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Lucid dreaming with "Spirit?" encounters Daily Options
#1 Posted : 11/21/2011 9:54:39 PM
Every night I have a lucid dream. Actually, its not every night, but every morning. As I sleep in every day, I get up and piss at about 6 am, go back to bed, wake up again, go back to sleep again, and then start lucid dreaming.

There are two or three categories of morning hallucinations i have. They all start by me entering sleep paralysis i can feel my body getting heavy in waves of "gravity"

Usually what happens is I feel sensation of someone behind me (this morning was fingernails on my back, hands taking off my shorts, and fingers lightly on my rectum), in the past it has been a woman spooning with me(I can tell its a woman because she has talked) If i dont force myself awake it continues, but with this type of hallucination, i usually do force myeself awake unless it is the woman, Samantha. Rolling eyes

The next type of hallucination that I have is when I feel the "gravity" sensation, i feel as though my body is being carried up down and all around. At this point i loose sensation of my actual body. Sometimes the movement of my body "astral" (I call it astral because i have no other name for it. I have sensation) is brought on by a feeling of "gravity" or "tingles" in one aria of my body. If i lean towards this, I begin to move towards it , and then all around.

Sometimes I experience pretty colors and geometric patterns as i whiz along my paths. Sometimes, music and just vague shapes.

After being carried around a bit, i get set down on the ground of some room, sometimes i dream-wake up in my bed again; if i dream wake up in my room i usually try to play guitar, but its all distorted and i have super long fingernails and cannot play it. The distortion is quite odd to behold actually Rolling eyes smaller/curved neck. So, i usually move around a world that is laid out in front of me.

This morning as i was carried away, i had the feeling there was someone on my back, it was a naked woman. I threw her off. This is not uncommon, it seems as if sometimes there are "dolls" laid out for me to have sex with, but if i start, i usually wake up after about 25 seconds of it, so i tend not to do this to prolong my sleep.
This morning after hallucinating with fingers on my back and what not, I opened my eyes only to have them shut again because i was in this very sleepy state, i saw a grateful dead symbol on my dresser. It was there time and time again as I opened my eyes, only to have them shut like before. I find this to be totally odd.

A side note: I Am on Anti depressants Prozac and Abilify This has been gong on steadily for about a month now. I have been on them for about 3.

Thanks for your time. If anyones interested, ill post things as they fresh happen.
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#2 Posted : 11/21/2011 11:28:43 PM
These dont sound like any lucid dreams I have..sounds like either your meds are messing with your dreams, you arent going fully into the dream state and are just sort of in between awake and dreaming, or you just cant stabalize there...I dunno really. Just sounds weird to me lol.

Have you just stopped pyaing attention to all those weird dream themes and just tried to warp yourself into a different environment and stabalize there?
Long live the unwoke.
#3 Posted : 11/21/2011 11:43:26 PM
An echo of day to day living.. The illusion of free will.

No i cant. I cant change my environment, only move around in it. I basically wait for things to happen. Sometimes even i cant move or look in a certain direction.
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#4 Posted : 11/22/2011 4:24:58 PM
I can relate to many elements of this, and I'm not on medication, so perhaps we can rule that out. I'm a daily cannabis smoker and I smoke DMT once a week or once every two weeks. I can relate to having a presence(s) behind me and they can get real up close and personal which can be unsettling. This is almost immediately followed by the paralysis effect to my dream self that comes in bursts. The bursts are longer the more I fight it or conversely if I relax when I'm not in it, that can also suck me back in. The paralysis comes in the form of an intense buzzing that is often hard to break free from and everything becomes intensely heavy. There have been times when I've somehow gone astral as well and can freely fly around, twist and tork as I please. Sometimes there may be colors and geometric patterns, but that mainly depends on whether my dream self believes he has taken a psychedelic Laughing

On many of these paralysis occasions, and most typically only with these paralysis occasions, do I dream of waking up into my own room (either in my current house or my other house that I haven't lived in or seen the inside for over 5 years), and I'll be in complete belief that I'm awake. I've never thought of going to play guitar, but the first time this happened to me, when I dreamt I woke up into my room where I live now, I got out of bed, and went over my computer to see if the Nexus had any answers Very happy I could find none. I was trying to calm myself down from the frightening incident (it's no longer scary --- I can always tell this has happened before even if I can't remember how it's turned out) so I went to my natural anxiety reducing outlet by listening to music. Funny thing would be I would be listening to a song, and as I would browse the internet, I would notice there would be no more music playing. I was having a hard time figuring out what the problem was. When I woke up, it was obvious that my brain had forgotten what "we" were supposed to be listening to so the music would stop. These experiences always seem utterly more real than other dreams in the stunning detail and perceptual vividness across the senses.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#5 Posted : 11/22/2011 9:30:33 PM
Yes I can relate as well. Specifically with what you referred to as the gravity sensation. Typically, the way it happens for me, is I will be in the midst of falling asleep. I will be thinking of normal things, or perhaps trying to induce a lucid/vivid dream or maybe just trying to clear my mind with some meditation. Then, after about 20 minutes of this things begin to get a little hazy. I will go off on a strange tangent that has nothing to do with nothing, but in my mind at that moment it's where my full attention will be. Then, usually what happens is I realize im thinking about crazy nonsensical things and then it happens. It's like, I forget where I am. I might be laying in my bed in the house I am in every night but for the life of me I don't know where I am, I could be ANYWHERE! Usually when that forgetful stage kicks in I will then get a sensation of like you described above. I relate it to floating, as it is exactly what I would imagine floating to feel like.

At this point one of three things will happen. I will forget that I am forgetting, and then enter my dream state. I will become aware that I am about to dream and it will allow me to have a lucid dream... Or, and this has happened a few times... I open my eyes and I am floating above my body. Each time I have had the experience of "floating" above my body and I open my eyes and see it, the moment I see that I am having an outer body experience I get an extremely strong rush and immediately wake up.

Very interesting and amazing stuff though. I would like to get to a point where when I see myself I dont freak myself out.
#6 Posted : 11/23/2011 3:11:44 AM
What do you see when you open your eyes? your ceiling, or your body? Are you face up down or in the position you were sleeping?

Leave it to this demographic to have similar experiences.Razz
#7 Posted : 11/23/2011 5:23:28 AM
Ha funny you ask that because the first time I opened my eyes I was looking at the ceiling and my immediate thought was that nothing was out of the ordinary and I was awake. Then, as if I didn't even know I was doing it, I slowly began to roll over but without even trying. The entire time I was thinking what is going on and this feeling of anxiety slowly crept in. Just as I completely rolled over I looked straight down seen my body and immediately thought I had died and poof I woke up. This happens from time to time but generally speaking I tend to wake up somewhere in my house and sometimes I get this sensation to go look for something which usually is me (but I never realize that at the time). As I go through this process of approaching myself and confirming that I am in fact having an outer body experience everything gets crazier and crazier and my anxiety gets higher and higher.

It always comes to some type of slow unveiling that builds up and climaxes as I see myself causing me to wake up. I say slow but really it might all take place in less than a minute, it's just that it is never like I open my eyes and immediately am looking at myself. It's like I wake up and sometimes I know what's happening but I am led through a story of unveiling myself. Though sometimes I am unaware and it's just that reality is skewed but something leads me to a situation that in some manner reconnects me with myself and the moment I see myself I immediately wake up and have full recollection of it. Unlike some dreams where it's hard to recall these are remarkably clear in comparison.

1 relax try to let my body sleep
2 mind gets numb, auto pilot, nonsense thoughts kick in
3 forgetfulness, can't remember last place I was, final moments before falling asleep
4 this part is where I think I decide what to do just dream and blast off somewhere or open my eyes and find myself.
5 wakeup

In a sense I think we all go through this process. I think though what makes a difference is being aware to make a conscious decision before you fall asleep otherwise you just dream and don't remember. Also when I say open my eyes thats not very accurate because obviously they are not really open, but it is definitely a sensation of opening my eyes or waking up. I its not really waking up though it's more like just opening my eyes and being completely awake completely conscious and full of energy and excitement.

The last thing I'll add is that I was able to find things that I would notice in my obe and then later find when I woke up. Once I heard my dog barking and I was looking in different rooms for her. Finally I went to my bedroom and found her she stopped barking I went to go back to the living room seen myself asleep woke up. Soon as I woke up the dog walked out my bedroom into my sight. Also had things like items in certain places and so forth.

Anyways sorry so long lol.
#8 Posted : 11/23/2011 2:12:08 PM
I had similiar experiences for years in my late teens, early 20's, occassionally now in my thirties as well.

For over a decade now I've smoked weed late at nite, mneanwhile I've wondered to myself "now where did all those OBE/sleep paralysis/lucid dreaming weirdness go?" I smoked (and drank) myself numb.

Prozac is an SSRI and can mess with a persons sleep cycle.

My personal experiences with sleep paralysis, my smoking weed just before bed which began at a young possibly as a subconscious effort to avoid sleep paralysis, possibly just to overcome insomnia--yeah, it may just be the prozac, making you suseptable to these experiences.

Personally I am only just now leaving my midnite toking behind--I'd very much like to get access to these sorts of states again and have begun to practice WILD and all of that.
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

#9 Posted : 11/23/2011 4:39:30 PM

I do not think smoking weed has anything to do with it. It may somehow suppress your ability, but I don't think so. I smoke cannabis pretty frequently, and have been for over 15 years. As of lately, it's been pretty heavy as I have substituted smoking cigs with weed while I try and transition myself from nicotine. But, even with all of this smoking, I am able to achieve these states.

HOWEVER, drinking alcohol, taking anti depressents, or anything else that will induce an impaired and/or hazy consciousness I believe can prevent you from having experiences like this. I might be wrong, but from my own personal experiences, I have never even come close to achieving something like this while under the influence of narcotics that suppress my consciousness. Weed may cause an effect similar to this, though its effects must be much less and not as impacting as the others (which makes sense because when you smoke weed you do not become inebriated and consciously dysfunctional)

One thing, that seems to have made a HUGE impact on dreaming and this state of mind, oddly enough, was wearing a nicotine patch to bed. I have discussed this with a few people, even on here, and it seems that nicotine induces a level of awareness that you carry over into the dream state allowing you not only greater control and understanding but also allowing you to visually take in more of your surrounding causing vivid dreams. Seriously, if you want a tool to help you get your astral project/dreams/OBEs back then try putting on a patch an hour before bed and wear it all night.

The other thing, which I associate being a super tool for the consciousness, is meditation. Learning to meditate and control your thoughts is important here because it allows you to keep a solid focus no matter what might be going on. This is key, because as you start to endure this OBE state you will constantly struggle to keep focus on what is going on and you can quickly go from realzing its an obe experience to suddenly being in a dream state and forgetting all of it. Meditation is probably the number one most important aspect of changing your perception of a dream to an outer body experience.

Meditation is many different things for many different people. When I say meditation, I simple mean: Becoming aware of your thoughts, having the ability to clear out these thoughts and having the ability to focus on a single thought. If you can bring that type of awareness into your dream state, then that will allow you to experience it with a type of consciousness you would otherwise not normally have during that state.

Also, and this I am not really sure about, but I am pretty sure that we are constantly getting to this state of mind while we sleep, over and over and over again, it's just that we are not aware of it. We wake up in the morning and don't remember anything from the night, but all the while we are constantly having astral projects (dreams) and just don't realize it. It's because when you loose that sense of awareness or consciousness that allows you to remember what was going on. Why that happens is any ones best guess, but I believe by use of meditation that your consciousness has a much greater possibility of remembering as meditation in a sense is nothing more than working out your consciousness.

It's easy to think, right? So easy, in fact, you don't even realize your thinking. But, is it easy to not think? Definitely not. So, by trying to clear the mind, and allow our minds to be the one who sees the thoughts and not the one who is the thoughts, we empower ourselves with a deeper level of awareness that seems to be directly related to this altered state of consciousness... If you don't meditate, then your not practicing, and if your not practicing then when it comes time to actually endure that experience you get nothing out of it because you are not prepared and understanding of it.

It would be like putting someone in a race car for their first time ever driving and being like, alright i want you to drive this course without any mistakes. If the person hadn't even drove a car and didn't know what a car even was, then their experience would be chaotic and they would get nothing out of it. On the flip side, if someone had been practicing for a year for this momemnt then that person will have a totally different experience and have a much more enjoyable experience that they can actually take something back with.
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