I have another question for you guys out there. This question might seem quite irrelevant but I would like if you could try to answer. I have been wondering whether DMT should be used to provoke thought or is the purpose more to prevent thought? Or should you use it for both purposes? It would be awesome if I could get some answers on this because this, irrelevant as it might be, seems to plague me with anything. The Unknown = A Place to Learn
Walter D. Roy wrote:I have another question for you guys out there. This question might seem quite irrelevant but I would like if you could try to answer.
I have been wondering whether DMT should be used to provoke thought or is the purpose more to prevent thought? Or should you use it for both purposes? It would be awesome if I could get some answers on this because this, irrelevant as it might be, seems to plague me with anything. i dont understand how dmt would be used to prevent thought...the whole purpose of it is getting an insight on yourself,isnt it? The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
Maybe over-thinking is a better word. Like in meditation you try to prevent thinking to create a like or dislike. Is DMT similar? The Unknown = A Place to Learn
Walter D. Roy wrote:Maybe over-thinking is a better word. Like in meditation you try to prevent thinking to create a like or dislike. Is DMT similar? imo there is no such thing as overthinking.everything you do is thinking The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
A popular form of meditation is trying to silence the mind in an attempt to access transcendental states of consciousness. With DMT, you have the luxury of being vaulted head-first into these realms with or without any real conscious effort of the mind. Once you're in hyperspace however, it's up to you whether you will "silently" observe or try and impose analysis on the experience. Ideally, one should try and strike a balance between the two IMO. "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein
"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead
"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
my thoughts about the dynamics of the universes' have been going at a mile a minute since i had my first breakthrough on mushrooms, while DMT changed the whole game to about 10x the speed lol. REALITY 5.0
Walter D.Roy, i understand your words. Yes, DMT-time make me always 'over-thinking', but never 'provoke thought'. (In DMT-time i birth, change & touch of reality, see & feel of reality. But never 'think reality', -it's impossible for me there  . @ Global: Excellent utterance!!
Walter D. Roy wrote: I have been wondering whether DMT should be used to provoke thought or is the purpose more to prevent thought?
I'd say neither. That is should be used to provoke awe.
If DMT isn't thought-provoking, then I don't know what is. Thoughts can sometimes get in the way, but if they're clearly positive and positively clear, then I think they can only aid you on your path. "I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it."
With DMT, you have the luxury of being vaulted head-first into these realms with or without any real conscious effort of the mind.[/quote] Are you sure they are the same? I've been meditating for well over a decade and I have never accessed anything even close to a psychedelic state. I have however, achieved bliss through silence of the mind. I'f lucid dreamed and I've fallen asleep awake, but meditate to DMT headspace I have never done. I am not saying they aren't the same, but I have my personal doubts...I suspect there are similarities and differences. As for DMT and thought. DMT is acting as a neurotransmitter...and you are flooding your brain with it. You will have WAY more thoughts and this is essentially what you are seeing...or at least some theories would suggest. If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
I didn't mean to say DMT is the same as meditation but maybe the emotional and metal effect come from a similar nature. But I haven't explored either super far, just dabbed (more meditation than DMT). But thank you everyone, you have shed some light on my original question The Unknown = A Place to Learn
I believe its main purpose is to provoke change where needed. wehat I have learned from when I turned friends on is that if you have amends to make, if your not right with your Higher Power, its best to do so before. What I saw wiht baggage people wasnt good. DMT will be your confessor. Much better trip to get that done with so it doesnt have to FORCE you. Ive always been a giver and apologized where I was wrong so I was in bliss. DMT is spiritual bleach. If your allready in white robes it just makes them whites, but if not in white....awwwww dag nabit:idea:
This good debate reminds me film "Stalker" by A.Tarkovsky. In that "Zone" each found that searched for. But Conductor could not exist, not visiting this place. DMT too teaches each that, in than he needs. Even though he expects to see there another...
RebornInSmoke, Your ideal entrance to journey bring me admiration! It's just fantastic! I believe, in next my life, i maybe get the chance of such harmony. But my plans another, - i no wish to reborn on Earth. hahaha... nobody will want to listen me there! But it isn't problem, i know what i must to do now. -So, i learn to be master of flying in outside world. And maybe, i will work after my died there with souls other ppls to help they understand... In my flyings in nights dreams (without any drugs!) i saw confirmation many of wrote in books by Robert Monroe about living after life. (Three month ago, my old mother had a micro cerebral thrombosis of head. Then i saw in dream how high stranger harsh woman, 60-years old say to me: "Time is on". And she show on my mother. I understand that i need something to DO. -And i told her: "i come to other side, prepare there place which she like and come back for she". Harsh woman was displeased and go away. Two days later, i saw harsh woman again. In that time i was made a beautiful garden there for my mother. (My mother love the garden very much). Harsh woman saw it and go away again. This woman not came more... My mother feeling yourself better and better. Today she's health 90% good. Happy end!... I'm sorry that my tale so long. Just i wish to show how look another life, what live near us... This worlds interaction with us every time and everywhere, in day & dreams with drugs or no.
hey, no need to apologize, that wasnt a long post to read. ive read posts on forums that are HUGE, and with no punctuation and all sorts of stuff. and hey, you dont say that SWIM nonsense, so you're ok with me im sorry to hear about your mothers condition, but im glad she is feeling better. ive not had many interactions with 'the other side' but what i do know is this- human consciousness is a very powerful thing. moreso than most people realize or would even think. it can and DOES directly affect the world around us. on levels we cant yet understand. i believe that there is far more to life and the universe than we can perceive with these human organs we'd been given in this physical realm. now, i dont know what lies beyond death. i have my own personal views and ideas of what it could be but i wont get into that here. i think that different people can be tuned to different frequencies or energies, and that depending on your energies and whatever else, you can affect both the internal world of the self and the external world of your perceived physical reality in different ways. of course i dont know you, and ive not experienced what you have, everyone's experience of consciousness and reality is different- but my interpretation of the dream you had is maybe you felt that time could be running out with your mother, and you needed to make a change or do something to help her feel better about her condition and lessen her fears possibly. if i may ask, did you start spending more time with your mother, and talking to her about life, death, and everything else, after you learned of her diagnosis and had these dreams? did you also wish very much, all the time, that she would get better? if so, it could be that this made your mother feel better through talking and doing things with her, as well as sending out good energies and focused good intent toward her health and wellbeing. you love your mother. nothing is stronger than love. as i said, that is just my interpretation, and i dont know you personally. but our consciousness affects the universe in ways we cant comprehend, imagine or understand. this is a scientifically proven fact. Universal prayer
------------------------------------------------ सर्वेषां स्वस्ति भवतु । सर्वेषां शान्तिर्भवतु । सर्वेषां पूर्नं भवतु । सर्वेषां मड्गलं भवतु ॥
Sarveśām Svastir Bhavatu Sarveśām Sāntir Bhavatu Sarveśām Poornam Bhavatu Sarveśām Mangalam Bhavatu
May good befall all, May there be peace for all May all be fit for perfection, May all experience that which is auspicious.
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥
Sarve bhavantu sukhinaḥ Sarve santu nirāmayāḥ Sarve bhadrāṇi paśyantu Mā kaścit duḥkha bhāgbhavet
Om, May all be happy. May all be healthy. May we all experience what is good and let no one suffer. peace be with you <3 Gun it to 88.....::those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak::..ॐ<3ॐ
RebornInSmoke, I fine understand your word and comply with them. Hope that your utterances have a more correct English text and so more light in reading for people... "...of course i don't know you, and ive not experienced what you have, everyone's experience of consciousness and reality is different - but my interpretation of the dream you had is maybe you felt that time could be running out with your mother, and you needed to make a change or do something to help her feel better about her condition and lessen her fears possibly"... -Yes, it is. "...if i may ask, did you start spending more time with your mother, and talking to her about life, death, and everything else, after you learned of her diagnosis and had these dreams? did you also wish very much, all the time, that she would get better?..." -Yes, I always should like to tell her all that I have heard 'there' for these years and 'show' her if she had 'vision'. She listens me and tries to understand, but has not 'visions'. She tried to read the books Robert Monroe, but little that has been able to understand in this. She loves me and this helps her to understand that does not get her mind. My first dream about her disease happened for week before (!). So i her nothing have not said. But afterwards, when all became me clear, I have carefully told about seen. I have mentioned about testimony of R.Monroe and she has understood me. I have said that if all will bad, that I shall find her there and shall conduct in beautiful place, which she loves. But while it is necessary to restore health... I was very grateful if each here gave me correction on my posts. -If I not on subject, unless necessary detail etc... Thank You!
DMT and every other psychedelic is there to provoke consciousness.
Indoril_Nerevar wrote:Walter D. Roy wrote:I have another question for you guys out there. This question might seem quite irrelevant but I would like if you could try to answer.
I have been wondering whether DMT should be used to provoke thought or is the purpose more to prevent thought? Or should you use it for both purposes? It would be awesome if I could get some answers on this because this, irrelevant as it might be, seems to plague me with anything. i dont understand how dmt would be used to prevent thought...the whole purpose of it is getting an insight on yourself,isnt it? insight and thought are differen't things though aren't they? during strong spice journeys i generally feel very cleared of thought and merely observe the present moment with no thoughts attached (this is how it feels anyway)... they pop in for a hello sometimes, but they are usually fairly dormant once deeply entrenched in the experience. i always feel them re-emerge when the medicine begins to wear off though
RebornInSmoke wrote:as Global pointed out- a healthy balance is ideal.
sitting in quiet with eyes closed just doing nothing before blasting off, or contemplating, or similar, helps immensely IME. find that zen point before inhalation. then when you have the DMT in you, it will only be multiplied by ∞ (infinity) <3  these guys have the right idea  -  beautiful pics 
usually the scarier spice experiences for me are when my thoughts come into play and stop me concentrating on what is infront/behind/beside/inside of me