully if you would please. I'm sorry if I misunderstood, but the OP's posting that DMT is found in the brain and it helps produce dreams was, to me at least, suggesting DMT production in the brain. Can you point me to some resources regarding DMT being transported in the brain? This is new stuff to me. Thanks. http://www.erowid.org/ask/ask.php?ID=3146http://www.erowid.org/ch...s/dmt/dmt_article2.shtmlThere is reason to believe that DMT is in fact made in the brain, in the pineal gland, actually, people who study it are like, 50/50 about it. I would recommend watching the documentary and the book, The Spirit Molecule Some people say that DMT is created in the brain when you are a baby, they think anywhere between 1-3 months, and we just use the DMT when we are in REM sleep or near death experiences. This is what I'm talking about. Believing something strongly does not necessarily make it true. The most simple example is back when everybody really thought that the Earth was flat, and as it turned out, it wasn't. Here are some excerpts of what you've posted: Quote:As of September 2010, this question of whether DMT is produced in the brain does not have a simple yes or no answer. It has not yet been conclusively demonstrated that DMT is produced in the living human brain, but there are strong reasons to believe that it might be, as well as technical issues that make the theory difficult to verify. So, no simple answer to that. Quote:During his talk "Psychoactive Drugs Throughout Human History" at a 1983 University of California at Santa Barbara conference, Andrew Weil mentioned in passing, "Dimethyltryptamine [...] is almost certainly made by the pineal gland in the brain." Meanwhile, at U.C. San Diego, Rick Strassman had begun to wonder whether or not the pineal might produce psychedelic compounds. Again, notice the use of the words "mentioned in passing", as well as "wondered". Also check out the last paragraph of the second link you posted (before the Addendum by Strassman: Quote:Is DMT produced by the pineal gland? Maybe... Not intending to start a big flame over this, just wanted to make sure everyone around was on the same page. We have plenty of inaccurate information that we don't need to add some more to that confusion. However, we digress...let's return to the original thread. Sorry for derailing a little bit. The truth...lies within.
There is reason to believe that DMT is in fact made in the brain, in the pineal gland, actually, people who study it are like, 50/50 about it. I would recommend watching the documentary and the book, The Spirit Molecule Some people say that DMT is created in the brain when you are a baby, they think anywhere between 1-3 months, and we just use the DMT when we are in REM sleep or near death experiences.[/quote] I've read the book, seen the documentary, no evidence whatsoever in either that DMT is produced in the brain. It's good a conversational/discussion topic, that's all. Even the author of the book now regrets the whole pineal-dmt "Third eye" theory. Personaly, I couldn't care if its produced in the rectum and shunted up there by stripy pink dwarfs sitting in nano Kayaks, all singing "Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go" while Snow White sits nice and comfy in the pineal gland waiting for them to arrive with the goods. peace
Yea, the pineal gland topic tends to get out of hand, regardless its interesting enough that DMT is in our bodies anyway. Back on topic of HPPD, I really wouldn't worry too much, if it gets bothersome you probably just need to rake some time off. Toadfreak!
Travel like a king Listen to the inner voice A higher wisdom is at work for you Conquering the stumbling blocks come easier When the conqueror is in tune with the infinite Every ending is a new beginning Life is an endless unfoldment Change your mind, and you change your relation to time Free your mind and the rest will follow
i think it may be possible but almost all the cases of hppd are caused by lsd becuase of its really low dosage range if you can bassify in ammononia and extract with dcm why not smoke it?
chemisch wrote:i think it may be possible but almost all the cases of hppd are caused by lsd becuase of its really low dosage range Yeah, I definitely had my share of LSD, but idk, I heard once that people taking high amounts of benadryl to get high were at risk of hppd. Life is but a memory Happened long ago. Theatre full of sadness For a long forgotten show.
my overuse of psychedelics (not in a bad way just a lot lot lot of trippin) has given me visual artifacts on an almost daily basis now. dmt seems to have added weird electric blue and purple squiggles shooting thru the dark and in shadows for me now. i have some form of hppd i know that much. do i consider it a disorder? no. doesnt affect me negatively. in fact i find it interesting. Gun it to 88.....::those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak::..ॐ<3ॐ