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Tikal with the iceman.... Options
olympus mon
Moderator | Skills: Tattooist specialized in indigenous art, Fine art, medium ink and pen.
#1 Posted : 12/22/2011 10:27:53 PM
my dearest family,
im going to try to describe with words what cant be described accurately in this dimension. ahhh...where to begin,
well as all things in life it begins with the journey. the journey from belize to tikal was quite a long day. we began at 330am and reached tikal about 530pm. 1 border crossing, 5 buses, 2 cabs, and one donkey. (j/k no donkey but that would have been cool).

we have done our research about getting into tikal at night and it paid off. wasnt very hard actually. we were giving permission to be there till 830 and its pitch dark by 6 there so without a hesitation we went to the room and prepared the nights menu of a very special and pure 2cb that is like nothing ive ever experienced. we sampled the stash a few nights prior and that night itself deserves a trip report as long as its allowed.
honestly i dont even know where the whole rc's debate ended up. i can say this, ive tripped a lot as we all have but i can honestly say that the effects of this particular 2cb are without a doubt the top 3 best trips ive ever had in my life. it was amazingly visual with 0 body load. i felt more at peace with everything and myself than i ever have. its simply perfection and it was freaking STRONG!!!!!! i asked icehouse to do the dosing and he never misses.

we dosed and left the room for the ruins in pitch black no moon night. navigating throught the jungle more with feelings than vision it took us about 20 min till we encountered our first smaller pyramid. the 2cb was kicking in hard and the stars were like a billion diamonds in the sky. we stopped there for a few min marveling like children at the natural beauty of this world we entered. we all felt the main plaza bekoning us to come play so we continued on.

we walked another 20 min or so and came to a 3 way cross roads. icehouse looked at me and asked which way. i could feel the plaze and i knew we must take the path to our right. a few paces up this hill and the smell of copal hit us and we knew we were getting close. keep in mind it was pitch black in the jungle.

we came to curve in the path and i looked left and realized we were at the side of the 3rd tallest pyramid in tikal! it was massive and this side was still covered in trees and earth disguising its brilliance. i spoke softly to icehouse and simply said were here brother. we made it!

we entered the main plaze and nothing in this could prepare us for what we saw. we were surrounded by dozens of huge mayan structures all outinled by the most brilliant stars i have ever seen. the orion nebula gas cloud was clear as day and we could see the redish gasses surrounding the new forming stars with the naked eye.
we found a comfortable place to sit and marveal and i began feeling lump in my throat and even gagged a time or 2. it wasnt the 2cb, it was the power and energy of this place. we all sat in slilence for min before icehouse and his wife wandered off to be with eachother.

what happened to me i cant quite explain. i found a seat on a step with the corner of the main pyramid in my sight. orions belt and and endless amount of stars made out the massive outline of the ruins and i felt a rush of energy flow into me.

i couldn't hold it in any longer. my hands met my face and i wept a deep realing cry. the vision in front of me was the most amazing beautiful thing i had ever seen in my whole life and it was over whelming. it one instant i felt so humbled and insignificant yet completly divine at the same time. i just sat there looking at this magnificant display and sobbed deeply of joy and appreciation. my mind just couldnt make sense of how any one thing could be so beautiful. i saw the whole past 2 years run past me, the selling of houses, business, cars.
the losing the love of my life and leaving all my friends and family. at that moment i knew why i had this calling. it was for this moment right here and now.

icehouse approached me after a while and sat next to me. hearing my sobbing he simply put his arms around me and said "i love you brother, we made it" i felt a slight need to explain why i was crying but he assured me none was necessary. it of coarse was not.

after a while icehouse told me we have to go. i had since regained my composure but when i realized i had to leave this pyramid i felt my heart break. i felt like the last mayan to leave his civilization and the beauty that was before us. i asked for a min to be alone and thanked tikal, my loved ones and you all for the love and support to get me here. the tears were streaming down my face again but i must say goodbye. the guards were adamant about being out by 830pm. as we walked away i stopped in my tracks and turned for one last look and reached out with my hand wishing the pyramid would grab it so could stay. it was the hardest thing to walk away from but i did. i had to.

part 2 is coming soon my dear friends. the solstice deserves its own report. thank you all for giving me a platform that i can be totally honest and open. i love you, i miss you. i am still here.
olympus mon

I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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The Art of Changa. making the perfect blend.
Bill Cipher
#2 Posted : 12/22/2011 11:15:48 PM
Gadzooks. What an adventure, and what a ripping good read!

Miss you around here, brother, but it sounds as though you are getting exactly what you need out there.
Senior Member
#3 Posted : 12/22/2011 11:25:12 PM
PIkal in Tikal ! Great !!
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
corpus callosum
Medical DoctorModerator
#4 Posted : 12/22/2011 11:30:29 PM
Sounds epic!Very happy

Roll on part 2!!!
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

Senior Member
#5 Posted : 1/3/2012 8:41:51 AM
Experiences of a lifetime!
Glad to hear from you and your exceptionally beautiful adventures Smile
Senior Member
#6 Posted : 1/3/2012 11:09:48 AM
Wow. Magical.
Senior Member
#7 Posted : 1/3/2012 7:49:46 PM
now I have a lump in my throat! thank you so much brother....noone here need wish they were there having that experience. YOU ARE US and we DID have that experience THROUGH YOU...

you are helping us all grow through your courageous travels and adventures brother(s). though i haven't yet met icehouse or his wife, i feel that i AM them as well. this community evidences itself as the profound connecting hub that it is when it's members go off and do amazing things like you're doing.

for my part, i simply cannot thank you enough for what you are doing brother. i'm gonna hug you so hard next time i see you, i may squeeze some of the ink right off you!

with the DEEPEST love and gratitude!!
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
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