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Poor mans TEK Options
#1 Posted : 12/23/2011 8:27:24 PM
Does anyone have any further results? https://www.dmt-nexus.me....aspx?g=posts&t=9372 or anything to add, SWIM is going to try this TEK tonight and wanted a little guidance. Cheers and blessings!Smile
Third eye always open.
Senior Member
#2 Posted : 12/23/2011 8:30:10 PM
Our teks are tried and true.

Follow them to the T and you will yield good results.

Let us know if you have any questions.
#3 Posted : 12/24/2011 7:01:01 PM
So I messed up the first run on this, so I'm starting over again. I am excited to get this right. Wish me luck! Happy solstice and new beginnings!
Third eye always open.
#4 Posted : 12/24/2011 9:13:53 PM
It is extremely difficult to separate the oil from the acidic mixture. is it ok to have a little oil left? How can I completely separate the two with out any chem tools? Would a coffee filter work? I have already used a turkey baster and a tincture dropper. Please let me know how I can separate the finer oil droplets from the vinegar/water mix. thank you!
Third eye always open.
#5 Posted : 12/24/2011 9:55:26 PM
Third eye always open.
Senior Member
#6 Posted : 12/24/2011 10:33:17 PM
Do another pull, or use a glass eye dropper to slowly suck it up?
#7 Posted : 12/24/2011 10:59:50 PM
Got it. Also was wondering if I could evaporate my pull in the oven at a low heat? with the door open. as I live in a humid place i dont see any other option. any thought?
Third eye always open.
Senior Member
#8 Posted : 12/24/2011 11:02:33 PM
Never put anything flammable in the oven.
#9 Posted : 12/24/2011 11:20:00 PM
Swim is talking before the alcohol is added, the acidic pull, can this go in the oven on low to evap?

The oil after several minutes of mixing with the acidic water is removed and added back to the original basic bark mixture. This process is repeated a total of three times, each time using the same oil and each time "steeping" for an hour or so. Also each time the oil is removed fresh acidic water is used and at the end combined.

(If a salt of dmt is desired , say for oral use, then at this point, after the oil is removed, the water is allowed to evaporate and the remaining material washed with acetone to yeild beautiful salted dmt crystals)

If Freebase DMT is the goal, then at this point the acidic water is made basic by adding more of our Sodium Carbonate. I'd say about a cup for every three cups acidic water you have should do it.
Third eye always open.
#10 Posted : 12/24/2011 11:38:53 PM
you seem to be in too much of a hurry to do this or any tek right? good luck
#11 Posted : 12/24/2011 11:55:30 PM
Not in a rush, this tek has taken me a full day thus far, I am in no rush, just asking questions, that is all.
Third eye always open.
#12 Posted : 12/24/2011 11:57:02 PM
Swim has a tek that has taken him three weeks and still has two more to go.. I am in no rush at all, just curious is all ..
Third eye always open.
Senior Member | Skills: Prototype and Design Engineer amongst other things, Craftsman
#13 Posted : 12/25/2011 2:25:54 PM
It's ok, Everyone's first time is a tuff one. I hope you didnt use all your material if so you might wanna put something to the side in case you mess up. The key is that following a tek and keeping notes as well as taking pictures assures you for the most part that you will get all the help you need. Take detailed notes right now as they will be essential in troubleshooting at a later time.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#14 Posted : 12/26/2011 3:39:24 AM
i have tried this tek and can tell you from my experience there are alot of things that
can go wrong or only a certain way to do it right. either its not hot enough
or its too hot, not enough water too much, maybe i was using the wrong oil (?)

i don't know, i went at it in a bit of a rushed mindstate, excited is all..
but i followed the directions well and fine, (the first time i totally messed
up, couldn't tell ya why) but all three times 50 to 100g a whack, weeks spaced apart,
excited and anticipating, nada.

what i would do, what i am doing is going by Q21Q21's tek. the materials are relatively easy to obtain and you can get some decent yeilds..

Though i havent 'extracted' yet, i be sittin here smoking some changa..
in the meantime it works, just make some aya. simmer it down till theres
not a whole lot in the pot and take it out and let it evap on a flat brownie
dish or something so you can scrape it up later. what i do is once its dried(mimosa)
i take the shiny purple/red/brown dust and mix it with some potent already boiled down rue tea..
then just throw it over some leaves.. whatever leaves you've got.. add a little water

or just drink some aya
in the meantime, good luck..
#15 Posted : 12/26/2011 4:15:13 AM
I would recommend q21q21s tek, its the way to go if you ask me.

Travel like a king
Listen to the inner voice
A higher wisdom is at work for you
Conquering the stumbling blocks come easier
When the conqueror is in tune with the infinite
Every ending is a new beginning
Life is an endless unfoldment
Change your mind, and you change your relation to time
Free your mind and the rest will follow
#16 Posted : 12/26/2011 4:37:21 AM
i know someone who's first results were yellow/brown gross blah blah... i also know someone who's 2nd results were white, like Miley Cyrus bleached teeth white... life is an intriguing game, and the rules are always more complicated... but the results are always more ___________
after years, am still at a complete loss for words regarding how to complete this sentence...
#17 Posted : 12/26/2011 4:39:10 PM
Thank you for the responses!! I am going to try the Q tek.. Much respect!
Third eye always open.
#18 Posted : 12/28/2011 10:25:31 PM
yes q21q21,s tek 2 almost foolproof. very clean..did not mean to sound mean.. im sure it will all come together...
#19 Posted : 12/29/2011 12:43:27 AM
No worries!! thanks for the input. I actually pulled some from the poor mans tek. not alot. so I will be trying the Q tek!!
Third eye always open.
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