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2 weeks daily rue microdose Options
#1 Posted : 12/2/2011 8:13:00 AM
Ttitle sums up what I've been doing.

Basically I've just been making a simple tea, starting out with partially crushed seeds, 2 or 3 boils, combine and reduce. Filter, set in the fridge for a few days, let all the sediments drop and re-filter. I've been making this tea with maybe 6 grams material per batch, each batch lasting me 5 days or so. Not terribly exact nor scientific.

My reasoning has been such: gearing up for my first mimosa and rue tea session. I've used rue on occassion in conjunction with mushrooms. I've had profound experiences every time and respect syrian rue enough to feel hat I might just want to build a deeper relationship with the rue before using it along with mimosa.

I'm noticing no ill health effects, seem to have plenty of energy, upbeat mood, all around feel great. Antidepressant effects perhaps? Well, I haven't been bummed to begin with, but a wee bit of RIMA plus SRI *seems* like it just may be adding some cheer.. Quiting smoking went rather easy the first few days...yes, I quit smoking within a day or so of starting with this syrian rue tea. I've also been changing up my diet recently to mostly vegetarian and mostly raw foods, maybe two raw meals out of three per day, maybe white meat once or twice a week. Oh and a week before starting with the tea I also quit drinking--not that I was a boozer by any means.

I'm wondering now about the toxins in rue. There's one more mornings drink worth of tea yet in the fridge. After tommorow morning then, I think I'll stop this regimen for a week or so.

After that break, I'll likely take it up again, but at least perform an egg white tannin extract.

I'm guessing people here will tell me I should a) being doing 2 mankse plus a/b or somesuch on the rue ~or~ b) try caapi instead. Am I right? Any other thoughts or advice? Or am I being silly and the toxins in rue should hold no concern at the daily dosage I've been on?

Thank you for reading this and thanks in advance for any insights offered.
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#2 Posted : 12/2/2011 8:42:45 AM
Glad you quit smoking! So you just went completely cold turkey? Congrats my friend..that is no easy feat!

I personally doubt there is any big risk in drinking small amounts of rue daily. Its still probably a good idea to remove as much sediment as you can though. I have a massive brew of rue in the fridge thats been settling for nearly a month now and more is still coming out.. I just like extracting because its easier to work with, to take places, and doesn't taste so nasty and has less unwanted leftovers in it. Given the positive ways these harmalas have been found to affect us both physically and mentally, i see it as completely healthy to take them daily

I've actually been taking extracted rue harmalas since may every night before bed, and sometimes during the day as well, for about half a year now (preferably caapi, but i cant afford it at the moment)..the past few weeks i've been using this brew though since i haven't gotten around to an extraction. Since i started months ago I've noticed some huge boost in overall mood, increased mental clarity, less need for sleep (i can go an entire night without sleep and be completely fine the next day), more intense dreams, and other interesting effects. Nothing negative whatsoever. I also eat a diet of mainly uncooked fruit, veggies, and nuts and i think this goes very well with this. the flavanoids in fruit have been found to have maoi properties as well. my reasoning for all this is basically summed up by the theory in the book left in the dark. there info on his site..but the basic theory is summed up here http://www.brainwaving.com/2009/11/17/377/
heres a .pdf of the book - http://www.scribd.com/do...Copy-of-Left-in-the-Dark

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#3 Posted : 12/2/2011 9:08:36 AM
Wow this is great I really need to do the same, it sounds like its working and its awesome. I could use its therapy and Ive heard enough about harmalas as to their quality on their own, I need to investigate for myself. Syrian rue it is, seeds sinking into the tea? Thanks, keep me updated I need to throw a couple vices away as well. Im just a modern man..people they dont understand..
"That which I avoid I will become a slave to, that which I confront I will master."
#4 Posted : 12/2/2011 10:35:21 AM
thank you for your report

inspiring stuff to stop smoking with filtered rue tea, will try this soon

decanting alone takes care of most tannins
i would not worry about the toxins as long as you feel fine, your body can handle most nature made toxins in small amount no problemos.
If you feel slightly sick you will know that you have taken too much and stop it. As you will feel sick much before any danger of structural damage to your body.
Next time with the same dose stop just a few days before that point.
Basically it can handle everything which can be expelled from the body faster then taken in.

id only advise avoiding food which is rima contraindicated, but that you most likely know that very well already

what a jummy choice of diet, raw foods and white meat mhhmhm
blessed be all forms of intelligence
#5 Posted : 12/2/2011 10:45:09 AM
hey Bedazzle thanks for bringing this up! I find this a very interesting topic, and would like to experiment with this too. I would prefer the extracted harmalas for controled dosing, but that's just me.
Universecannon, do you care to share your daily dosage of extracted harmalas? thanks Smile And thanks for the left in the dark link...
#6 Posted : 12/2/2011 11:50:04 AM
id only advise avoiding food which is rima contraindicated, but that you most likely know that very well already

This was another reason I wanted to try the rue tea daily--I wanted to go on a raw diet and figured with the rima contraindications that the two might just as well go together. But then I went and read Too Many Articles stating that there really are no problem foods with RIMA's (though there are of course serious drug interactions.)

Yesterday was one of my 'okay I'll eat some cooked food' days. Had a fajita with chicken, AND guacomoli (I know I know!) and ever since that meal my stomache has been acting up.

I begin to question that article.

And I'm contemplating going all-out on this raw thing...but not yet. I'm not quite out of the woods with the whole smoking thing yet. I'll say this much though--I believe that the harmalas did add something to the mindstate I was in during the intial nicotine withdrawl phase. I was definately in an altered state for a couple days, mild agitation and desire for a smoke were nothing compared to the positivity and willpower that I felt.

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#7 Posted : 12/3/2011 6:11:19 AM
teotenakeltje wrote:
hey Bedazzle thanks for bringing this up! I find this a very interesting topic, and would like to experiment with this too. I would prefer the extracted harmalas for controled dosing, but that's just me.
Universecannon, do you care to share your daily dosage of extracted harmalas? thanks Smile And thanks for the left in the dark link...

sometimes 5g of caapi in the morning and at night. sometimes just at night. sometimes 20g. sometimes 200mg rue alks, sometimes 50, sometimes 20, you get the idea lol. it varies a lot depending on what i have to do the next morning, what i have left and how much, and how deep i feel like going on a particular night. i usually take it in combination with higher doses of melatonin, a hormone which i've found to have subtle harmala-esque properties by itself

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#8 Posted : 12/3/2011 9:26:43 AM
thanks for your insights! Smile
#9 Posted : 12/30/2011 4:25:40 AM
Rue is a great aid in quitting smoking as tobacco's addictive properties come from the combination of nicotine and MAOI. Nicotine itself is not very addictive but when combined with the MAOIs present in tobacco it is potent as the overwhelming majority of smokers can attest to.

By compensating for the lack of MAOI you win the war: all that's left is to fight the battles. And now that nicotine's assault rifle is swapped for a pea shooter it's not too difficult to cease Smile.

I have experimented with daily semi-psychedelic doses (7g ground rue & 5g piracetam + 3g EPA/DHA fish oil/day) over a 2 week period. The dose was tailored to be such that tracers would barely begin to appear and the buzzing would be prominent but no further. Effects were intense emotional connection both with oneself and others (heart:brain communication), increased levels of insight and ability to connect things together, strong stimulation, increased sense of vulnerability when feeling negative emotions and best of all: powerful euphoric yet totally relaxed peaceful bliss a la mescaline.

No toxic effects were observed. It is noted that rue is a generally masculine energy and has abortifacient effects amongst other things: I'm not sure if this regimen would be advisable for women. Definitely not for the pregnant that's for sure.

This is a great aid for inducing samadhi. The vulnerability disappeared when I got used to surfing the headspace - at these doses set and setting is absolutely crucial. There was a general highly pronounced sensation of vastly expanded consciousness and Earth connection and it was extremely easy to silence the mind. In meditation this resulted in feeling the vastness of space in day to day life: I would be doing simple things like making a cup of tea or brushing my teeth but my awareness was with the stars, I tell ya! The high point was meditating in the park and watching the clouds and birds dance with the chaotic flow of air.

I would highly recommend this to anyone experienced enough and comfortable with themselves. Abuse of this can and will result in death. Total abstinence from all other drugs is strongly recommended: the effects of sustained rue intake at this dosage are extremely pronounced as they are. One could imagine that a hit of spice on the seventh day would have some devastatingly mind blowing effects. It does feel very much like the afterglow of a flood dose of iboga. Likewise one could imagine that this regime in combination with holotropic breathwork would generate incredible results.
#10 Posted : 12/2/2014 2:06:05 AM
What do you think about microdosing rue daily, and sporadically dosing mushrooms every 1-2 weeks? On the small side, of course.
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