get a thin metal tube inner diameter 2,3,4mm .4 inches long (for tobbaco) this lenght can be adjusted depending on what your use is.
that then goes into a larger container .this larger container could have a lid that srews on .you could then push the metal tube through the centre of it looks like a straw coming out of a macdonalds coke.
then cut the container in half and mastic a new top on the bottom half of container this is where you can suck this herb need to mastic new bottom if the bottom is to big to suck on.(remmeber you are not sucking air through the tube end)
then you can unscrew the lid to get at the tube end that sticks threw can then put in your herb into the tube. how to keep herb in tube is not been worked out but stuff brillo wire is being
considered.i just stuffed tobbaco with a pin into tube.and it stayed. the idea above is that you can now heat the tube from the side(we are not heating the side next to herb only at the very end) and not have the flame go down the hole of the tube .you just get the tube red hot at the end and middle and thats what makes the air super hot.hopefully the herb is not vaporizing because the tube is hot next to it,but is the air passing threw a it! so the air itself is hot and this is what is vaping the herb
i have tried it with tobbaco and had to use a plumbers gas touch to heat tube ,but it worked,the tobbaco rolled down with a ease that was not known gagging on the lungs. weather not allowing the flame to suck into the end of the tube is a good idea or not i thought i would try it out.i have only just started last night.
i wonder weather stuff a little ceramic fiber down tube then drop alkaloid down onto ceramic fiber then but a little fiber ontop.
2. get a 40 or 50w halogen blub a dimmer switch (i getting 12v dimmer because i only have 12v possible). a 240v 40w halogen bulb will burn tobbaco if you push the tobbaco against the bulb. so my idea will be to house the halogen bulb in a metal container small ,with a small hole to let vapor escape. this will be housed somehow in a bigger container which will then be sucked up into lungs. i havent tried this or built idea is because tobbaco burns when you touch it to bulb then any alkaloid below this vapor point should work with tweaking of the system. the dimmer switch should beable to control temperture ,so allowing other drugs to be vaporised. also if a heating filament wire was used one might be able to coil this round a thinnble sized container and heat like that.this is something i might try but i dont no jack about filament wires or how
they work.
"A picture is worth a thosand words"
arcanum wrote:"A picture is worth a thousand words" maybe even a couple thousand... My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹