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what did i see Options
#1 Posted : 11/21/2011 6:36:12 AM
i am curious to hear if others have experienced what i have.i have read the book the cosmic serpent,i also watched the spirit molecule.so this of course intrigued me.what i saw the first couple times was nothing like i saw or read.i took a big hoot went to blow it out,and suddenly there was a figure gently pulling me towards my bed.he layed me down.every object in my room changed,my clothes even my hands didnt look the same.everything looked perfect,i still cannot describe it.it was as if it was a thousand years in the future is the only way i can describe how everything looked.i then started to panic.this man/figure told me to relax,which i did.i looked at him and told him to give it to me.then suddenly and it was so fast,this person took me on a trip out into the world.i can only remember parts,it was so fast.the world was so beautiful and well so cool,everything again looked different,the streets,trees,buildings,people everything.if i had to guess i would say another dimension.then suddenly we are walking up my steps,he walks me to my room lays me down,i look over and watch him leave.i saw my door open,the lights in the hallway,watched him/figure walk out and close my door.this all felt like hours,but maybe 1o minutes went by.my second trip was very similar,but faster.so confused ,everything looks so dull now.i cant stop thinking about what i experienced.im almost in a depressed state,what i saw makes me feel like this isnt life.what did i see?has anyone else have similar experience?please tell.
#2 Posted : 11/21/2011 9:04:08 AM
Wow this is quite amazing! A spiritual guide taking you on a journey full of awe and wonder. You must feel special thanks for the great read, seems very intriguing. What did this being look like? It seems odd that your reality was intertwined with this one, as you stated he walked you into your room and even closed the door? Was this open eyed visuals or were you in a deep unconscious state?
"That which I avoid I will become a slave to, that which I confront I will master."
#3 Posted : 11/21/2011 9:43:57 AM
lifeafterlife wrote:
i am curious to hear if others have experienced what i have.i have read the book the cosmic serpent,i also watched the spirit molecule.so this of course intrigued me.what i saw the first couple times was nothing like i saw or read.i took a big hoot went to blow it out,and suddenly there was a figure gently pulling me towards my bed.he layed me down.every object in my room changed,my clothes even my hands didnt look the same.everything looked perfect,i still cannot describe it.it was as if it was a thousand years in the future is the only way i can describe how everything looked.i then started to panic.this man/figure told me to relax,which i did.i looked at him and told him to give it to me.then suddenly and it was so fast,this person took me on a trip out into the world.i can only remember parts,it was so fast.the world was so beautiful and well so cool,everything again looked different,the streets,trees,buildings,people everything.if i had to guess i would say another dimension.then suddenly we are walking up my steps,he walks me to my room lays me down,i look over and watch him leave.i saw my door open,the lights in the hallway,watched him/figure walk out and close my door.this all felt like hours,but maybe 1o minutes went by.my second trip was very similar,but faster.so confused ,everything looks so dull now.i cant stop thinking about what i experienced.im almost in a depressed state,what i saw makes me feel like this isnt life.what did i see?has anyone else have similar experience?please tell.

I had a somewhat similar experience. A guide came to me in the form of a painting I've seen. Except that it all happened with my eyes closed.

Here was the trip report: (Second Trip)


Also as a side note, it would be easier to read your post if you indent and space out paragraphs. Its just a bit hard to read.

An observer beholding experience
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#4 Posted : 11/21/2011 2:54:59 PM
I'm curious to know how you're smoking/vaping your spice? What smoking utensil (and what lighter?) are you using in other words? Also how many hits are you taking? The reason I ask this is because if your experiences are in "super-fastforward mode", it may be likely that you're (even slightly) burning the spice. I ask how many hits you take because the more you take (even out of the GVG which is ideal for vaporizing DMT out of), the higher risk you run of burning some, and the more likely you are to wind up with a super fast experience.

lifeafterlife wrote:
suddenly there was a figure gently pulling me towards my bed.he layed me down.every object in my room changed,my clothes even my hands didnt look the same.everything looked perfect,i still cannot describe it.it was as if it was a thousand years in the future is the only way i can describe how everything looked

Welcome to hyperspace! Cool I can completely relate to the perceptual perfection of everything. It's as if everything is completely idealized. I feel right there with you. I'd like to give you a warm welcome to the Nexus as well. Much luck.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#5 Posted : 11/21/2011 8:13:07 PM
thank you for the warm welcome.u wont believe this,i used a normal pot pipe,no glass.i put 3 screens in the bowl,used a bic lighter.i kept the flame away from the the spice,i did this for most the time sucking slow,then i torched the spice hard,held it in.i dont remember blowing it out.almost instantly my world was transforming,and then the guide/being grabbed me and layed me down.

during all of my trip my eyes were open,i remember lookin aat this being,he was wearing a hoodie,his face was blacked out.i was comfortable with his presence even though i couldnt make out a face.
#6 Posted : 11/22/2011 2:31:42 AM
What makes you feel like this isn't life. Just because you were shown a new layer of existence you were previously unfamiliar with shouldn't make you depressed. It should make you joyous.

I have not had this experience, but I have had similar experiences. I guess I always feel like I go into other dimensions, I see/feel the presence of entities all the time, although not as vivid as some.

Dont worry your not crazy, be glad you have been shown such things, and keep on keepin' on.

Outsa, Woutsa.
Remember, if the women dont find you handsome.....they might as well find you handy.
#7 Posted : 11/22/2011 10:34:59 PM
The most important part of major psychedelic experience is the integration afterward. Now is the time for you to question what happened and form a healthy way to integrate it into your life.

Here's what you know: You saw something "as real as real" - Into the "spirit realm" (whatever that exactly is) and back to solid ground again. So now you're faced with the knowledge that your whole life as you know it isn't as solid or real as you may have previously thought.

"Maya" refers to the illusory nature of the perceived universe. That everything our brains are evolved to behold is a limited window of what's really there. An illusion of real that itself is only a tiny cross-section of the full.

You have a gift now - A human body and brain and an entire life in which to utilize it to explore and think and witness the world in which you live, to cultivate your mind and relationships with others.

I think you were given a glimpse of "Maya" - the illusory nature of the universe which we all, together, share. Read up on philosophy and religion. You may find some interesting things in both hindu and buddhist mythos. Now's the time to integrate this experience in a healthy, and if it's available to you, joyous way. Don't let it depress you for too long - I know the feeling from a few of my own Salvia experiences, of feeling like the world is "flatter" somehow after peeking behind the curtain. Well, maybe it is! We've sliced a couple of dimensions off of it and it's like being back inside a smaller, more confining space.

But it's one that's full of life and beauty and value and a great many wonderfully unexplored and mysterious things, and don't forget it!
#8 Posted : 11/23/2011 9:19:30 PM
thanks for the replys.i agree,feel like i was given a gift.alot for the mind to take in.i am new to all of this, although i have had visions before through my life,hinting i ,this world was not what it seems to be.im happy to know now(im not crazy) thanks again .i am very interested in exploring(reading) about philosophy and other relevant topics,please feel free to suggest reading material.
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#9 Posted : 11/23/2011 9:48:33 PM
lifeafterlife wrote:
i kept the flame away from the the spice,i did this for most the time sucking slow,then i torched the spice hard,held it in.i dont remember blowing it out.almost instantly my world was transforming,and then the guide/being grabbed me and layed me down.

Based on your subjective report as well as where you say you torched it at one point, makes me believe that you burned the spice and that's what lead to some of the crazier faster aspects of your experience. 3 screens is not enough though. Spice can just run right through that. You should maybe try using 6 screens and some ash so the DMT can't escape into the bottom of the bowl where you'll have to apply continually more heat in order to get smoke out of it, and the more likely you are to burn it.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#10 Posted : 11/23/2011 10:41:28 PM
so if i did that what you think would be different.(my experience).when i did this i did get smoke.i see alot of people say they weigh out amounts and such.i was given a bit to try,and i tried,felt like intense acid the first time.so i tripled amount(a few points maybe)and well (my experience).got three similar trips,now i am absolutely amazed.cant get anymore though.now i want to do it everyday.very hard to have that experiences and then wonder when im gonna have it agian.my focus in life now is to research life beyond.when oppurtunity comes will try your suggestion,thanks.
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