I apologize for the upsetting content and if this has been posted prior. I did a search on the forums for his name and nothing came up. This should be posted here for the truth and reality of creating these substances in the US. I believe sharing this story is important in this community because it reflects the War On Drugs' effects on Americans. Cody Zuccari's StoryAn observer beholding experience
sit and jail and get raped/beaten/tortured..or suicide? Honestly I cant say that I know which one sounds more appealing..personally I would rather go underground and live in dirt hut in the middle of winter eating dead rats than ever even show up to court with the chance of going to jail for a drug crime such as this.. It's a sick society we have built up around us. It's Sad that people are backed into corners like this. Long live the unwoke.
I don't even know what to say to this, what a selfish man. There are so many people dying every single day , people that want to live but are not allowed to. Thousands of little children dies every day from hunger and nobody gives a shit about them. What did he think ? That he was making a candies or what ? We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
We are all living in our own feces.
Yea thats the risk you take when making this shit. Yea its not bad for you but cmon is schedule I! Definitely not something you should just make in a college dorm. As sad as the story is, he should have been a bit wiser and maybe waited til he had his own place. He took the last resort out which IMO is not cool. He should of fled the country, go into hiding, something! Sucks seeing so much potential of growing and moving on with life just waisted. My blessings are with him though.
..my example is a little more extreme than jail, but when the Essenes at Masada suicided rather than face the horror of a Roman legion breaching their walls, were they selfish..? ..a system based on fear and punishment is evil..the kid may have been unwise, but he's a victim of this system...
urk. ¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º¨
Another win in a seemingly unending string of victories for our oppressors. Art Van D'lay wrote:Smoalk. It. And. See.
Sad story. I'd just force them to put me in solitary in prison. Serve my sentence locked in a room by myself. Yeah, I'd probably go insane, but I'd never commit suicide.
Very sad story... My prayers go to him and his family. He should've stay and fight it, or at least leave the country, go to Peru, Brazil, or Mexico where he could've continue his research without worrying about the Drakonian laws of the US. What surprised me the most is that a DMT & Mushrooms user would commit suicide, because those substances had made me a lot stronger on every aspect of my life. "The Medicine Will Always Be There For Those Who Seek It"
Without the technicalities of this case publicly known, I don't think it's respectful to criticize this poor soul. In his suicide letter, he claimed that DEA agents searched his apartment under suspicion that his roommate was selling drugs. We don't know whether this search was conducted with a search warrant or not. We don't know whether this was on campus or off campus. We don't know whether his mate was selling the home-grown mushrooms and extracted DMT behind his back. There's too many variables and we don't know the whole story, even though that letter gave a glimpse into his head-space. "'Most men will not swιm before they are able to.' Is not that witty? Naturally, they won't swιm! They are born for the solid earth, not for the water. And naturally they won't think. They are made for life, not for thought. Yes, and he who thinks, what's more, he who makes thought his business, he may go far in it, but he has bartered the solid earth for the water all the same, and one day he will drown."
— Hermann Hesse
Cody wrote a long letter to his family and kept on mentioning that he was "a selfish idiot" for choosing suicide as the only way out. Why didn't he tell them about it. Maybe he didn't want to face the looks of disapproval on their faces, and chose suicide instead>>??...Yep, i go along with this, because most American families like to be proud about having a "perfect son", and woe betide any son that would take "drugs". -He could have been a less than perfect son, and gone through the legal system, and may have just recieved a warning instead. But i think this highlights the pressure that American children are under from their parents to "do right", and unfortunately the overstrict DEA isn't understanding of this either. -I apologise if this sounds like an attack on Americans, it isn't. I like American people, but think that some of their ideals are wrong and excessive, and this comes from Government idealism. There needs to be a change, because it is perfectly natural and normal for adolescents to want to explore their own minds, and indeed one should be "free" to do so, or what does freedom mean?? "Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
fractal enchantment wrote: It's a sick society we have built up around us. It's Sad that people are backed into corners like this.
Land of the free... My ass. There, I said it again. And yes, in most european countries one wouldn't go to jail for that.
It's a sad state of affairs that this kid committed suicide over production and possession of schedule I substances. It's difficult to determine how far deep in he was. Did he grow his mushrooms out of a grow kit? How much DMT did he have? How many supplies did he have to produce more of these drugs? These are all questions that have a lot of relevance to the outcome. I can understand that having 20 grams of DMT in your apartment combined with several hundred grams of mushrooms will have a severely different outcome than having 250mg of DMT and 10 grams of shrooms. It's sad that he saw suicide as his only way out. Because there are plenty of other solutions to the problem. And it seems like he wasn't jailed, so the charges weren't severe enough for that. The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel.
 Whoa, i live in gainesville and i never even heard about this! What a sad story.
billydgator wrote:i live in gainesville... This makes me think theyll be upping the dmt profile and makes me nervous  That's the first thing i thought! D:
The moral of the story is think about the consequences of posessing banned schedule 1 substances. "Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
that is heart breaking. yet big tobacco companys keep moving on.alcohol addiction destroys so many.and again someone who may have changed the world is gone.because honor and integrity in our goverment goes to the highest bidder. this is the kind of stuff that ruins my faith. when i was young i was told to be stand up,do not lie,respect adults.only as i got older i had learned it was a lie. my folks lied, my teachers lied,my goverment lied, it blew my mind.. to me if you can arrest someone for these things without doing the same to the big companys that pollute and kill our people with there drugs.. than how can you claim you have honor. how can you say i put away the badguys.im not a fan of law enforcement.we have some in my family. its a debating bitch every holiday..my best wishes for this family.. but tell me? if he is energy does he not just move on ? i am used to walking this country from mountian to mountain.my freedom is my breath to my life.. i could not be caged and want to live.. i just could not
Very sad. Fact is our Governments are instrumental in the ruin of many many promising young people's lives, because they simply want the freedom to explore their own conciousness - which IMO is sovereign territory. I really hope we see an end to this madness very soon, although how likely that is, I don't know. Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
YES, the law sucks, especially when the laws are outdated , and morally wrong. We all know how it feels to realise that we are legally not truly free as we would like to be. It's funny how it's even considered respectable to do high risk adrenalin sports which can seriously injur or kill people, and put the lives of rescuers at risk, but it is illegal to use natures tools to explore ones mind in the safety of ones home. It's even funnier how it's legal to posess a firearm... The mind boggles!!! "Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
Christian, my mind boggles at this on a very regular basis. I try not to let it bum me out, but stories like this bring all the resentment and frustration bubbling right back to the surface again. Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3