Any strong adversaries or advocates?
CosmikDebris wrote:Any strong adversaries or advocates? first time alone what ? smoking spice ? can you be specific what you are asking about ? We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
We are all living in our own feces.
Spice indeed. Just curious if the sitter is truly necessary?
CosmikDebris wrote:Spice indeed. Just curious if the sitter is truly necessary? It all depends how experienced you are. If this is your first time, sitter would be very good help specially when you have a bad trip. Start with low dose first. We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
We are all living in our own feces.
smokerx wrote:It all depends how experienced you are. If this is your first time, sitter would be very good help specially when you have a bad trip. Start with low dose first.
on a safety tip, do this ^^^^ My own personal experience is that alone and in the dark is by far the most amazing way to smoalk spice. I find that when im alone i have no distractions what so ever, i dont have to think about how other people are getting on and i dont have to think about interacting with them. I can set up the room just as i like it, i can set the lights and music and generally perfect my setting. Infact, at the moment i am only really happy smoalking either on my own in bed, or, at the house of 2 of my best mates, anywhere else, even in the company of other friends, doesnt feel right. A friend of mine in a far flung land always smoalked with friends in various places, i received a text from him yesterday, he was ranting about how amazing smoalking alone in the dark was, "BEST BREAKTHROUGH EVER" was his words, i think he might be a convert INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year
3rdI wrote: My own personal experience is that alone and in the dark is by far the most amazing way to smoalk spice.
I think so too. If one feels he needs a sitter, then it's probably a good idea. Even if you're unexperienced and have a difficult journey ALONE, it'll be over soon. Therefore I think there's less need for a sitter with DMT than there is for substances which keep you "there" for many hours. Alone is best I think as there's absolutely no distractions.
I think alone is fine and not dangerous. Just take all necessary safety precautions. Though you might want to talk with someone afterwards . Feel encouraged to visit the nexus chat.
I agree with others alone in the dark is best. I'm the opposite I'd be more nervous with people around when it comes to vaped dmt. Black then white are all I see in my infancy. Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, lets me see. There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these, infinite possibilities. As below so above and beyond I imagine, drawn outside the lines of reason. Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
This is what SWIM was thinking. They felt obligated to have a sitter because it is strongly encouraged, but would prefer to embarknalone. Only issue is they have 0 experience with spice and they are very, very nervous. But the idea of someone there almost adds something else to be nervous about. Anyway, alone seems more intimate...
CosmikDebris wrote:This is what SWIM was thinking. They felt obligated to have a sitter because it is strongly encouraged, but would prefer to embarknalone. Only issue is they have 0 experience with spice and they are very, very nervous. But the idea of someone there almost adds something else to be nervous about. Anyway, alone seems more intimate... I think YOU should start low, from 10mg. And do it alone based on your words. Then increase your dose by 3-5mg until you reach 25-30mg, which is very much enough for any journey with a proper pipe such as the magical GVG.
My first time was alone. Most of my experiences have been alone, but tbh you should go with what ever feels best at the time, some are reassured by the presence of a sitter. Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
I think YOU should start low, from 10mg. And do it alone based on your words. Then increase your dose by 3-5mg until you reach 25-30mg, which is very much enough for any journey with a proper pipe such as the magical GVG i agree with this... start low to find your place..... safty first.... but know it will not harm you. just make you respect it <3 good luck<3 Oden