As the psychedelic community we are, the world we live in challenges us in many ways. The use, possesion, trade and production of the substances we love is being prosecuted and sometimes people even end up in jail because of the use or posession of psychedelic substances.
Furthermore, psychedelic´s enable us to experience something that would normally be confined only to the realm of religion...wich is that there is something infinitely greater than ourselves. Something that put´s everything into a larger perspective and thus tends to alienate some of us from much of society´s obsessions with what we could rightfully call 'little things'.
So many of us feel somewhat alienated from society...i know i do.
What i have often seen within the psychedelic counter-culture, and unfortunately also on the nexus, is that this sense of alienation leads to a perspective on the world that is at least as narrow, as that of our opponents.
I think that this is a real threat to our psychedelic community as well as to ourselves personally.
There are two aspects of this threat that are particularly worrying.
1-To be tempted to believe that the enemy´s of our enemy´s are our friens, good guy´s. Or at least that they are...better than our enemy´s.
This is the greatest threat that the feeling of alienation poses to us. It is this 'logic' that has lead people to follow al-qaida, that has lead people to support the administration of george bush, that has lead people to follow hitler, to follow stalin and to join numerous terrorist organisations acros the globe, like FARC or hamas.
It leads people to chear for the slaughtering of many innocent people, or to deny that these slaughterings take place or have been taking place.
On the nexus I HAVE SEEN people defending mass-murderers. Denying they where mass-murderers, or defending their actions.
The latest two cases of this where the defending of russian military agression against innocent civilians, just because russia is a counterbalance and a former enemy of NATO, and the defending of moamar gadafi where the numerous atrocities this man has commited where being questioned, just because he has been challenging western imperialism.
I have no illusions here about our community...some people will step-in here and acuse me of being a supporter of imperialism and opression because i dare call FARC or hamas terrorist-organisations..while they actually are just that.
Let´s be realistic here: when we start defending the killing of innocent people and the destruction of lifes, we have become our enemies. When we start making excuses for killing or when we start to deny that many of the people killed are innocent or even that killings are taking place...we also have become our enemies.
2-the second danger that looms when we feel alienated from society, is that in our heads we start making things worse than they actually are.
This is where many conspiracy theories come from: that george bush has benefitted from the terror-attacks on american soil and has used the support he gained as a result from them to commit numerous crimes is bad enough already. But not for some people apparently, because some people also claim to KNOW that he has planned those attacks themselves..the 'inside-job' hypothesis.
The tendency to make things worse than they actually are is something that i also see over and over again at the nexus. I have been very guilty of this myself as well.
But, one more time: let´s be realistic here...This is just not good. If we fall for this, we actually shut our minds down, as well as our souls. We allow ourselves to have the same narrow perspective on the word as all of our enemies have. By falling for this we become exactly the opposite of everything we stand for, everything the word 'entheogenic' stands for.
And we risk losing that realisation that psychedelic´s gave us in the first place; that there actually is something that´s greater than ourselves.