To all and any searching for a really great film whilst tripping or perhaps, having been deployed into a deep train of thought and wishing to chomp on some good material.
Search no more.
This movie sparked my affinity for philosophy and art.
It also converted me to Existentialism.
I WOULD LOVE to hear any comments, questions or reviews about this film.
It's by Richard Linklater, the guy who directed "A Scanner Darkly"
It's done using the same style where they shoot the movie and then draw over it to give it that effervescant, flowing effect.
I promise you will not regret spending the hour and half watching this film. Even if you dont enjoy the style in which it's shot, you will at least appreciate the script.
“The quest is to be liberated from the negative, which is really our own will to nothingness. And once having said yes to the instant, the affirmation is contagious. It bursts into a chain of affirmations that knows no limit. To say yes to one instant is to say yes to all of existence.”