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Question concerning reality Options
Walter D. Roy
#1 Posted : 1/5/2012 1:18:09 AM
I always have been a huge fan of philosophy, especially the ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Socrates. It always amazes me how people like them managed to break through the structure of religion and worshiping gods and so forth and being able to invent their own ideas, it blows me away. I have always questioned the reality in which I exist, being very open minded to every possibility. I remember when I first read about Plato's "World of Ideas" and the difference between the idea and the reality of it. I was speechless.

Well this brings me to my question. Do you think that the experiences you have on DMT (such as encountering entities) are just as real as the reality we frequently experience?

I feel that I must explain some of what brings me to this question. So reality is such a fragile thing in my eyes, it can be broken or made in the same instant. I do believe that there is a reality that exists outside of human perception and maybe there is reality matter in which, as humans, we can not comprehend through our oh so human perception. So would DMT maybe reveal a part of the reality in which we do not experience? If such a thing does exist?

I feel as if I could write so much on what brings me to this question. But that it for another discussion and another time.

I'm sorry if this is a complicated thing to answer but I would appreciate it a lot of I could get some feedback.
The Unknown = A Place to Learn
Lost travellier
#2 Posted : 1/5/2012 12:34:48 PM
Yes, I consider DMT experiments by door in one of the verges of reality. The Focus in that that I do not try to clear itself all it. -Why? This was necessary if centre my "I" was found in "'this" world, amongst people. But I identify itself as prisoner, accidentally turned out to be in chain of the reason. My present "I" -there. And I since moment 3-h year age, when I for the first time understand this problem (and has told about this my mother) - want to return to "my home". I do not understand exactly that this and where this. Now i learned to REALIZE itself there. Here is key to the whole hole. In that realities of no TIME as LINEAR SEQUENCE EVENT. So and mind there does not play defining dug the coordinator. There, there is all in one moment. Here and presently. But controls all change a LAW to INTENSITIES energy. That is to say, -as soup in saucepan on kitchen plate. -an Energy of the heating of the plate (= energy Universe) gives the boiling of soup. All boil and all are changed. But if she from "meatball" WANTS to touch before "macaroni", that she must enclose the ENERGY of the DESIRE (the INTENTIONS?) for realization of its plan. Its energy falls into contiguity with energy of soup, -and she turns out to be there where got result. / In accuracy about this principle of the difference two "descriptions" realities wrote K.Kastaneda in one of their own last books. / Though value of the mind nobody not canceled. -Simply there he plays the secondary role a guard and watcher. (Quote:...I do not suffer from insanity, I each second enjoy him!...) -As this said!!! Ohhh! Sorry, it's very hard to translate this text for me. Again mistake possible...
#3 Posted : 1/5/2012 1:35:20 PM
This is my understanding and it won't be as detailed as I want it to be since I'm at work this morning.

Plato was spot on with his understanding of the world of ideas, imo. His allegory of the cave perfectly fits the reality of the situation we find ourselves in on earth. All we see in physical earth life reality is a shadow, an outward reflection of what's on the other side of us. Does that make it unreal? Depends on your definition. Right now we are inhabiting a monkey body in a realm of 'stuff'. Since our physical body is made of this same 'stuff' as the rest the world then, yeah, our current experience of reality can be considered 'real' as long as we are experiencing it.

The world of ideas is the dimension directly adjacent to us (hyperspace). If this is true then it means it's as close to our dimension as the 2 dimensional plane is close to us. Enter the whole flatland analogy which is highly appropriate. A 2 dimensional creature has no height, only length and width and can only move backward and forward, left and right. We 3 dimensional creatures, as a by-product of dimensional advantage, can see the entire world of a 2 dimensional creature effortlessly. There would be no place in their flat world they could hide from our 3 dimensional eyes since we are looking 'into' their world from a higher dimension. Ever wonder why there are so many eyes in psychedelic art and trip reports? I make the claim is a similar phenomenon only increasing all the dimensions by 1.

The next part is even more difficult to accept and that's my theory that you don't think your thoughts, your thoughts think you. For instance, if the DMT space is a quantum soup of probabilties and if all possibilities CAN exist but only a select few undergo what scientists call 'the formality of actually occuring', then it stands to reason that EVERYTHING already exists and pre-exists all creation in thought or non-form. Micky Mouse the cartoon character was not created by the human Walt Disney. Instead, in an opposite way of looking at it, Mickey Mouse is a CONCEPT from the world of ideas that wished to manifest itself in Earth's history and culture, and chose the human Walt Disney to be 'channeled' through. All creativity, whether scientific or otherwise, can be considered a form of channeling. You're becoming an open conduit for ideas to flow into the Earth, but your not generating the ideas in your brain any more than your radio is generating the radio waves you hear.

Ever hear of meme theory? It's this concept that thoughts are like their own organisms and seek to propegate themselves by spreading to more people. Christianity is a classic example of a meme going global. No one alive today has ever met Jesus to know anything factual about the man, but millions of people accept the religion that bears his name on thought alone. The plethora of gods and goddesses, demons and devas from all corners of the world's ancient myths I think are poor attempts at explaining this concept that ideas have their own freestanding existence. Ares may not have existed as an actual personage of flesh and blood during classical Greek times, however war sure as hell did and he was the god of war. Ares as an idea is an idea of war, which clearly existed then and still exists now, thus it's a meme that has propegated itself over countless ages of humanity. There are countless examples like this.

This is all my wild speculation so don't take anything I ever say as fact, but since you mentioned Plato this is my understanding into his works since my psychedelic voyages.
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#4 Posted : 1/5/2012 2:34:52 PM
This thread in this same subforum (Open Discussion) was started a few days ago that deals with the same questions you raise. Please give it a look through.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
Lost travellier
#5 Posted : 1/5/2012 4:32:44 PM
@ Tek: Very interesting thoughts. I n00b in philosophy, but wonder that easy understand written. My question: Than differ "meme" from "Egregore"? If this one and too then with standpoint of the energy this much understandable to me.

@ Global: In such event their unity in one?
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