I was wondering if anybody else thinks it's possible that your dogs trip when you do. I have a small puppy, about 4 months old now, and when I trip. I'm almost certain she does. I've noticed my pupils are always dilated, and after numerous trips with my dog. I've realized so are hers. She acts A LOT different when I'm tripping. Her style of play is different, and she runs laps around some course. I have to admit, it's pretty funny to watch. Ended up calling it her gauntlet. I've also read some other reports on here about other individuals dog's. That (to me) sound like their dogs are tripping as well. Stuff like dogs acting different, or barking at shit that's not there. Was wondering if anybody else thought this is possible, and how it could be caused. Also thought maybe she just knows that I'm tripping, and reacts that way for some reason do to it. Let the Tao flow through you. Be the embodiment of it so throughout, that when passed by on the street they say, "Look! There goes Dao!"
I would doubt that they are actually tripping in the same way that we are, but there is no doubt in my mind that they're aware something is going on. Dogs have a very keen sense, especially to those they are close to. Their attitude will change as yours does because it's in their nature to play off of your energy.
On that note, I wish there was an ethical way to ask my dog if he wanted to trip. Obviously I'm not going to dose him because I can't assume consent, but it would be an interesting ride for sure.
It's funny because I was just wondering the same thing. During a light trip the other night I noticed my cat sleeping to my left. I was feeling a bit of anxiety and looked to her for a friendly face. Apart from the fact that her fur looked like dozens of white pinwheels spinning in unison she was very blissfully at rest. I noticed her eyes darting back and forth behind her eyelids which I assumed to be REM sleep (Not 100% sure if animals experience that as we do). I was staring at her in silence and after about 30-45 seconds she slowly rises, stretches, and comes and lays on my arm. I couldn't help but feel so much at ease. It was a very comforting action. I am VERY interested in exploring this idea further because I think there is absolutely SOME kind of connection happening there but I'm not sure what exactly it is. Learning to know that I do not know.
Perhaps you should take a picture or have someone else examining your dog's pupils when you're in hyperspace just because DMT can create some pretty wicked size distortions so what looks like a dilated pupil to you, may only be doing so because everything in the room is expanding. "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein
"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead
"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
I have also noticed my dog acting differently, even at the late comedown from a trip (where visuals / headspace is almost back to normal, so probably not an illusion). Without being overly credulous, I think it's safe to say that animals have a more developed potential for intercommunication outside the realm of the 5 well known senses. Not saying it's supernatural, but maybe just a bit ahead of time for contemporary physics to explain.
Quote:Perhaps you should take a picture or have someone else examining your dog's pupils when you're in hyperspace just because DMT can create some pretty wicked size distortions so what looks like a dilated pupil to you, may only be doing so because everything in the room is expanding. I had someone else do the examining at the time after me just in case that had happened. Let the Tao flow through you. Be the embodiment of it so throughout, that when passed by on the street they say, "Look! There goes Dao!"
i like this thread since im a happy dog owner! an interesting thing happened to me just a couple of weeks ago. i had smoked changa the weekend before and this particulary evening my 5 month puppy was really wired up! he ran around and jumped up and down the couch. as most of you know puppys hasnt really developed all their movements properly and accidents happen. it did! he jumped of the couch and fell on his "shoulder" and got hurt. he squieled and came for comfort. after a while my belly started to hurt, then my shoulder, then my whole arm. this wasnt a normal tummy eich and my arm and shoulder was more numbed, just like i had fallen on it. thats when i realized i must have actually felt his pain! i really cant explain it in any other way! I am Probe. A gatherer of information. My mission is to absorb and expand. When Probe has absorbed and expanded Probe always comes back to base to report and re-fuel. Probe is always true and thorough for the cause of the expansion of the collective counsiousness. When information is accumulated and stored Probe is ready to be sent back in to gather more!
Thanks for sharing this. It brings you closer to your animals. Let the Tao flow through you. Be the embodiment of it so throughout, that when passed by on the street they say, "Look! There goes Dao!"