Love your life. Here lyes a convo a little dovey told me aboutt. KEYWORDS: SWIM = SOMEONE WHOM ISN'T ME
Swim: Can I keep mindfucking you please? Pandora: I hope you can make this positive in time. Plus, you're dealing with all that girl bullshit. Swim: This one isn't about the succubus.. Pandora: Yeah, proceed. Swim: This one is just me being brilliant. Okay sooo... Pandora: Go for it! Swim: What do you know about DMT..? How is it made? Pandora: Not much.. Sounds like you're about to inform me. Swim: Do you know how it's produced? Pandora: Nope. Swim: It's naturally occuring in all of our heads.. In our pineal glands.(I now know it's true production point, no need to correct) Pandora: And when we die right..? Swim: Then we proceed to produce it when when we are dreaming & It is released when we wake up. But only a tad. Because we are storing it for when we die. Still with me here? Pandora: Mhm. Swim: Soo.. My idea wasss.. Who's to say that when we dreammm.. We aren't storeing the raw energy.. In the form of dmt. Into our minds. I think DMT are dreams. & dreams are another reality. & DMT is the key. Pandora: I definitely agree to a certain extent, just because of the way hallucinogens have personally affected me. Swim: But anyways, continuing.... You know how sometimes you'll wake up & You'll just feel amazing. Ready to take on the day. & Sometimes you'll wake up & just be like FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!! Yea? Pandora: Yup. Swim: Okay.. So dreams can be a dark or light experience. an evil or pure experience. and also negative and positive experiences. So DMT's the same way.. Theres positive DMT. Theres negative DMT. Theres light DMT & Theres dark DMT & Since it's released a bit when we wake up.. Not fully but a tad.. Basically I'm saying if you don't make your dreams positive that night. Your next day won't be too lovey dovey. Pandora: Makes sence.
i dont get it. Gun it to 88.....::those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak::..ॐ<3ॐ
It's still a work in progress.. I need to make some corrections sorry love.. <3 (THIS ISN'T FACT AT ALL! THIS IS NOTHING BUT THE WHISPERING THOUGHTS OF MY MIND);
Basically I believe... DMT is one of many keys to the Dream World.
Beautiful rain please wash away my pain,,?
i believe psychedelics can be keys like you said, but where did you get the idea that DMT is released when you wake up? this is the first ive heard of it. ever. Gun it to 88.....::those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak::..ॐ<3ॐ