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Indonesian pyramid unlikely to be a natural formation - supposedly larger and older than giza Options
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#1 Posted : 1/10/2012 9:46:23 PM
Well this is pretty exciting http://us.en.vivanews.co...n-garut-pyramid-verified

"VIVAnews – The phenomenon of “Garut Pyramid” found on a mount in Garut, West Java, has encouraged the Ancient Catastrophic Disaster Team to conduct verification.

The verification is carried out to determine the existence of a man-made structure that formed Mount Putri in Garut using Superstring geo-electric instruments. The geo-electric instruments were used to scan geological layers on the hill by measuring its resistivity.

In a written statement received by VIVAnews, Monday, Dec 19, a member of the Ancient Catastrophic Disaster Team, Iwan Sumule, said that the results of the geo-electric instruments within 20 meters and 10 meters electrodes showed that there was a horizontal unconformity on the intrusion (red) rocks within around 120 meters from the summit.

The finding shows that the right-side intrusion branch seems to form a terrain morphological base that has similar topographical elevation with Cirahong valley. Then, the 120 meter-limit seems to coincide with the base of a steeper ascending topography, where the rocks turn red.

Moreover, the results of the geo-electric instruments within 5 and 3 meters stretch East-West and North-South confirmed the conclusion that the structure is highly unlikely to be of natural formation.

The result of a 3D contour plot topographical digital data with 5 meter resolution IFSAR has supported the hypothesis that there exists an anomaly formation made of sinder cone hill geological process located on a horizontal unconformity intrusion base. Moreover, the excavation material source comes from Cirahong valley which was located 1-2 kilometers from the summit of Mount Putri. It is proven that the material volume from Cirahong valley is similar to the material volume from Mount Putri.

The C14 carbon testing result showed that the age of the ancient top soil layer that has been tested by carbon dating C14 in BATAN is 6000 BC. Meanwhile, the age of the harder soil layer underneath is 7500 BC. If there is any hard soil structure underneath the layer, then the age would be older. "

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#2 Posted : 1/10/2012 10:04:36 PM
One might want to check out also the bosnian pyramids, similar to the indonesian pyramid:

#3 Posted : 1/10/2012 10:13:25 PM
Thats pretty epic UC. Its crazy how many of these pyramids they have found in the past couple of years that were originally thought to be hills. I don't know if you heard about it but an Archaeologist found I think it was 9 pyramids in Bosnia in 2010 the biggest being bigger and older than the great pyramid of Giza. I find it pretty comforting that all these huge megalithic structures are seemingly just "showing up" when they were in plain view the whole time and are forcing us to rethink the time-frame in which civilization existed and how it existed. Makes me think and hope that we can start rethinking some other aspects of our current civilization that don't make sense. Anyway thanks for postingPleased
What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead
we assume - so we're played
we confide - so we're deceived
we trust - so we're betrayed

#4 Posted : 1/10/2012 10:25:26 PM
Quote from teles wiki link regarding the bosnian pyramid:

"Osmanagić has claimed that the dig involved an international team of archaeologists from Australia, Austria, Ireland, Scotland and Slovenia. However, many archaeologists he named have stated they had not agreed to participate and were never at the site. The dig began in April 2006, and has involved reshaping the hill to make it look like a Mayan step pyramid."

Something tells me that this Osmanagić is a downright liar.
Everything I write as Tordyveln is made up. I lie all the time.

"Thanks so far for being patient, no doubt you obviously share our contempt for the 1984 Gestapo Mordor Matrix agents style gits that are fucking up our world." - Pissed off mimosa seller
#5 Posted : 1/10/2012 10:32:54 PM
Tordyveln wrote:

Something tells me that this Osmanagić is a downright liar.

Probably is. TRUST NOONE!
What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead
we assume - so we're played
we confide - so we're deceived
we trust - so we're betrayed

Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#6 Posted : 1/10/2012 10:42:38 PM
There does seem to be some interesting evidence that the bosnian pyramid is partly man made

but the main guy Osmanagić is a bit of a loon, liar, charlatan, or a mix of these..and if you watch some of his videos this is obvious. There is a good documentary out there called the biggest hoax in history or something like that which goes into this and interviews scientists who have visited him..many of which think they are pyramids but that this guy is wrong about many many things, like the tunnels. He tries and connect these tunnels around the area to the pyramids when they clearly don't seem connected at all and are much more recent.. and he has made some absolutely ridiculous and deceiving claims about certain rocks in there, among other things

this doesn't mean they might not be pyramids though just because some guy is a quack and/or trying to cash in on possibly a big discovery by making it sound more profound than it is

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
The Traveler
Administrator | Skills: DMT, LSD, Programming
#7 Posted : 1/10/2012 10:47:52 PM
Tordyveln wrote:
Quote from teles wiki link regarding the bosnian pyramid:

"Osmanagić has claimed that the dig involved an international team of archaeologists from Australia, Austria, Ireland, Scotland and Slovenia. However, many archaeologists he named have stated they had not agreed to participate and were never at the site. The dig began in April 2006, and has involved reshaping the hill to make it look like a Mayan step pyramid."

Something tells me that this Osmanagić is a downright liar.

This about the Bosnian pyramid. Osmanagić should not be trusted with his claims.

About the Indonesian pyramid: I cannot find one source that is not a retelling of the original "Finding on Garut Pyramid Verified" story and that is weird. Nothing in scientific papers or even the common news channels about this, don't you think that news like this would spread like wildfire? Also none of the scientists who 'verified' the claims are named, again VERY odd since this means we cannot verify the claim ourselves.

Most of the times when weird things like this happens is when someone made a false claim that is not verified at all for diverse reasons, I can imagine that it would be a nice boost for tourism for example. I would advice to remain skeptic about this 'verified' find.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#8 Posted : 1/10/2012 10:57:42 PM
The Traveler wrote:

About the Indonesian pyramid: I cannot find one source that is not a retelling of the original "Finding on Garut Pyramid Verified" story and that is weird. Nothing in scientific papers or even the common news channels about this, don't you think that news like this would spread like wildfire? Also none of the scientists who 'verified' the claims are named, again VERY odd since this means we cannot verify the claim ourselves.

Most of the times when weird things like this happens is when someone made a false claim that is not verified at all for diverse reasons, I can imagine that it would be a nice boost for tourism for example. I would advice to remain skeptic about this 'verified' find.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

Yea i also have been looking and can't find much so i'm still skeptical.

The only thing i could find was this snippet from the same site:

Is the finding in Garut inspired by the similar discovery in Bosnia?
Member of Ancient Catastrophic Disaster Team, Iwan Sumule, said no to the posit.

"The Garut pyramid was found by chance as the team looked into faults and the annals of past earthquakes," he told VIVAnews.
Iwan said earthquakes are considered recurring events with periodic time, including volcanoes.
"It is believed that the extinct human civilization was due to past disasters like earthquakes and volcano eruptions."

With regard to the Garut pyramid, various scientific assessments over the finding, including carbon dating, show that the structure is man-made.
Earlier, Directorate General of History and Archaeology said Indonesia may have pyramids.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#9 Posted : 1/10/2012 11:09:34 PM
universecannon wrote:

The verification is carried out to determine the existence of a man-made structure that formed Mount Putri in Garut using Superstring geo-electric instruments.... "

Immediately I am skeptical of this... I'm not up to date on the latest geological survey equipment, but superstring theory is still just an imaginary playpen for academic career physicists with no observable predictions.
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#10 Posted : 1/11/2012 12:02:08 AM
ouro wrote:
universecannon wrote:

The verification is carried out to determine the existence of a man-made structure that formed Mount Putri in Garut using Superstring geo-electric instruments.... "

Immediately I am skeptical of this... I'm not up to date on the latest geological survey equipment, but superstring theory is still just an imaginary playpen for academic career physicists with no observable predictions.

I was thinking the same thing.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#11 Posted : 1/11/2012 12:45:34 AM
Yea i didn't catch that, and cant find any info on that technique

this is looking more and more like propaganda Sad

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#12 Posted : 1/11/2012 7:44:45 AM
ouro wrote:
universecannon wrote:

The verification is carried out to determine the existence of a man-made structure that formed Mount Putri in Garut using Superstring geo-electric instruments.... "

Immediately I am skeptical of this... I'm not up to date on the latest geological survey equipment, but superstring theory is still just an imaginary playpen for academic career physicists with no observable predictions.


There is no such thing as a "superstring" machine...
#13 Posted : 1/11/2012 5:02:30 PM
"Ancient Catastrophic Disaster Team" sounds bogus too. A search leads to many postings of the same article, with this post being number 1.
#14 Posted : 1/11/2012 6:01:23 PM
re: bosnian pyramids

I wouldn't dismiss them so quickly. Also don't judge Osmanagić so fast. I've visited the bosnian pyramids with my girlfriend (who is an archeologist) in 2006 and we stayed there for a week.
From what I seen what they uncovered back then looked very much "man-made" to us. If you really want to know if they're real you need to go there and see for yourself. Also do not trust what
the mainstream media tells you. There are a lot of scientists out there who do not want this to be true and they were very quick to dismiss this as a lie.

A good friend of mine who happens to be Bosnian went there to make a docu on it in the same year. He's met Osmanagić among others and there is a lot of info and discoveries on the pyramids that can't
be discussed in the mainstream...

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.
Moderator | Skills: Growing (plants/mushrooms), Research, Extraction troubleshooting, Harmalas, Revolution (theory/practice)
#15 Posted : 1/11/2012 6:53:06 PM
gilga_mesh wrote:
...there is a lot of info and discoveries on the pyramids that can't be discussed in the mainstream...

What does this even mean?
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#16 Posted : 1/11/2012 8:28:03 PM
SnozzleBerry wrote:
gilga_mesh wrote:
...there is a lot of info and discoveries on the pyramids that can't be discussed in the mainstream...

What does this even mean?

To put it in other words: have you ever seen a mainstream media report on someone taking a DMT trip? Wink

if so then you can count them on one hand...

kind of similar situation

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.
The Traveler
Administrator | Skills: DMT, LSD, Programming
#17 Posted : 1/11/2012 8:39:50 PM
gilga_mesh wrote:
SnozzleBerry wrote:
gilga_mesh wrote:
...there is a lot of info and discoveries on the pyramids that can't be discussed in the mainstream...

What does this even mean?

To put it in other words: have you ever seen a mainstream media report on someone taking a DMT trip? Wink

if so then you can count them on one hand...

kind of similar situation

You mean that going to a pyramid is an illegal activity? Just like taking a DMT trip?

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Moderator | Skills: Growing (plants/mushrooms), Research, Extraction troubleshooting, Harmalas, Revolution (theory/practice)
#18 Posted : 1/11/2012 8:48:46 PM
What Trav asked...

Also, you seem to be conflating can't and don't in your metaphor...
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#19 Posted : 1/11/2012 9:16:18 PM
The Traveler wrote:

About the Indonesian pyramid: I cannot find one source that is not a retelling of the original "Finding on Garut Pyramid Verified" story and that is weird. Nothing in scientific papers or even the common news channels about this, don't you think that news like this would spread like wildfire? Also none of the scientists who 'verified' the claims are named, again VERY odd since this means we cannot verify the claim ourselves.

There is actually a fair amount of chatter about this on the web right now. whether it is true or false will have to remain to be seen. However in regards to scientific verification, I was able to find This Link stating...

The Deutsche Orient-Gesellscaaft (DOG), with research Prof. Bonatz, will meet with another interested researcher, Stephen Oppenheimer of Oxford University, and author of Eden in the East, in Bali to discuss a way to fast track excavation

Either way, this is a fairly interesting story! Im trying to track down who actually established the preliminary findings, as of now, i guess time will tell!
#20 Posted : 1/11/2012 10:03:51 PM
The Traveler wrote:
gilga_mesh wrote:
SnozzleBerry wrote:
gilga_mesh wrote:
...there is a lot of info and discoveries on the pyramids that can't be discussed in the mainstream...

What does this even mean?

To put it in other words: have you ever seen a mainstream media report on someone taking a DMT trip? Wink

if so then you can count them on one hand...

kind of similar situation

You mean that going to a pyramid is an illegal activity? Just like taking a DMT trip?

Kind regards,

The Traveler

Hehe, If they could they would make it illegal. I believe DMT holds the key to our reality. And these pyramid discoveries hold a key to our past.
In a way even connected.
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.
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