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Mother's dream white light. Options
River of Thoughts
#1 Posted : 12/3/2011 8:19:14 PM
Hey yall, Ive been practising changa in the past couple days having the most profound and beautiful experiences with Gaia also meditating more often now. I now see everyone and I open my heart like Ive never done before. I do my best to catch myself from judging someone and then replace it with loving energy instead. My mom had a dream and told me that she saw the whitest light shinning through the white part of my eyes all around my pupil. Also when I smoke weed and meditate, I always get a pair of glowing white eye in my closed eye vision blinking at me. What do you guys interpret my mom's dream? My right eye has been twitching recently as well... don't know if thats related to anything but people say it's a sign of good things to come.
#2 Posted : 12/3/2011 9:38:00 PM
...Blinded by the light... Laughing

Just kidding... I think if there's a meaning to that dream it could mean theres somekind of light increasing in you
#3 Posted : 12/3/2011 10:25:05 PM
With weed I get primary colors doing amazing things like music player visualizers with bars going up and down, and lots of other stuff.
If she dreamt about you then I think the meaning is in her feelings towards you.
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#4 Posted : 12/4/2011 3:56:42 PM
Dreams can be a very powerful thing as well as observing white light, but nothing can compare with a full immersion in white light. I pray that you can find this immersion some day.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#5 Posted : 12/4/2011 6:38:35 PM
tele Posted: den 3 december 2011 22:38:00
...Blinded by the light...

Just kidding... I think if there's a meaning to that dream it could mean theres somekind of light increasing in you

yes maybe she was shown youre increasing enlightenment
I am Probe. A gatherer of information. My mission is to absorb and expand. When Probe has absorbed and expanded Probe always comes back to base to report and re-fuel. Probe is always true and thorough for the cause of the expansion of the collective counsiousness.
When information is accumulated and stored Probe is ready to be sent back in to gather more!
River of Thoughts
#6 Posted : 12/5/2011 2:45:38 AM
Global wrote:
Dreams can be a very powerful thing as well as observing white light, but nothing can compare with a full immersion in white light. I pray that you can find this immersion some day.

I already had that happen to me on laced mdma. I had a nose bleed and almost felt like I was going to die. I went into childs pose and started meditating and asking from deep in my heart from my spirit guides and guardians to help me and these white glowing eye shot a beam on light through my whole being. Felt like I was touched by God I can not even explain the feeling it was like mdma euphoria and peace and happiness x100000. I was able to channel that to my friends around me as well and they felt it as well.
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#7 Posted : 12/5/2011 4:06:19 AM
I outline my white light experience with ayahuasca and vaporized DMT here

I also wanted to point out an observation I've repeatedly made about white light in my DMT experiences. There was only one time where I experienced the pure and utter immersion as described in the post that I linked. However having said that, I've been able to generate it otherwise at times. Let me explain. When I open my eyes on DMT the room floods with holographic energies which can accumulate and form full-fledged holographic objects that are physically interactable and have some unique properties. They most often have a magnetic content, though it varies from experience to experience. Sometimes it repels my body and sometimes whatever part of my body comes in contact with it gets physically sucked in to it. Sometimes it has a very significant heat content (which I can verify that has nothing to do with external lighting or heating as I did it in a cool dark room with no lights on). I can shape it with my hands, and it has many more ineffable properties. Now with all of that in mind, sometimes (often after pharma experiences for some reason), instead of the regular ole holographic energies, I get treated to white light energies which have slightly unique properties. For one with the white light there is never any magnetic property. It's always neutral. Touching it also creates a local anesthetizing effect to whatever part of the body is contact in it. So if I concentrate it into my hands to make a white light ball, my hands quickly lose feeling. If I take them out of the white light, they instantly regain sensation. I find this interesting because it seems to go hand in hand with why immersive white light experiences largely seem out of body; from my point of view it's because the white light itself numbs what it comes in contact with, so if the entire body is immersed in it, then all bodily sensation will be masked and the true essence of the soul can come forward.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
Rising Spirit
#8 Posted : 12/5/2011 5:02:18 AM
Global wrote:
Dreams can be a very powerful thing as well as observing white light, but nothing can compare with a full immersion in white light.

I agree wholeheartedly. As you so poignantly state, through our total immersion into The Inner White Light, we are melted into the blinding brilliance of the living current of Spirit. As many of us have experienced, when we merge with this great light, we interconnect with a singularity of self (and sudden absence of ego). We are reborn in the moment, our thoughts silenced by the buzzing of the cosmic vibration of AUM (the word of God) and the high ringing overtone, whose sound draws us ever deeper into the Insubstantial Essence.

A translucence of being blossoms in the center of the mind and explodes through the top of the crown, by which we awaken to recall our origins within the light itself. Such a remembrance is bliss and the radiance of eclipsing with the light, which washes our subjectivity clear of any sense of duality or awareness of any polarities of being. Truly, The Great Light unifies and envelopes all it touches.

River of Thoughts wrote:
I went into childs pose and started meditating and asking from deep in my heart from my spirit guides and guardians to help me and these white glowing eye shot a beam on light through my whole being. Felt like I was touched by God I can not even explain the feeling it was like mdma euphoria and peace and happiness x100000.

I had a similar experience the few times I tried MDMA. I began to notice that everything was composed of intersecting wavy rays of vibrating light particles. The more I focused on the buzzing lines of humming energy, the brighter and brighter their radiance became. The whole trip culminated with a full OBE (astral projection), where I was floating six feet above my physical form and the rest of my companions. Above all I could perceive was limitless light shimmering from the beyond.

Unlike many of my LSD, mescaline, p.mushroom and DMT voyages, I did not melt fully into the light, rather, I hovered between the worlds. I remained the observer to the phenomenon of The Blinding Light and instinctively basked in it's shimmering glory. It was sheer joy!!! I did maintain my boundaries of self (my subjectivity), however, and no immersion took place, despite the amazing shift in consciousness and parameters of reality. Shocked

Unfortunately, the after effects from the Ecstasy undermined the transcendental beauty of the soul flight. MDMA always seemed to leave me with a terrible headache and a sore spinal column, leading right up to the back of my skull. Entheogens shouldn't leave one feeling damaged, but healed and reborn. For this reason alone, I do not partake of the "Love Drug" anymore.

Global wrote:
I find this interesting because it seems to go hand in hand with why immersive white light experiences largely seem out of body; from my point of view it's because the white light itself numbs what it comes in contact with, so if the entire body is immersed in it, then all bodily sensation will be masked and the true essence of the soul can come forward.

Yes, I can relate with this clean assessment. The Clear Light of the Void both numbs and essentially erases all of the lines which separate all differentiation between the myriad forms existent in this vast multiverse. It radiates a force-field or web of energy. A shimmering, luminous vacuum, which pulls our Spirit-body/Soul out of the physical realm and thus, facilitates our fusion with that which is formless and Eternal.

As our minds are temporarily "numbed" or stopped and our conscious awareness expands to perceive of being on another level altogether, we dissipate into the Grid of Supraconsciousness. It can be named many ways: Nirvikalpa Samadhi, Satori, Divine Rapture, Spiritual Awakening or quite simply... ENLIGHTENMENT.

Ultimately, the labels are irrelevant but the symbiosis is key. Initially we are shattered by the force of the One. Gradually, we are immersed and utterly absorbed into the light. This passes our attention into the plane of the Indivisible, the central-most point of our conscious awareness, and the very source of our being... The Godhead.

The Light is the path, the guide and the destination. The Light is who we were before we existed and who we are throughout all the changes we go through on our journey back homeward, into the endless expanse of The Clear Radiant Void. :idea:

"Let your love light shine!"
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
River of Thoughts
#9 Posted : 12/5/2011 2:19:05 PM
beautiful posts! Thanks guys Very happy
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