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#1 Posted : 12/7/2011 4:43:35 PM
I should not have posted this-so I removed it. Apologies.
#2 Posted : 12/7/2011 5:08:13 PM
I thiink you're on the wrong forum for that old bean Pleased
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#3 Posted : 12/7/2011 5:14:04 PM
Purges wrote:
I thiink you're on the wrong forum for that old bean Pleased

+1, I wouldn't surprise if this thread's locked soon.

No offense, but back in the day when I was promoted into full membership I wrote about 120-150 messages, and none of them were even close to nature of talking bout speed, pretty much each one was about DMT and especially my own questions. Just thinking that these days it's easy to get full membership for this board.
#4 Posted : 12/7/2011 5:47:01 PM
Go away, santos, the only talk about that poison that's positive is if we talk about what a good show Breaking Bad is, or if someone's getting off that meth pipe.

Why would you go back to that poison after 15 years clean?

And why would you ask such a STUPID FUCKING QUESTION on this site??? Go away. NOT COOL!
The Shift is About to Hit the Fan
#5 Posted : 12/7/2011 5:48:06 PM
tele wrote:
Just thinking that these days it's easy to get full membership for this board.

I was thinking the same thing Smile
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.


We are all living in our own feces.
#6 Posted : 12/7/2011 5:50:52 PM
tetra wrote:

And why would you ask such a STUPID FUCKING QUESTION on this site??? Go away. NOT COOL!

That is way less "cool". How old are you? Just asking because a grown up wouldn't be using this kind of disrespect.

Even if someone uses meth, there should be no disrespect. But instead it's better to say this isn't a forum where we discuss some of the worst drugs.
ModeratorChemical expert
#7 Posted : 12/7/2011 5:58:26 PM
There's no really need to lock this thread, but santos, my man, this is really not the place to ask for such advice. I suggest you read the Attitude page and the links therein. For the moment I'll place you back in the nursery (unless other mods think otherwise).

tetra wrote:
Go away, santos, the only talk about that poison that's positive is if we talk about what a good show Breaking Bad is, or if someone's getting off that meth pipe.

Why would you go back to that poison after 15 years clean?

And why would you ask such a STUPID FUCKING QUESTION on this site??? Go away. NOT COOL!

Well, there's no reason to be angry, swear, reading morals or push away here as well.

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Senior Member
#8 Posted : 12/7/2011 6:11:43 PM
I wouldn´t say:'go away' but rather:'don´t make the same mistake again'. For your own sake. Addiction always starts somewhere, and you´ve already been addicted to the stuff.

That means that you´re 1-vulnerable to addiction and 2-your brain still has the 'addiction memory' for a lack of better words, stored somewhere within it´s neural circuitry....meaning that it´s very easy to fall back into and old habit.

You´re on much more slippery territory when it comes to your own health even, than with the rules of this forum.
Bill Cipher
#9 Posted : 12/7/2011 7:10:42 PM
Hope you reevaluate your decision and choose not to go down this road. If you do, however, please understand that this ain't the place to seek counsel. We don't engage on the topic of smoking speed, and if you persist, you'll be booted.

Edit: Booting would be a real pity. Your story about tripping at home with a mystery chicken was one of my all time faves.
#10 Posted : 12/8/2011 12:03:05 AM
I think you should smoalk some DMT.


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