Step 1: Slice the cactus like bread into finger width portions.
Step 2: Cut out the center white part and discard. Cut each rib of the star into a section and put these little pieces of chopped cacti in a plastic bag.
Step 3: Freeze and thaw this bag 3x. This process will lyse the cells making the migration of alkaloids into the solution easier.
Step 4: Use a large pot, preferably a big 5 gallon one, for every 4 feet of cactus. The more water you use during the simmer/boiling stage is what determines how many alkaloids will fit in the water. If you use too much water, however, you will be brewing forever. You do not meed to use any acids during this process, it only serves to make the brew taste even more nasty than it already is. Add fresh warm water to the pot when needed. It is also not necessary to mash the cactus.
Step 5: You are going to need to filter the chunks out of the solution before you reduce all the way down. So decide when it is time to do this. During the last few hours of the brew, in which I usually shoot for ~8, I focus on reduction and do not add any water. Make sure you have another vessel that will contain the amount of solution you determined is appropriate for filtration. About a liter is good if my memory serves me right or more if you want. Any thicker and filtration will be more difficult.
Step 6: Reduce the brew down. 30-100ml per dose is a good range to shoot for. A dose can be anywhere from 6", 12", 24", even higher. I would suggest starting with 12 and working your way up. Cactus potency varies from strain to growing conditions.
Step 7: Drink. If I am ingesting a big dose I drink it over the course of an hour. If it's small I will just down it. I suggest having a lime handy to bite on after sipping on the soapy goodness that is the Trichocereus Tea. The mescaline comes on in ~3 hours. Some cacti have other alkaloids that kick in sooner. A good dose keeps me coming up and up for around ~6 hours. Enjoy.
Tried something very close to this method with help from House last week. It worked out perfectly! I did use a little too much water so it took a looooong time to reduce. The results were amazing though.
After about the third hour I was feeling very physically relaxed yet mentally alert and very euphoric. I decided to load up the vapor genie and add a little spice to the mix. Usually I have a bit of anxiety and sit meditating a while. This time there was no anxiety whatsoever. I didn't want to breakthrough since I'm not too familiar with this combination so I took a very small hit to see what it would be like...
WOW!!!!!!! I've experienced CEV's pleanty of times before but this time in particular was by far the most beautifully vivid ones yet! Of course words can only say so much. It was like watching a three dimensional psychedelic painting living and breathing pure light energy unfolding from the center outward in brilliant beautiful colors. This went on for so long I seriously didn't think it was going to end. All from just a speck of spice. IMO there is great synergy between the two! It was amazing! The rest of the night I felt great! I did have trouble falling asleep as my mind was thinking about so much and I couldn't turn of off. I didn't mind though, it was worth it!
Looking forward to trying it again soon with even more cactus next time now that I have a feel for it! Thanks for the help House!!
try this and see if it works for you, if not then youd be like myself and many others ive known, we dont like cacti tea
i find that tea makes my stomach all grumbly, sometimes painful. i dont brew cacti anymore since the advent of eating rehydrated powder, just as modern a technology as tea.
some peruvian curanderos do both dried outer flesh to be eaten and tea from the remaining cacti parts, i also find the core to be emetic as fuck.
id rather make an outter flesh smoothie than a tea anyday, and have many times, it dosent bother me 1/10 as much as a tea of any volume.
not hate, just opposite advise for the same goal