Does that hit close to home with anybody else? Seems to me, that a mystery is SUPPOSED to be mysterious in princple, it's not that human beings are supposed to excavate mysteries and then lay all the cards out on the table.. ..They are to remain mysterious, the universe, ancient architecture on our planet, our being here. Seems like they have qualities which renders them untouchable when it comes to science and other human institutions, they still don't have a clue on alot of this stuff. Not a clue. Living beside the mystery.
Existence is ultimately an eternal mystery. gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
I don't believe in mysteries for the sake of being mysterious.
Why should man one day not be able to completely understand the universe of which he is a part?
actualfactual wrote:I don't believe in mysteries for the sake of being mysterious.
Why should man one day not be able to completely understand the universe of which he is a part? I think that complete understanding of the universe is unattainable because the universe is constantly evolving in ways that we cannot possibly imagine. Of course we can pursue omniscience and that is a noble goal but I don't think there can be an absolute understandings of the ways of things. As for mystery of course there are things that are incomprehensible to man, but why leave it at that? Why not approach all things with at least an attempt at objective research, and if we fail, keep trying to understand until the mystery at last defeats us. What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead we assume - so we're played we confide - so we're deceived we trust - so we're betrayed
actualfactual wrote:I don't believe in mysteries for the sake of being mysterious.
Why should man one day not be able to completely understand the universe of which he is a part? Unless by evolution, I don't believe we are mentally capable of fully understanding the universe. Some can't handle even the glimpse DMT gives us. Edit; actually PrimateSphinx hit the nail on the head with that one IMO
Millentree10 wrote:Unless by evolution, I don't believe we are mentally capable of fully understanding the universe.
Some can't handle even the glimpse DMT gives us.
Edit; actually PrimateSphinx hit the nail on the head with that one IMO Let me clarify, by "one day", I am talking many thousands of years of evolution. Assuming we make it that long. I'm saying I don't believe anything is not meant to be known simply for the sake of not being known. We just don't understand it. We are sewn into the fabric of the universe so I do believe we are capable of understanding what it is we are apart of, although not anytime soon.
actualfactual wrote:Millentree10 wrote:Unless by evolution, I don't believe we are mentally capable of fully understanding the universe.
Some can't handle even the glimpse DMT gives us.
Edit; actually PrimateSphinx hit the nail on the head with that one IMO Let me clarify, by "one day", I am talking many thousands of years of evolution. Assuming we make it that long. I'm saying I don't believe anything is not meant to be known simply for the sake of not being known. We just don't understand it. We are sewn into the fabric of the universe so I do believe we are capable of understanding what it is we are apart of, although not anytime soon. But, just as PS said, the universe in constantly expanding and evolving.. How could we possibly catch up with it? it's got quite a bit of a head start on us.
Millentree10 wrote: But, just as PS said, the universe in constantly expanding and evolving.. How could we possibly catch up with it? it's got quite a bit of a head start on us.
I have no clue, I'm just saying I don't believe it is impossible. Saying something can never be known does not sit right with me.
I do not believe things cannot be known, per se, so much as the number of things to be known are ever increasing, so there can never be a set "all" to know. We will learn, things will change, then we will learn again. Such is the cycle, until our race is extinct.
I believe we are like a single celled organism to humans as humans are to the universe. We will never figure it out unless we are given that information from another source than humans even then it wont be comprehensible in our humanoid form. Try chatting with a single celled organism and share all the knowledge you know... see how that goes... learning is infinite Ill tell you that. We are ever learning everyday, it will never stop and it will never end.
actualfactual wrote:I don't believe in mysteries for the sake of being mysterious.
Why should man one day not be able to completely understand the universe of which he is a part? You should study some mathematics and computer science. You’ll learn that there are many problems that cannot be solved or proven, even in theory. Also study some philosophy. And don't forget about the ultimate mystery: death. There are things all around us that will forever remain a mystery. Take a look at Gödel's incompleteness theorems and the Halting problem as a start. gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
gibran2 wrote: You should study some mathematics and computer science. You’ll learn that there are many problems that cannot be solved or proven, even in theory.
You mean like dividing by zero, square root of a negative, etc.?
Millentree10 wrote:gibran2 wrote: You should study some mathematics and computer science. You’ll learn that there are many problems that cannot be solved or proven, even in theory.
You mean like dividing by zero, square root of a negative, etc.? No gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
Those are the only things in mathematics I know to be unsolvable...
I say do what you can and enjoy the rest...
but at least give the rest a go.
Why not?
The OP sounds awfully close to something Terence McKenna said
The great thing about solving a mystery, is that it creates new mysteries. Like wise man say: "The more I know, the more I understand how little I actually know" Kind regards, The Traveler
I believe we are one organism, and because we are all apart and separate, we are weak. I believe that humanity needs to unite. And mass meditate. And by meditate I don't necessarily mean sitting still with eyes closed and mind open, but just all experiencing the joys and feelings of those around us. Just one smile can bring many people to smile, same with a frown as well. A positive attitude is contagious, but harder to catch than a negative one. I remember when I went to a festival, there was a sign saying "Turn back! Point of no return!", and I looked and it seemed almost a 'bright shining globe of good vibes and love' was surrounding it. As I passed from the bleek and blehness of normal life and into this 'barrier' of love, I felt a surge of euphoria. Almost as if the whole place was magical... and later in the festival it became very apparent that it was indeed magical, but that's another story altogether.... I guess what I'm trying to say is that together, we all do know, or have the means to figure 'it' out. We are all blinded by selfish wants and desires. It is not a 'mystery' it just hasn't been, and might not ever be. 01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!
We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
The only way to transcend the capital-M Mystery is union with the All. In that state of Being, you DO know everything, because there's nothing that isn't you. But knowing is different from experiencing, and experience requires comparison (relativity), and relativity requires separation, and separation is ultimately an illusion. Therefore, anything that isn't the all-encompassing All, is inherently an illusion. The nature of an illusion means that there's a lingering flaw, an inconsistency, or a "systemic anomaly" (for Matrix fans), or, this Mystery we refer to and argue whether it is "untouchable" by our "limited minds" or not.
So to "solve the problem" of The Mystery, you ascend to the Godhead and in a timeless ecstasy realize that you are God the Shining Light, reflecting in an infinite number of mirrors. You then decide that while this is all very nice and comforting, there is such an enjoyable spectrum of experience to be had down there in those mirrors that you retreat from the All and re-immerse yourself in the illusion, content to "let the mystery be a mystery", which is the same as saying "I don't feel like being God the Shining Light all the time. I'd rather just be, y'know, some guy."
The Traveler wrote:The great thing about solving a mystery, is that it creates new mysteries. Like wise man say: "The more I know, the more I understand how little I actually know"
Kind regards,
The Traveler Just had to quote this again cause it sparked a "AHA" moment just now. It's like a switch in my brain that I never knew about got flipped on with that quote. Kind regards... 1% of reality is within our plane of existence. What we feel... what we see... what we hear... what we "think" we know... The other 99% percent of reality can only be shown to us through DMT. This 99% lies within the "Realm of the Unknowns". We can only experience FULL reality when we leave this vessel, our bodies. DMT gives us a taste of this full reality... the universal knowledge is given to us by the beings who call "hyperspace" their home. When in hyperspace there is no "self" but instead this self is replaced with pure and raw energy. ENERGY CAN NOT BE DESTROYED, ONLY TRANSFERRED OR TRANSFORMED! So when you have that "ego-death" during a breakthrough trip, don't fret, you are not being destroyed but yet..... YOU ARE BEING TRANSFORMED.
I LOVE YOU, RESPECT YOU AND I THANK YOU... Dimethyltryptamine ... for showing me the 99% of reality that I would never have experienced in everyday life.
*All posts under this moniker, Psychonaut In Orbit, is for entertainment and research purposes only. All events stated to have happened, or witnessed are all heresay and fictional*