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Oh great now I am hearing voices Options
#1 Posted : 1/10/2012 1:02:41 PM
Ok guys I started a thread a few months ago about my concerns regarding hallucinations whilst not on drugs. This is the thread for ref


After I posted the above I never had another incident. Now over the last 5 weeks I have been dreaming constantly, so vivid I don't get a break they last all night one after the other its like I don't even sleep any more. And four days ago I was in the middle of a dream in which I was in a car racing other drivers (it was a good dream) and all of a sudden someone shouted my name loud and the voice was so clear I jumped out of my dream to answer....nobody?? I live alone and my GF was at her house. My windows were closed. The person was familiar,female and commanding. They also use my full first name witch no one does unless I'm in troubleSad. I told people about it an got the usual reply your over tired, oh maybe it was a ghost...blah, so I put it down to a crazy dream.

Now last night I got up at 3am to take a shower but didn't have to be up until 5.30am so went back to bed after the shower. I couldn't really sleep but was lying down for ages I had my eyes shut an was just about to reach for my phone to see the time and an insane scream happened.......in my head....Yeah I know rite. My eyes sprung open but not to look around this time I knew straight away it happened again and just lay the remembering the sound for about 20mins. It was a cross between in pain and angry. It lasted about 1.5 seconds and was perfectly clear. Now believe me when you hear a voice in you head YOU KNOW it happened only in your head. But it was literally like hearing it outside your head but it bounces around your skull(it sound stupid to explain but that's the best I can do).

The only changes I have made in my life style is going to the gym more to keep fit and a high protein diet with it. Now as I explained in my previous post I have no mental health issues, tissue issues (can't complain its all good)just an average 25 year old guy I go out have a good time work hard and enjoy life. So please don't take this post as me messing around or blowing it out of proportion because I still haven't touched a xtale of spice and now this. Oh and also coincidently the first one happened the night I agreed to sell my GVG.Confused don't say it.
#2 Posted : 1/10/2012 1:05:49 PM
Ha I forgot to ask a question. My question is AM I GOING CRAZY. Thanks.
#3 Posted : 1/10/2012 1:21:04 PM
DMT-induced kundalini awakening?

Ego destructurization?

Or perhaps your waking dream reality is merging with your sleeping dream reality. Happens to shamans and schizophrenics all the time, nothing to worry about.Wink

I would suggest you try your best not to worry about it and lay off the psychedelics for a while. It could just be a temporary effect of spiritual awakening. If you start to obsess/worry about it, you'll probably go insane. Just go with the flow and if it gets worse, go see the doc and maybe get an MRI.

I forgot to ask a question. My question is AM I GOING CRAZY. Thanks.

Sometimes you gotta go crazy to become sane.
#4 Posted : 1/10/2012 1:21:22 PM
Lay off the psychedelics and pot for a little while, ESPECIALLY the pot. Ganja decreases the efficacy of anandamide (the body's natural anti-psychotic) due to cannabinoid receptor desensitisation. While mary jane isn't exceedingly psychedelic in of itself, it opens the doorway to psychedelia through this means. And we are surrounded by psychedelia in every-day life, it comes at you from every direction (esp. in the form of stress) but usually your brain is great at filtering it out.

According to Abram Hoffer, niacin reduced aural hallucinations in his patients. Might wanna give that a try, it's very cheap. Regardless good nutrition decreases your chances of experiencing residual hallucinations seeing as drugs do modulate your brain in such a way to produce an increased need for certain nutrients. Oxidative stress, I'm looking at you.

I'd say get started on a daily regime of niacin, omega-3 fish oil and a multivitamin. I speak from experience.
#5 Posted : 1/10/2012 1:26:24 PM
embracethevoid wrote:
I'd say get started on a daily regime of niacin, omega-3 fish oil and a multivitamin. I speak from experience.

Agreed. My health has been significantly boosted since taking a food-based multivitamin and fish oil.Very happy
#6 Posted : 1/10/2012 1:28:19 PM
It's important to note that while you may consider yourself "average and healthy", the majority of people have one or more vitamin deficiencies and they are totally unaware. The average human being is a toxic waste dump - this is a massive factor. You are NOT as healthy as you think you are - unless you know so. And if you were in the know, let's just say you wouldn't be asking this question.

Likewise "healthy" is subjective and can only be inferred by way of comparison between those with most and least health. Our picture of "good health" today is piss poor. The average man of times gone by could outrun Usain Bolt in a 100m sprint. The AVERAGE man.
#7 Posted : 1/10/2012 1:40:01 PM
This is something I have experienced too on many occasions since I began taking drugs. Usually it happens at that stage between being asleep and being fully awake, although it frequently used to happen with higher doses of ecstasy too. Mostly if it happens now it doesnt bother me too much. Has happened a few times very recently accompanied by sleep paralysis, which im inclined to assume is related to my recent use of dmt.

Like you say OP, it is entirely different from hearing internal voices. These sound external and just as real as any other noise. IMO, I wouldnt worry about it too much unless it starts slipping into your everyday, wide awake, life.
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#8 Posted : 1/10/2012 1:44:15 PM
I sure hope not, because I have been experiencing similar things for many years now.

However I kind of asked for it, and when it started happening I had a "FINALLY!! PROGRESS!!" type of reaction. Either way, I keep shut about these things; I share only with my close friend(s?), and apparently now on the dmt-nexus forum.

Allow me to explain what is my case. Since early childhood I was fascinating by dreams, the concept of sleeping and dreaming. What is it, why is it happening, how, what are the limitations etc. Therefore every night when going to sleep, that was my 'safe zone', personal thinking time that nobody could interfere with where I was free to think and imagine whatever I wished for. As time went by, dreams got ALOT more vivid, ALOT lengthier and ALOT more detalied, complex topics, logical consistency, stability, waking up to drink some water and going back to sleep to continue the same dream as before. I started noticing that other people, parents, friends were not experiencing the same development and I learned to keep quiet on the subject. I very much understood, that it's not because they would be lacking something, it's just that they're not interested in this, for some reason.

And at some point I started using psychedelics and everything exploded. I can now say, without exaggerating, that each night I dream what feels the equivalent of 5-10 movies. It is EXHAUSTING and I love every minute of it. I am doing breathing exercising, meditation, trying to stick to a raw vegan diet and everything else that I think might help me to achieve even more intensity. In the past months I started realising that what I was mistaken for exhaustion was perhaps just a misunderstanding, a different way of being/feeling and I learned how to make it my friend and we work together. When waking up was trying to go back to 'normal' and this was creating the exhaustion; at some point I gave up trying to go back to 'normal'. Awake time during the day feels short in comparison to the time spent dreaming, and feels like a break/holiday. The nights feel significantly longer than the days. I'm starting to get better at falling asleep at will and remaining on the border between awake/asleep, and I find myself often during the day intentionally going there. I have an impeccable sense of time, where I can wake up at a time of my choice, without alarm, with precision +/- 7 minutes. However dreaming is throwing me off as I check with the clock and see how only 20 mins passed in real time whilst in my dreams it felt more like 2-3 hours.

On the subject of the voices, I have experienced similar things over the past years, at few months intervals and I would describe it the same way as you: when you *think* you heard it you pretty much know it's in your head which is different from when somebody actually says something out loud, yet this is how these events feel, you are so sure that it was real that you start questioning your sanity and investigate to make sure that indeed it's not somebody in the room who said something. I just associate this with the dreams business, or otherwise said, with poking the brain to do tricks that normally people are not doing with it. I often was able to trace back the hallucination to a particular idea that the ego was thinking about and concluded that because the brain is less chaotic from all the training with the dreaming, now out of place things just stand out.

Nowdays this turned to full blown music. I listen to varied type of music, but I avoid vocals like the plague, for some reason I don't feel comfortable with words. So, when meditating or when dreaming if I 'scratch' the right section in the brain I can imagine (remember?) soundtracks which I enjoy with such intensity that more than once I got confused and thought that I left my PC on playing the songs. It's a bit backwards though: I remember and recreate the feeling of the song, and as a side effect I start hearing it. I hope this makes sense.

I would say it's extraordinary and one needs to push more, and ask for more of this 'crazy'. If this means to be crazy then I'm quite fine with it. (However I have my own theories of what insanity means and it is not this). If it breaks my brain and I go insane, what's the big loss? There are plenty of other people out there living 'normally', they have it covered, I don't feel the need to do exactly the same. But it feels nothing like going crazy, quite the opposite, feels more stable, although I have to admit that something is quite different in the method of thinking. I am worried that if accidentally I would have some sort of partial amnesia and I would forget my techniques, mental safety nets or rules then I will most likely go crazy crazy.

Hope this helps,

#9 Posted : 1/10/2012 1:46:35 PM
I should mention that I haven't taken any psychedelics for about a year now and I lost interest in alcohol as well.
#10 Posted : 1/10/2012 2:14:52 PM
EthanS wrote:
I should mention that I haven't taken any psychedelics for about a year now and I lost interest in alcohol as well.

IME, once you've popped your "psychic cherry" and loosened your perception, it doesn't matter how long it's been.
#11 Posted : 1/10/2012 3:02:06 PM
THEwrongGUY wrote:
Ok guys I started a thread a few months ago about my concerns regarding hallucinations whilst not on drugs. This is the thread for ref


After I posted the above I never had another incident. Now over the last 5 weeks I have been dreaming constantly, so vivid I don't get a break they last all night one after the other its like I don't even sleep any more. And four days ago I was in the middle of a dream in which I was in a car racing other drivers (it was a good dream) and all of a sudden someone shouted my name loud and the voice was so clear I jumped out of my dream to answer....nobody?? I live alone and my GF was at her house. My windows were closed. The person was familiar,female and commanding. They also use my full first name witch no one does unless I'm in troubleSad. I told people about it an got the usual reply your over tired, oh maybe it was a ghost...blah, so I put it down to a crazy dream.

Now last night I got up at 3am to take a shower but didn't have to be up until 5.30am so went back to bed after the shower. I couldn't really sleep but was lying down for ages I had my eyes shut an was just about to reach for my phone to see the time and an insane scream happened.......in my head....Yeah I know rite. My eyes sprung open but not to look around this time I knew straight away it happened again and just lay the remembering the sound for about 20mins. It was a cross between in pain and angry. It lasted about 1.5 seconds and was perfectly clear. Now believe me when you hear a voice in you head YOU KNOW it happened only in your head. But it was literally like hearing it outside your head but it bounces around your skull(it sound stupid to explain but that's the best I can do).

The only changes I have made in my life style is going to the gym more to keep fit and a high protein diet with it. Now as I explained in my previous post I have no mental health issues, tissue issues (can't complain its all good)just an average 25 year old guy I go out have a good time work hard and enjoy life. So please don't take this post as me messing around or blowing it out of proportion because I still haven't touched a xtale of spice and now this. Oh and also coincidently the first one happened the night I agreed to sell my GVG.Confused don't say it.

many people will say "spiritual awakening" or things of the sort,but this sounds quiet serious.hyperspace and aliens its all nice and good but when it comes to your health,you should go visit a professional psychiatrist.These might be the symptoms of early schizophrenia (fits your profile),and without medication it can go really really bad...it is easily medicated though,so with the proper PROFESSIONAL help you will most likely be alright.I'd also suggest you stay away from psychedelics if it turns out to be a mental issue,just to be safe...

PhOG wrote:
Has happened a few times very recently accompanied by sleep paralysis

Can be this too,as many mentally healthy people experience hallucinations right before REM sleep.But being the paranoid I am,if i were you i'd still pay a visit to the psychiatrist just to be safe.Take it from a guy whose paranoia saved his life two times Very happy
The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
#12 Posted : 1/10/2012 3:13:51 PM
When I was 21 I went through a period when I was experiencing a lot of things of similar nature. Heard a voice or two. Stangely (hilariously) I had a few days when my thoughts were in a southern black womans voice. Like aunt Jamima "lawdy lawdy, now I got do such and such..."

This was during a nonpsychedelic period in my life.

Kundalini awakening/kundalini crises is an excellent model for this sort of thing.

The shamanic dream world merging with (or at least overlapping) with your waking reality is likewise a good model.

The kundalini crises thing....for me, I considered it like a spontaneous initiation. Not having a shaman, or a group with a secret handshake or anything, to lead me through this stuff, it just started happening. The stranger effects, like voices, are really no big deal. I'd call that sort of thing peripheral phenomena. Tengential. Not the main show.

The wierder and flashier stuff like voices will pass. Years later they may return, but to pass again.

These side effects however are just part of an ongoing journey.

Try and stay centered. from what I read it seems like you are doing well, so just keep it up and don't panic.
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

#13 Posted : 1/10/2012 3:20:08 PM
SpartanII wrote:
EthanS wrote:
I should mention that I haven't taken any psychedelics for about a year now and I lost interest in alcohol as well.

IME, once you've popped your "psychic cherry" and loosened your perception, it doesn't matter how long it's been.

This is correct.

The best you can do is strengthen your body's ability to handle these new avenues of energy flux that you have opened up.

Optimum nutrition, minimal stress, balanced sleep and exercise regimes: these two factors will make psychedelia pleasant and a fertile ground for self-exploration. On the other hand those who fail to commit to upholding these basic yet vital principles for spiritual health tend to find themselves descending into hell, a hell they could have escaped from so easily. All it requires is taking care of your body - then the nourished mind takes care of itself.
#14 Posted : 1/10/2012 8:12:24 PM
Also try reading Robert Monroe's books: Journeys out of the body, Far journeys, Ultimate journey. They're all under the files section. They should help understanding some of the weird stuff you've been experiencing during sleep.
The truth...lies within.
#15 Posted : 1/10/2012 9:31:54 PM
Thanks guys, I will attempt to comment on each of your comments.


I love your take on all this, but Ego destructurization has happened to me a good few times on DMT if by that you mean the Ego break and rebuild. But non more than the last time witch put me off DMT for life I have only heard of one person who's trip equated to mine in terms of brutality. And he is a popular MOD here but he sent me his story it in a PM so I wont revile his name or story. And he still cant touch DMT much like me. Though I am very driven in my search to find out why I am here to the point I am about to book a in between life regression session, I research everything with no prejudice but give validity to very little and kundalini awakening is one of them.


I have never touched ANYTHING apart from DMT not even smoked ciggs, as I mentioned in the other thread. I only drink but not excessive. I will however look into this "daily regime of niacin, omega-3 fish oil and a multivitamin" I do love a real solution in solid form , thanks. Oh and I am pretty sure I am healthy I have medicals all the time because I fight in mma and its a requirement.


Nice someone can relate even just to how you can tell the difference in sound easily, thanks.


You totally blew me away with your post, you definitely have a much bigger grasp on this than any other poster. I was also fascinated by dreams I even used to try and self induce sleep paralysis with a timer to have an obe (only small success). This is exactly what I do dream movies all night and
don't get any escape, though I will take you view on it now. As you say it is like trying to manually get back to normal. Any YES the days are SO short now (I was shocked you said this) I keep getting time gaps like what seems 10 mins will be 2 hours and it is blowing me away how huge the difference is. The dream life is easily 3 times longer than the day. That entire paragraph is perfectly me.

DMT stopped me pushing my boundaries of the mind so much, I wont go into detail on the trips. That's why I am hesitant to explore more on this. I have been listening to Alan Watts Nothingness today and he made a great standing for sanity. But my fear in letting go too much and being in a constant state of incoherence...then what you can't get back, for me People like you wouldn't be able to relate to me and create a positive mind set. For me its all about mind set an people which help create them. And I don't have a lot of people around me to catch me if I fall. Yes it did help brother very cool post.


Thanks but I wont be telling a PROFESSIONAL about this so he can tell me what's "normal". I mean its still very "weird" telling arguably the most open minded people around (you guys who experiment with super mind altering drugs) who in my opinion have a wider view on reality as a whole and obviously a better inside to my drug activities than they will due to you can relate. Though be it obviously not as good a grasp on the human mind...probably.


You made me laugh brother...big time laugh "thoughts were in a southern black womans voice. Like aunt Jamima" also the way you said the flashier stuff will fade. like your mind is trying to impress you and you sitting like "yeah yeah aunt Jamima voice very nice but can you do Arnold Schwarzenegger" you have a way with word my friend thanks for the comment, truly great and very nice.


I will give that a read as I say though I have read a lot of books about how to endue obes and how to get the Akashic Hall of Records an so on. I love all books with these kind of insight. I am currently reading Dr Michael Newtons life between life books, witch are awesome you should read them. Even to things like Reality Check By David Brin, its a short story give it a read.

#16 Posted : 1/11/2012 7:28:27 AM
THEwrongGUY wrote:
Ok guys I started a thread a few months ago about my concerns regarding hallucinations whilst not on drugs. This is the thread for ref


After I posted the above I never had another incident. Now over the last 5 weeks I have been dreaming constantly, so vivid I don't get a break they last all night one after the other its like I don't even sleep any more. And four days ago I was in the middle of a dream in which I was in a car racing other drivers (it was a good dream) and all of a sudden someone shouted my name loud and the voice was so clear I jumped out of my dream to answer....nobody?? I live alone and my GF was at her house. My windows were closed. The person was familiar,female and commanding. They also use my full first name witch no one does unless I'm in troubleSad. I told people about it an got the usual reply your over tired, oh maybe it was a ghost...blah, so I put it down to a crazy dream.

Now last night I got up at 3am to take a shower but didn't have to be up until 5.30am so went back to bed after the shower. I couldn't really sleep but was lying down for ages I had my eyes shut an was just about to reach for my phone to see the time and an insane scream happened.......in my head....Yeah I know rite. My eyes sprung open but not to look around this time I knew straight away it happened again and just lay the remembering the sound for about 20mins. It was a cross between in pain and angry. It lasted about 1.5 seconds and was perfectly clear. Now believe me when you hear a voice in you head YOU KNOW it happened only in your head. But it was literally like hearing it outside your head but it bounces around your skull(it sound stupid to explain but that's the best I can do).

The only changes I have made in my life style is going to the gym more to keep fit and a high protein diet with it. Now as I explained in my previous post I have no mental health issues, tissue issues (can't complain its all good)just an average 25 year old guy I go out have a good time work hard and enjoy life. So please don't take this post as me messing around or blowing it out of proportion because I still haven't touched a xtale of spice and now this. Oh and also coincidently the first one happened the night I agreed to sell my GVG.Confused don't say it.

Well you wanted my advice and you get it Very happy Take good care of yourself
The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
Senior Member
#17 Posted : 1/11/2012 9:08:02 AM
from my own notes:
Psychedelia helps you notice the "split"
Ego, mind, brain, is not you, it's a tool. The tool becomes the "ghost in the machine" kinda thing, it assumes control and most people in a survival/waking dream existence never fully notice the mind taking control.

There is however an ever present existence within you, it is YOU without mind.... in many situations the mind is interpreting reality for YOU. The internal YOU is not fully aware yet.
After substantial psychedelic usage YOU is often haunted by the mind (if that makes sense). The rift between the two is noticed, and YOU can often hear the mind talking (my opinion is this is what you are hearing).

This is hard for me to explain from where I'm at, but it is kinda like how your mind can get stuck into a thought trap (where it thinks in circles very psychotically) and you notice it. You know that you are trapped in a though loop and can't do anything about it.
this is where meditation comes in, and the practice of silencing the mind during heavy journeys becomes essential.

Meditation is not just sitting lotus going ooooooohhhhhhmmmmm. I do the walking meditation. I detach and leave my body to act on its own. The "Chop wood, carry water" automation of body while the mind travels.

good luck, and I hope this isn't misunderstood.
"We're selling more than a cracker here," Krijak said. "We're selling the salty, unctuous illusion of happiness."
#18 Posted : 1/11/2012 3:56:46 PM

I did indeed want your/all possible advice as it is best to see all sides to help solve a problem. But the reason I asked my question here is to get the kind of answer that is directly above by Ringworm, and not a clinical type answer that my parents would give....standard answer. I did not mean to be blunt or sound ungrateful in anyway I was up late trying to reply to everyone precisely to show I appreciate the time they took to reply, and give a accurate response to how I received the information posted. Thanks.


I believe I did understand you correctly and that does make a lot of sense. My initial thought when I heard the scream was it sounds like someone's trapped, then I got to thinking OH is it me am I trapped in this robotic body oblivious...But then I thought first I'm hearing voices now I am saying this get a grip an blew that notion off quick style. Though the second to last trip I had before the last BAD one was of me stuck in a cycle of going to sit up an just before I sat upright totally I would remember I had already tried to site up a million time before and kept resetting. So every time I got to the top upright I would get the complete memory of having tried this over and over and the relentless frustration and all of a sudden resets and I am happy for 2 second and realise I'm trapped again an realise im trapped again an realise im trapped again.

Now you have said that I am starting to think that was DMT telling me basically what you have said?. But It is scary and lets be honest a little out there to consider this as a possibility isn't it??? The voice I heard sounded angry, frustrated and in pain in one scream...what do you make of that?. Great reply with fresh views on this, thanks please re-reply.
Senior Member
#19 Posted : 1/11/2012 5:33:09 PM
DMT is a chemical. It isn't telling you anything, No need to personify a drug or a plant.

The mind/ego certainly has it's purpose in survival, it keeps you focused on what is needed in the everyday hum drum eat/sleep/shit/be sheltered et el.
Ok, so let it do it's thing.

Sadly this whole job of protecting the shell it's source of survival, makes it do funny things. This reality around you is in part it's creation. I don't mean that you are not alive or anything like that, moreso that 90% of your surroundings are altered by perception to be safe. When you see a shoe you don't see what it is perse, your mind goes into the database and pulls a label for it.... Language, it gives it a word, an image, usage, etc. It is technically a shortcut to experiencing something, language is limiting, it is nothing more than an advanced labeling system.
By taking a psychedelic, or by having an astral dream of some sort you are shaking up the imagery. A shoe becomes leather with swirling fractal intensity, atomic placement, molecular structure in infinities infinite.... how the heck do you label that!!! Often a mind will give the warning label of "Insanity." That is a shortcut to thinking, it is a label as well so things are immediately classified and once again safe.

When these things come into question, the mind throws out distress signals. The mind/ego has a voice separate from YOU. YOU can hear it often times. Most people live their lives thinking that voice is THEM. Just learn to differentiate and not take it so seriously. Often when the "split" occurs and becomes more obvious, you can get scared by things that are thought and done that YOU did not think or do. Pay no attention.

In your case (I've had this happen too) during a powerful dream where YOU go to the astral, the Mind screams, "Please come back!!!! I'm scared."
ok, so it won this round.

I just thought of this while walking outside... a fine example of the mind's survival instinct:
Have you ever come to a fence that you need to jump over? The mind screams "No! No! I can't do it" You think yourself out of it, it is impossible!
But if you did not think about it and let the body function on its own you could jump it with ease.
Ok now next time you come to that fence you jump it easily, for you know for certain that it *can* be done.
The doubt reverberated in your mind previously with something unknown.
This is one avenue that I am well versed in. I call it "the tao of movement." It is a fine example of what you are experiencing and what I am *trying* to explain (not very well i think).

ohh, and going to a psychiatrist or anyone else and trying to explain your thoughts/beliefs has predictable results. Often a warm white room with an ill fitting gown and shitty drugs.

best of luck,
"We're selling more than a cracker here," Krijak said. "We're selling the salty, unctuous illusion of happiness."
#20 Posted : 1/11/2012 5:44:48 PM
Any irregular behavior is mostly some sort of "hint".
So either you discover a belief which is out of alignment with who you are or what you prefer, or it is an "old" version of yourself trying to gain momentum.

The basic idea on watching and altering toughts is to feel how those toughts are.

The moment you understand how a tought makes you feel you can understand better where they are coming from and stop thinking bad-feeling toughts while getting to execute better-feeling ones!

[Source: Abraham, Bashar]
elusive illusion
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