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Keeping someone in a DMT trance longer Options
#1 Posted : 12/23/2011 1:59:13 PM
I was thinking of a title for this thread and that was the best I could come up with Sad

So last night I was watching an older Discovery special called 'The Boy with Divine Powers'. It's about an Indian young man nicknamed the Buddha Boy who supposedly meditated for over 10 months (actually a total of 6 years but he was 10 months in when this documentary was shot) never stopping to eat or drink anything which is a scientific impossibility. You can watch this documentary (45 min in length) over at youtube.

As I was watching this last night I was fantasizing about how this could be possible and I had a peculiar thought occur to me and I knew of no better place to wage this discussion than here.

Dr. Strassman in his experiments with DMT postulated that it could be possible that in deep states of meditation an extra amount of DMT might be released in the body to cause an altered state. If this is true or can at least be accepted as a worthy hypothesis, I was wondering if perhaps this boy had some natural or learned talent to increase/decrease the natural levels of DMT in his body.

Then I was thinking about the whole out-of-body type experience that occurs while DMT is in your system, and I personally have to remind myself to eat after coming down from a hard trip cause I just have no concept of hunger being in that altered state. So I got to thinking, what if having the ability to control the levels of DMT in your body also allowed you to lower your metabolism to a level that is essentially zero (mind over matter type deal), putting yourself into a state of physiological hibernation while you explore your altered state.

This could be scientifically studied but it would be a very hard study to conduct considering it would be very controversial. You could theoretically hook a willing subject up to an IV that dripped DMT at regular intervals. Monitor their heartrate, blood pressure essentially everything Dr. Strassman measured only over a much longer period of time, possibly several days to see what the results could be.

I'm highly intrigued by the idea of a longer dosing DMT experiment to see what longer term effects the altered state has on the body. If there is a linkup between the mind being able to control the functions of the body through some means we haven't quite understood yet, think of the possibilities!

Well those are my ravings this morning. Happy Friday!!
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
#2 Posted : 12/23/2011 6:03:21 PM
you want to hook up an indian kid to an IV and have him trip on dmt for days?

fair play Smile
Gun it to 88...
..::those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak::..
#3 Posted : 12/23/2011 6:16:11 PM
LOL!!! No, that's not exactly what I'm saying... funny though lol

Basically I was just curious what the results would be if Dr. Strassman's research had been continued and had his subjects be exposed to DMT for longer intervals. This documentary I saw last night just got me thinking if it would be possible to put someone in a deep state of physical hibernation and be able to bring them out of it without any adverse effects to the body. This boy, if it's to be believed, manages to defy the laws of human biology with nothing more than his mind. I'm curious if there could be a DMT correlation with what he's doing and if it could be reproduced in a laboratory setting using intravaneous DMT over the course of hours and days instead of minutes. Measure heartrate, perspriation, body temperature, check for bed sores etc.

Basically, to summarize what I'm really curious about: are DMT and deep trance meditation related in a very direct way? Can we learn to control our bodies with the use of our minds only? Can we scientifically prove this if we were able to study it in such a fashion?
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
Senior Member
#4 Posted : 12/23/2011 7:23:45 PM
A relevant link.

If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
#5 Posted : 12/23/2011 7:28:40 PM
Poor kid, maybe some DMT would snap him out of it!Laughing ...You know what I mean?Wink
Parshvik Chintan
#6 Posted : 12/23/2011 9:45:15 PM
tele wrote:
Poor kid, maybe some DMT would snap him out of it!Laughing ...You know what I mean?Wink

seriously... food is delicious.
My wind instrument is the bong
Moderator | Skills: Oil painting, Acrylic painting, Digital and multimedia art, Trip integration
#7 Posted : 12/24/2011 4:15:06 AM
Six years, eh? If in fact that's true- and as a natural-born skeptic who has tripped a lot, I believe both everything and nothing- I don't think a slowed metabolism could explain that stretch of time. I could see that being the case in the story of J.C. And the Resurrection (3days or something? I'm sure some of you have heard the theory of Jesus the yogi) but let's say that hypothetically this yogi stayed in a trance for 6 years. If that deep trance state is equivalent to a DMT trip, you're looking at a whole bunch of neural activity, which must be supported by a corresponding amount of metabolic activity, oxygen consumption etc. Which means one of two things:

1) instead of being a DMT-like state, in fact he had such mastery of his physical self that he optimized all activity to an absolute minimum requirement, which would mean extended periods of coma-like levels of neural activity- subjectively, a dreamless sleep;

2) something way more far-out- merging with the universal energy field, no food required till touchdown...?

Some of the most hardcore Sadhus will bury themselves in a pit under dense clay soil, with only their forearm extending above the surface, hand slowly and methodically counting off prayer beads for up to several days at a time. The only oxygen they get is through the narrow gap between their forearm and the soil. By flexing their arm they can control their air intake, which acts as part of the self-regulating cycle of lowered metabolism... But in that state I believe they are tripping hard as they recite their mantras- that's a great example of a kind of naturally induced psychedelic trance state. Plenty of DMT being released. I think the body can keep that up for a few days at most under normal circumstances.

We do get little tastes of the spirit molecule all the time without really noticing- it's smoothly integrated into our brain chemistry, so in regular day to day life we barely notice it. A rare exception is when you are drifting off to sleep and are suddenly wakened when you're still on that threshold- some crazy visuals there. Salvador Dali would take a 5 second afternoon nap- he'd sit in an armchair holding a heavy brass key. As he drifted off, his fingers would relax and the key would clang loudly on the tile floor, waking him back up. He swore by this method- got direct inspiration for his art this way.

I think that when you smoke or ingest DMT, it's crashing the party unexpectedly- a whole bunch of it all at once, and not as part of normal brain chemical function- so we get an experience that's unlike our daily imagination. Our day to day editing processes are not able to keep up with the sudden onrush of novel imagery, so instead of getting our normal heavily filtered inner projection of the world we're getting the raw, unfiltered wireframe structures, the elegant deeper mathematics of how we normally visualize. That's why it always feels so true, and looks so beautiful.
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