DMT scares me. I kno I'm no alone. I visited the chat room and mentioned this. There was agreement but no ideas.I'm the newbie and the main chat was on 5meo so I thought maybe here.
I meditate. I am a mellow, relaxed person. I know surrender is important.
I have broken through.
Its like Im afraid to go back. Even when I smoke big doses I can't fully let go-a tiny piece stays.
Any ideas?
If DMT doesn't scare you then there's something wrong -- and you might want to visit your medical professional. "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
Quote:If DMT doesn't scare you then there's something wrong -- and you might want to visit your medical professional. Well said. Let the Tao flow through you. Be the embodiment of it so throughout, that when passed by on the street they say, "Look! There goes Dao!"
Ha so like chat youre saying I'm in good company? It's just I feel I'm going to have a heart attack before I take a hit you know? Then I do it and its better but I can't fully let go-there'ss a piece of ego left. I'm afraid to go over 40 mgs in my GVG. Part of me thinks the best thing is a bigger dose.
It scares me too! Time and practice I suppose.
EuphoricHavoc wrote:Ha so like chat youre saying I'm in good company? ... but I can't fully let go-there'ss a piece of ego left. ... You're in good company. And, letting go is part of the process -- one of the hardest parts. "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
| may be a healthy fear (or respect) ..the worst reactions i've ever seen have been from people who, on reflection, seemed a little over-confident.. humble is a good starting point...
Thanks for the fast replies. OMG whats with these avatars! lol @ alpha & Tactic that scares me almost as much as DMT!
I've broken through many times, and just the thought of taking a rip from my GVG will raise my heart rate and make my palms sweat. However you define the power associated with DMT, it is one of, if not the most intense experience you can have in this body in this dimension. However, I have learned to dramatically reduce the anxiety by ritualizing the experience, and almost always incorporating harmalas in some way. For example, in the beginning of my spice use, I would just load up 50 mgs in my "meth pipe" and let it ride whenever seemed right. Now, I incorporate a sage smudge, meditation, yoga, crystals, harmalas, and at least a few hours of time to dedicate. I don't force a breakthrough, but rather ease into it and if it happens, it happens. If anything seems wrong, or if some life issue is nagging me... I don't proceed. I'm sure you will receive many amazing words of wisdom from the beautiful folks here at the Nexus. I wish you the best EuphoricHavoc, and look forward to seeing you around. Peace and Happy Journeys All posts are completely fictional and for educational purposes only
EuphoricHavoc wrote:I'm afraid to go over 40 mgs in my GVG. Part of me thinks the best thing is a bigger dose. Are you getting full effects from your current dose? If you are and you don’t feel comfortable I would say why do it? I have only had over 40mg in the GVG 3 times. My normal dose with the GVG is 25–30mg for overwhelming effects, if I was to use a normal pipe or bong it would be 50mg. The GVG is very efficient with proper use.
Yeah, sure feels like it. GVG gets that dose to me in taste free vapor form FAST. Crystal's gone from the screens. 40 breaks me through right away and is really hard to do. But my ego is still there like a tiny crystal.Wish I could totally let it go. Not sure why.
Had a breakthrough before, and very many sub-breakthroughs, am still very scared of going too far with the molecule. You are not alone<3
I use daily and get tense every time peace sam
I've smoked on and off for over a year and still haven't completely broken through. When I smoke, I smoke as much as I feel I need and set it down. When I attempt to break through, I always fail in someway for whatever reason so I just scratch it off as another learning experience. I always get something out of it even though I don't break through. I'd like to break through one of these days but I don't force it. And just for clarification, when I say breakthrough, I mean full out of body experience. I'd definitely had some pretty wild rides. Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element...
Yup, smoalking DMT can be scary as hell. I tend to meditate before hand, and then raise the pipe to my lips, if my heart rate picks up, I go back to meditating for a bit, and just keep repeating until my ticker doesn't go apeshit, THEN I hit the pipe. My nerves seem to be less of an issue since doing this, and not forcing it. Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
Purges wrote:Yup, smoalking DMT can be scary as hell. I tend to meditate before hand, and then raise the pipe to my lips, if my heart rate picks up, I go back to meditating for a bit, and just keep repeating until my ticker doesn't go apeshit, THEN I hit the pipe. My nerves seem to be less of an issue since doing this, and not forcing it. ^^ This. Let go of your expectations, just go with the flow. The Psychedelic Experience is a must read, IMO, if you haven't. The truth...lies within.
The same think with me. I also meditate before smoking and lately I was using harmalas sublingualy about 20mg 30 minutes before smoking spice. It makes a big difference and slows down the experience plus the experience last a bit longer. Smoking is always kind of scary for me, and after I got my ass kicked once, I approach spice with big respect. We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
We are all living in our own feces.
^I use sublingual harmalas always before spice. It's full effects on spice unfold when you smoke about 1 hour after the sublingual dosing. LOL, I'm scared of DMT only before I smoke it, that is (these days mild) pre-flight anxiety. Usually(nearly always) after I'm through the warm up pipe(15mg) I'm going for MOAR! That's where the anxiety ends, after I enter the DMT into my blood.
Well if one isn't ready to be blasted into any or many directions, then of course one can be scared even the warm up dose!
Funny how it all works....I haven't to "go" since my last....first few experiments. I've been trying to assimilate/understand/make peace with all my thoughts/feelings about it for....damn near a year. I feel like I'm being pulled back but I'm just so uncomfortable with my experiences I sort of don't want to go again. My paranoia/fear aspect runs so deep the best explanation I can muster is that I feel like maybe I keep getting caught in sort of gov'ment ran remote view project fishing net...LoL,,,hehe...(sorta) I even look at my apparatus and my heart wants to skip a beat....I smell anything with a methyl twinge and get nervous. Yeah....Fear is apparently normal... Sorry if I'm hijacking but....Harmalas help the fear some?...been tempted to do a pharmahusca but am just scared shitless of a 2-3 hour experience anything like my 2-5 min ones.... Sorta feels like voluntary alien far they've only taken....*ahem*...external samples...LoL....eyes....ears...maybe brain...just kinda worried what they could do if given several hours...Part of me wants to trust "them"...but at the same time it's sorta difficult not knowing who "they" are. Are Harmala/Pharma XP's more....gentle? As far as the kernal of conciousness....think thats sorta normal.....I haven't experienced full on ego dissolution....know some have reported, but does "breakthrough" require dissolution or simply full "transportation"...guess I'm still trying to clarify my own level of experience....I "go" with around 30 mg....but still retain some notion of consciousness...just not body. Would be easier to cope I would think with full dissolution...then again perhaps that is the fear that binds.
i get a good healthy dose of fear each and every time i smoke the spice, as do my friends. Some days i will decide to smoke in the evening, during the day i will be really excited and confident toward my impending journey, however, many times i will get home and the fear will win and i will pass on the journey. My fellow travelers and i have begun to look at the fear/anxiety/terror as a sacrifice to the spice. When it is your turn you must accept this fear then offer it up, for this offering you are rewarded with unlimited glory. The strange thing about this fear is that once i have excepted it, and have begun my journey, it will completely disolve. As soon as the first effects are felt, as soon as i get the warm feeling that the universe is hugging me, the feeling of fear literally disapears instantly. This happens every time i journey but the fear always returns for the next session. I think you are definately missing the point if you are not at least a little scared. INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year