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What information and links you would provide to a newbie? Options
#1 Posted : 11/21/2011 10:33:50 AM
So here is the thing.

Rightly or wrongly I initially kept my use of DMT and entheogens from my long term partner. You can judge me on this as much as you want but you will only ever know your assumption side for the story.

Needless to say that I felt that it wasn't a good time for her to know. Although I had a plan in place to tell her one day, and soon actually as we had been planning a session with a shrink to talk about our relationship. (we are actually very strong but my partner has recently been suffering a lot with stress etc)

She has noticed an increased happiness and calmness in me recently, and more motivation with work and life in general. I was going to use the opportunity with the shrink, to say how I gained my recent peace.

Still I in no way recommend this path to her, we all have to take our own path and decisions on how to balance our mental issues and find some contentment. I am of the personality which will read and consume knowledge about something and then decide for myself if i will take it. I am slightly more adventurous in this way and I like exploring my mind.

Still last night I told my partner about DMT as for various reasons it was unavoidable.

Her first reaction was that I am drug addict and need help. After I really poured out my heart to her about my feelings and issues and the peace and calmness I have felt she relaxed a little.

She said she would do some investigation about DMT and entheogens. I really want her to at least accept that from time to time I will do DMT, understand the reasons for me doing it and we can be open about it.

So the question to the community is.

What resources would you send people to find out about DMT. I also want balanced view point and creditable information. I already have the sprit molecule on DVD so that is one. But things have to be unbiased and the sprit molecule is not a documentary more of an advocacy film. Books, experiences, video, scientific papers etc.


I like to make things up, everything above is made up and not real, it is a story for my own amusement. Sorry if you felt mislead.

I normally have to edit my posts within a couple of minutes for prose, spelling and grammar. Just to let you know.
#2 Posted : 11/21/2011 12:20:09 PM
The John Hopkins mushroom study:


Also it may be useful to tell her how similar psilocybin is to DMT, and let her know that it is an endogenous molecule in the human body and common in nature. That may alleviate some of her concern.

Good luck! Preconceived ideas can be stubborn little buggers! Mad
#3 Posted : 11/21/2011 12:47:51 PM
SpartanII wrote:
The John Hopkins mushroom study:


Also it may be useful to tell her how similar psilocybin is to DMT, and let her know that it is an endogenous molecule in the human body and common in nature. That may alleviate some of her concern.

Good luck! Preconceived ideas can be stubborn little buggers! Mad

Thanks, I am kind of lucky that she doesn't have many pre conceived ideas apart from the..."Why is it illegal" argument. Which I countered with the fact that we have in the past taken MDMA together, and that she is intelligent enough to understand that drugs are mostly made illegal mostly due to emotional moral arguments rather than evidence actual harm ones.

Believe me this is not an exercise in getting her to try DMT, more so that she can understand the documented evidence and first hand accounts leading to a wider knowledge on the subject.

I shouldn't cherry pick either I should try to find studies that show no or little benefit as well.

I like to make things up, everything above is made up and not real, it is a story for my own amusement. Sorry if you felt mislead.

I normally have to edit my posts within a couple of minutes for prose, spelling and grammar. Just to let you know.
#4 Posted : 11/21/2011 1:47:55 PM
Show her some of the experience reports on here, and show some of the topics, she will get a better idea of both the mind set of the people that partake in this substance and also the rewards gained from these sorts of explorations.

I think DMT scares people because they hear all these things about NDE's, OBE's and all the rest of it, and think that people who do it are mad because they think we have some sort of morbid curiosity with the other. Little do they know what it's like!!!

Also make her aware that it is not addictive, and the experiences and insights gained are not conducive to abusive behaviour - show her the reports where people smoke too often and get their asses royally kicked. Maybe show how DMT is used in a traditional context as well, maybe show her some Terrence McKenna lectures, or even some Alan Watts - this is a pretty excellent lecture:

Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#5 Posted : 11/21/2011 2:19:54 PM
#6 Posted : 11/21/2011 2:48:09 PM
show her some of the links already provided and maybe (and only maybe, you have to judge that yourself!) let her then try DMT so she knows what you are doing completely?
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